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Jasmines pov

After jumping off the swing I went into the woods and just walked around. Once I found a stream I decided to sit on a rock on the side and stick my feet into the cold water. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Josh I just want to be alone." I say not even looking but then the deep chuckle makes me turn around. "Who are you?" I ask but my voice comes out shaky.

"Oh come on you don't remember me well how about I show you." He says before he grips my arm tighter and pulls me up.

Josh pov


As soon as those words were said we all sprang into action. Rachel went into the safe room with the kids and Dominica and I ran into the forest following Jays sent. Once she came into view I saw someone standing behind her. "Oh come on you don't remember me well how about I show you." He says before he grips her arm tightly and pulls her up.

"Alex don't" I hear Dominic shout using his alpha tone."

"That doesn't work on me anymore dear friend, I am a rouge." He says and laughs.

"Please let me go." I hear Jay's shaky voice.

"Sorry honey no can do, I need you for a little while." He says as he tucks her bangs behind her ears.

"Don't touch her." I growl out.

"Now, now be nice you wouldn't want anything to happen to her now would we?" he asks.

"No, just leave her alone."

"But that's no fun, I wanna have some fun how about you dear?"


"I think she does wouldn't you think."

"Alex this isn't funny."

"Oh but it is." He says before he roughly pulls Jay closer to him.
"Now I'm going to leave and you going to let me."

"Like hell we are." I yell.

"Yes you are because I'm taking jasmine here and you can have her when I'm safely across the border." With that he leaves and drags Jay with him.

"Do we follow him?" I ask

"No he will smell us coming we will just follow about five minutes behind him."

"But what if he takes her I can't lose her again." I say.

"Josh he won't get away with it we will catch him and have Jay safe I won't allow her to get hurt anymore." He says and we wait a few minutes before we head on the direction where Alex took Jay. Once we get there i run over to her and grab her in my arms.

"Jay it's me Josh, wake up please." I beg to her it's then that I notice she has a cut on her head. "Dominic she's bleeding."

"Ok let's get her to the pack doctor." He yells and then we run Jay home.

Jasmine's pov

After he pulled me away I suddenly got a headache and soon memories started to fill my mine.


I saw me meeting Josh, Dominic and Alex when they saved me from my truck. I saw all the moment in which I feel in love with Josh, I see me walking down the aisle with my stomach swollen. And I could feel the happiness that I had when I did so. Alex with Aden and when I step up to save him. I see all the horrible things he did to me when I was in the cell. I felt every hit, slap, kick, and whip that he did to me. I felt the fear and sadness when I realized that I lost my baby, our baby. When him and his friends were drunk and wanted to have some fun. I saw the dark smoke that was filling the hall and the moment when I closed my eyes and let out one final scream before letting go.

Memories end

Once I back to the present I scream. "No, Alex please don't do this again."

"Ah so you remember now, don't worry dear jasmine I'm almost done with you for now but I will be back to finish what I have started." He says and then we walk for a few more minutes, well he walks and drags me.

"What do you mean your almost done with me now."

"I only came to check up on you, and may I say I sure did a number on you, maybe next time I could make it so it Stays that way, or maybe I'll keep you forever as my packs Luna."

"You won't get away with this."

"Oh but I have you see I've been watching you for a while until my men got caught. Maybe I should just kill you now an let everyone go of this whole situation. Such a shame you didn't spend the time I left you with to be with them. Sitting on a swing and watching everyone around you."

"Please don't kill me."

"I love to hear you beg but don't you worry your pretty little head, I still need you for my plan." He says and then covers my mouth with his hand. "Now enough talking more walking." Soon we reach the end of the territory and he stops for a moment. "Now we must part for now but I mean what I said earlier I will be back." He says and with that he pushes me into a tree knocking my head on its trunk. Soon my vision becomes blurry and I see his feet running away before everything goes black.

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