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"Jay it's Alex he escaped." The second the words come out of his mouth I drop my phone and feel my legs give out and I lean against the car.

"Jasmine what is it?" Zander asks as he runs over to me. Greg picks up the phone and talks to Nick. Then everything becomes a blur as I'm placed in the car and head back to the pack house. Once we get there we are moved in one of the pack SUVs with a bunch of guards and start out journey back to the other packs land. The dive was long and tiring for me. While I stayed up and worried that he might come for me, the kids slept since it was around their bed time when we left. His last word keep playing though my mind

"I will kill you if it's the last thing I do." I shudder at the thought and stare out the window watching the trees fly by as we come closer to the packs border and I feel my wolf start to pace in my head excited to see Josh again. It weird that she is fen with the fact that I'm with Josh and bit our mate but he knows it's for the best. I jump a little in my seat when I hear Noah start crying in the very quiet car. I unbuckle my self and reach over and grab him from beside where he is seated beside one of the guards.

"Hey baby." I coo as I tickle him to stop him from crying. I quickly grab a diaper from the diaper bag and change him and he stops crying. I notice that we are now back in the red moon territory and are pulling up to the spare house where Josh and Dominic are waiting outside. As soon as we stop Josh runs over to my side of the truck and rips open the door only to pull me into a tight hug.

"Thank god your ok." He mumbles before I can even say anything.

"Josh your squishing Noah." I say.

"Oh sorry buddy." He says to Noah as he let's me go and then we hear summer yell.


"Hey baby." He says as he gives him a hug. I barely get a chance to see it before Dominic pulls me into a hug but unlike Josh he makes sure that Noah isn't in the way and soon Rachel grabs Noah so he won't be squished anymore.

"Can someone please tell me why the heck there are six unannounced men on my territory." Jake demands when he suddenly appears beside me causing Dominic to release me from our hug only to pull me behind him shielding me from his view.

"Well there was matter in my pack where we had to rush some pack members back here and there need to be a few more guards here with us to ensure the safety of those pack members." Dominic says making this situation seem like a business matter. Which also causes Jake to Grail when he realizes that I'm that pack member.

"If my mate is in trouble my pack would protect her and your men can leave." He says trying to take control of the situation.

"Like hell we won't put my wife and kids life in the hand of your pathetic pack we will have our men stay with her at all times or neat if needed when she is with me or our alpha." Josh yells back at Jake before takin my hand and leading inside where a few of the guards already took the kids in. Summer and Noah are in the living room, Zander is playing with Aden and Faith is sleeping upstairs. A few minutes later Dominic sits beside me on the couch.

"Hey how you doing with all of this?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"It's hard ms his last words just keep replaying in my head." I says and I feel Josh's grip on my waist tighten as he remembers what happened.

"Don't worry we won't let him get anywhere near you or any of the kids that what's for the extra guards are for." Dominic says.

"Ya and you know Dominic and I will protect you with all of our power because you are our family." Josh says reinsuring me that he will protect our family.

"I know." I say and I lean into him.

"Mommy?" Faith yells from upstairs before we see her in tears.

"What's wrong baby?" I say as I untangle myself from the two boys and walk over to her and get on my knees so I'm at eye level with her and I give her a hug.

"I woke up and I was all alone I thought you left me." She says as I feel her cry harder. I pick her up an carry her over to one of the chairs across from the guys and rub her back while she cries.

"Honey we won't ever leave you ok." I say and I feel her nod.

"Ya faith I always wanted a sister and now that I got one I don't want to lose you." Summer says as she comes over and gives Faith a hug.

"Thanks Summer." Faith says.

"Ok so how about instead of being locked up here we go our and do something?" Dominic asks changing the subject.

"Ya let's go to the kids zone and then we can go and get pizza after." Josh says and I guess he did some exploring while we were gone.

"Ya that sounds good but first we have to change out of yesterday's clothes." I say as I grab the girls hands and bring hem upstairs. Noah doesn't need to be changed because I change him right before we got here. Once we get up stairs I dress both the girls in some summer dresses with a pair of leggings. Summer'a dress is an orangeie pink with four layers to the dress. Faith is wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps that have bows where the shoulders meet. Next I pick out jeans shorts with a purple tank top. Once we are finishes I grab the girls each a pair of flats and u gab my self some flip flops.

"Wow you girls look nice." Josh says as he walks into the room while I was pulling faiths hair into a pony tail.

"Thanks daddy." I says since the gels decided to just ignore him.

"Ok you guys ready to go?" He asks few girls.

"Ya!" They both yell before running out of the room.

"Ok let's go and have some fun." I sag and I pull Josh out of the room and back down to join our pack.

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