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Jasmine point of view

"Who's Jay?" I ask.

"It's you." The lady standing beside my bed says.

"But my names is Jasmine not Jay." I say and I take this time to look around the room. There is three guys who I don't know and Jake the future alpha. I look at the girl who is looking at the ground and I had to look twice.

"Sam?" I ask not really sure. I girl looks up and I see relief in her eyes. She runs over and gives me a hug.

"Greg get that girl away from her." Jake snaps and I feel Sam stiffen.

"Jake shut it, that was her best friend but I thought she died years ago." The other guy in the room says and I feel this pull coming from him but it's slight.

"Who are you guys?" I ask as I let Sam go and she just stands awkwardly at the side of the bed until the Greg guy comes and wraps his arms around her and I can tell the way he looks at her that they are mates.

"Mommy!" I hear someone yell and I see a little girl run into the room and towards the bed but one of the guys stops her.

"Daddy, let me go I want mommy." The little girl says as she tries to wiggle out of the guys arms.

"Summer, mommy still isn't feeling good so we have to let her rest."

"But she was sleeping for a long time. Mommy help me." Summer says as she looks towards me.

"Here summer let's go watch tv before you go to bed." The younger boy says as he grabs the girl from her daddy.

"But uncle Zander I want mommy why doesn't she want me." I hear the little girl say a they leave the room. I feel a little but guilty about that but I don't know why.

"Sorry about that but she just misses her mom." Jake says front beside me.

"Ok but who are you guys?" I ask again.

"Oh sorry but my name is Greg and I guess you already know my mate and now I know her name." The guy with Sam says.

"I'm Dominic and this is my mate Rcahel." The guy that is standing by the door says when he is holding his mate. The last guy just stands there and I can tell that he is sad. All of a sudden he leaves the room and god down the stairs where we hear him slam the door.

"And that was Josh." Jake says. Then we hear a wolf howl and it sends shivers going down my back.

"Ok so my name is Jenna and I'm the pack doctor so I have to check you out. I want you all to leave so I can do so.




After the pack doctor checked me out she said that I was free to nice about and do whatever I wanted so I decided to go for a walk in the garden. "Jasmine?" My wolf asks as I feel her presence for the first time since I woke up.

"Jamie why can't I remember all these people that are around me?"

"You have been though too much for everything to come back I promise that in time you will remember everything." She says before she hides away in the back of the mind. Suddenly I smell the most amazing sent ever and I know that it's my mate. I follow the sent into the woods. After a few minutes of walking I see Jake in the woods making out with some girl. I gasp and he sees me and shows a look of shock on his face.

"Jasmine it's not what it looks like." He says as he let's go of the girl.

"Really cause it seems like your rejecting me..." I say but I trail off as a memory shows in my head. The one of him rejecting me in the halls of the school."again." I whisper out before I run as fast as I can away from him.

Jakes pov

After the pack doctor told everyone to leave I went to the room I was saying in in the pack house. I say in my bed and thought of what I should do. 'Should I take advantage of the fact that she doesn't remember me doing the stupidest thing in the world or do respect what she would have wanted' but before I could decided there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I say and I see that its my pack slut one of the few members that came here with me when we brought Jasmine back.

"Sorry alpha but I thought I would check if you were ok." She says and I have to admit that she isn't like all sluts she doesn't take advantage of all the guys in the pack.

"I'm fine but can I show you something." I asks.

"Ya." And with that I take her hand and pull her into the woods. I find a node clearing with a log in the middle. So in pull her over there and start to kiss her and she responds right away. After a few minutes I hear a gasp and I look up from the girl I was kissing and I see Jasmine and I can feel the of shock that must be showing on my face since I haven't made up my decision on whether or not to try and get back what's rightfully mine.

"Jasmine it's not what it looks like." I say and i let go of the girl in my arms.

"Really cause it seems like your rejecting me..." She says but trails off for a minutes before she whispers "again." before running as fast as she can away from me. Watching her retreating figure I see that I should of tried to get her back.


20,000 reads! Thanks so much to everyone that is reading my book and I hope you keep reading it. Thanks again.

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