Angry mate

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After enjoying our day out we return back to the loaner house. during the ride all the kids in my car have fallen asleep. I step out of the car and walk over to Rachel's truck. "hey Zander can you carry in Faith?"

"Ya sure." He says as he grabs Faith and I grab Noah's car seat and set it on the ground. I reach to grab Summer but a hand grabs my shoulder.

"Here I'll grab her." I turn around and see Josh.

"Thanks after we get them to bed I have to talk to you." I say as we head into the house. "Rachel." I call as I get inside the house.


"Umm could Zander sleep with Aden."

"Ya sure I'm sure Aden would like that I'm going to put him to bed now." She says as she walks away.

"Jasmine where is Faith going to sleep?" Zander asks as he walks in after us.

'Whos Faith?' Josh asks though the mind link.

'My sister that my dad had locked in the basement. I could let them stay there so they are going to be living with us.'

'Ok sounds good and I'm sorry about your family.'

'Ya me too.'

"Come on ill show you." Josh says as he leads us upstairs. I put Noah in his crib while Josh puts the girls in some pjs. We'll have to go shopping to buy Faith her own clothes.

"Mommy!" Faith yells scared when she sees Josh.

"Faith I'm right here." I say as I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Can I sleep with you I scared of the dark because sir might come." She says and I feel her sobbing.

'Sir?' Josh asks.

'Thays what my dad made her call him am ten he would beat her.' I say cutting off my mind link.

"Ya you can sleep with me and Josh. Just let me change into my pjs." I say as I grab them an walk into the bath room. Once I'm changed I walk back out to the room and we crawl into bed with Faith between us. I watch as she fall back to sleep with in minutes.

"So do you want to talk?" Josh breaks the silence that we were sitting in.

"Not really." I say and then I mind link Dominic 'Dominic?'


'Do you think you can handle train the other pack for a couple of days I want to take a trip back home so that I can get the kids settled in.'

'Ya sure anything for you but will Josh be coming with you I don't want you to travel by your self?'

'No he is staying here anyway I don't have room for everyone so I was wondering if when we go back home can Zander ride with you and Rachel?'

'Ya no problem well I have to go to bed bow good night little sis'

'Night big bro'


"Yes honey?" He asks sounding half asleep.

"I'm taking the kids and are going home for a couple of days." I say and I see him sit up and look over to me."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I have to do this myself."

"Ok but I will miss you." He says kissing my forehead since I was still laying down.

"Me too now let..." I trail off when I hear Faith screaming. "Faith honey wake up." I say shaking her awake and I see her eyes pop open and tears are running down her face.

"Honey what's wrong?" Josh asks.

"I had a bad dream. I wad back in the basement and sir was hurting me and you tried saving me but then her shot you." She says making even more years fall down her face. "It felt so real." She crus holding into to me tightly.

"Shh everything's ok we won't let him hurt you anymore I promise." I say soothing her. Soon her sobs turn to hiccups and then we lay back down and she falls asleep soon followed by me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We wake up the next morning to Noah crying. I get up out of the bed but am pulled back down by Josh. "Hey let me get him you will have him the next couple of days."

"Fine but I'm getting up so I can pack a car bag for the kids." I say as I get up out of bed and decide to take a shower. After my shower I get dressed into a pair of sweatpants and one of Josh's shirts. By the time I'm done all the kids are up. I quickly pack the cat bag and then we go down stairs for breakfast. Josh makes everyone eggs and bacon. After we eat and have cleaned up Josh and I get the kids loaded into the car.

"Hey give me a call when you get there and just before you leave to come back." Dominic's says as he give me a hug.

"I will train them.." I say but get cut off by a growl coming from Jake as he and my dad come storming over to us. Josh grabs me around the waist and pulls me to him.

"What do we owe this honour?" Dominic asks but he just ignores him and steps towards me with his finger pointed at me causing Josh to pull me tighter then I thought possible.

"You are you trying to ruin my pack first you run away after rejecting me and now your taking the whole beta blood line away from this pack."

"Me rejecting you? Well you are dumber than I thought you rejected me not the other way around."I yell back.

"You are an ungrateful brat and give me back my children." My dad yells as he opens the back door to the car making Faith scream.

"Hey get away from them." Josh yells as he rips my dad away from the car and starts to punch him and we soon find him passed out on the ground.

"Jake you better get your beta in check or my pack will leave you here defenceless and go back home." Dominic says using his alphas voice causing me I cower back.

"Fine but only because we need your help but jasmine mark my words I will get you back just you watch." Jake yells back before stomping off towards his pack house.

"Is everyone ok?" I asks the kids and they nod the heads. "Ok good just give me a minute and then we will get in the road and buy some ice cream." I say and the girls yell yay.

"Ok promise to call me if you have any trouble and I will be right there." Josh says as he pulls me into a hug.

"I will I love you."

"I love you too. Ok have a good trip." He says and a I get in the car and pull out of the pack territory.


I know I don't do authors notes but I started a new account -story_lover and have posted a new story and another on the way. Please follow me!

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