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I wake up the next morning at six. I hop in the shower and then change into a tank and shorts. Then I mind link my pack. 'hey guys we will go into the back yard and have our own training then you guys can help with theirs.' I say and I hear everyone agree. I wake Summer and get her dressed for the day. Then I get Noah dressed and I grab his bouncy seat and I head out to the back yard and set the kids up with some games. Soon everyone is out from my pack and Aden and Rachel join the kids.

"Ok everyone I want you to do a set of push ups then I want you to do a set of sit ups. Then run two laps around the yard." I say as I do my own little exercises. Once everyone is done I tell them what to do next. "ok now I want everyone to pair up with a member of the same level. Dominic your with me." I say as I step to the side with him standing in front.

"Ok but don't use your magic on me it won't be fair." he whines like a little kid.

"Boo who, your just mad that I have power and you don't." I tease as we start circling each other.

"I have power over my pack which you don't."

"I get to train your pack so they are good fighters and that's when I can control them, heck I get to control you then." I say as I throw a punch which he blocks.

"Don't need to rub it in." he says as he throws a punch in which I block and then I kick him in the gut. He then bends over to hold his stomach to try to catch his breath. I take advantage of that and kick his feet out from under him, causing him to land on his back.

"You get him girl." I hear someone from Jakes pack yell. I notice that a few of them have gathered to watch the fight.

"Your lucky I have to train my daughter before I train them." I say as I walk away from him and over to Summer.

"My turn mommy?" she asks and I nod. "yay." She yells.

"Ok so show me what we learned last time." I say.

"With the leaves?"

"Yes." I say and she walks over to a pile of leaves. she closes her eyes and she makes them all float around her. "Good. Now move the pile over to the other side of the yard." I say. she them moves them and re-piles them. all of a sudden the clouds turn dark and completely cover the sky. The wind picks up and blows all the leaves around.

"Jay this isn't funny stop it your scarring the kids." Dominic yells.

"Its not me." I yell back.

"Mommy, I scarred." Summer says. I look around and I see Josh trying to make his way over to us.

"I Sense another witch." I hear someone yell. I look around and I see my mom charging towards us. Zander is following behind but keeping his distance. "You." she points to Summer and starts to stark her way over to us. I feel Summer hid behind my legs. "You are going to die."

"No she isn't because your not going anywhere near her."

"Really and what is stopping me?" she smirks and I hear Summer gasp.

"Mommy I can't breath." She chokes out.

"Stop it your hurting her." I yell.I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"That's the point, so shut up little girl or I will kill you next." She growls out.

"You wouldn't dare."

"And why is that?" she tests.

"Jay Don't do it." Josh yells.

"I have to she is hurting summer."

"Ok just know that I will always love you." he says.

"You wouldn't hurt me because I'm your daughter!" I yell and immediately she stops everything goes back to normal. I turn around and I grab my baby girl and hold her tightly to my body. Josh runs over and hugs us both.

"Is she ok?" Dominic asks as he runs over.

"Ya she's fine just has a lack of air." I look up and I see my mom stepping towards us.

"Jasmine I..." she starts.

"no don't you dare come anywhere near me mom. You almost killed my daughter."

"I didn't know, I thought you were dead."

"That was the point, I wanted you to think I was dead because this life is dead to me."

"But honey we are your family."

"No you were my family, now my new pack is my family. They respect me and don't treat me like a piece of dirt."

"Jasmine how could you." Zander yells. "You said you loved me and you would come back to me and then i found out you were dead. I hate you but it was all a lie." He yells and he runs away.

"Josh take Summer, I'm going after my brother. Dominic your in charge of training for today." I say as i hand him Summer and I take off running. I chase him out of the back yard and down the driveway that leads to the Betas house. once we reach the front door he slams it and locks it. I cast out my senses and I can feel him running up the stairs. I think of what the front entrance looks like and I pop inside. I run up the stairs but stop outside his door. I knock on the door.

"Go away." he yells.

"No Zander I have to explain."

"There nothing to explain." He shouts back. I give up on waiting for him to allow me to enter. So I get help from my magic. Now I'm in his room. He is laying down on his bed and is crying into his pillow. I look around and I notice that he has my letter that I wrote him. I walk over and grab the letter and sit on the side of his bed.

"Listen Zander, everything in the letter is true."

"But you said we weren't your family anymore." he says sitting up.

"No bud, mom, dad and this pack isn't my family anymore. You are and will always be my only family here."

"Thanks sis, but we have a little sister."

"We do?" I ask.

"Kinda of. When you left mom was pregnant and so took it really hard."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me?"

"With what even the magic wouldn't work if you were dead."

"Oh ya I forgot about that." I say.

"Come on i'll show her to you."

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