The end of Jasmine

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I drive for a while and soon it starts to snow. I can't believe that its snowing at the end of April. I drive all through the night and I can barley see the front of my truck so I pull over to the side of the road and I soon feel myself drifting off. I wake up the next morning and I see that the snow has stopped and I can now see to drive. So I start up my truck and I start to drive again. I have no idea where I'm going to go but I have to go really slow because the road is very slippery. I soon find myself sliding into a tree. I feel my arm slam into the side of the truck and before I know it the would goes black.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I wake up to the sound of my door being ripped from its place. I scream and then I sniff the air and I can smell three wolves. There is a lot of power in the air. I soon realise that I can't feel my arm and then I feel two strong arms pull me out from the truck. I look up and see they are all males. The one that pulled me from the truck brings me over to a tree and places me at the bottom. he then backs away and stands with the other two. I grab my arm which just causes my arm to throb. "Rouge, we will get you help but first you have to answer a few questions." The tall guy with black hair and blue eyes says. I can feel the power coming off of him and I can tell that he is the alpha.

"I will answer what ever you want." I say.

"ok first off what is your name."

"My name is Jasmine"

"What are you doing on my land?"

"I was running from my old pack and I got stuck in the storm and I had to pull over for the night then I stated driving again and I ending up sliding into the tree."

"Why were you running from your pack." the second one asks . He had brown hair and had brown eyes.

"Well I was bullied but they never hurt me so they just bullied me a lot and then I found out that the soon to be alpha was my mate and he rejected me so I ran. I know that as soon as they found out that I left they would come looking for me because I was suppose to be the beta and now the Luna. Please don't make me go back, kill me, torture me do whatever you want just don't make me go back." I say and I feel the tears fall down my face. The second guys turns and runs into the trees and I see the guy that pulled me out of my truck walk over to me. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"Please don't cry." He says as he leans down and gives me a hug. I see that his eyes have clouded over and he is talking to someone.

"Please don't make me go back." I say again and I feel the tears come faster.

"We won't make you go back Jasmine." The alpha says.

"Ya we wouldn't make someone as pretty as you to go back to a place where people treat you like crap." The one who pulled me out of the truck says.

"Jasmine would you like to join our pack." The alpha asks.

"Umm can I at least know your names before I answer that."

"Oh sorry, I'm Dominic and I'm the alpha of the silver moon pack and this is.." I cut him off.

"Wait did you say the silver moon pack?" I ask and he nods his head. "But that means your the most powerful pack in the country."

"Yup and as I was saying this is Josh, he is the third in command and that guy that was here was my beta Alex." Dominic says. "so would you like to join?"

"Yes I would thank you very much."

"Your welcome and now lets go and get your arm checked out." he says as he starts to wall way. I go to stand up but Josh picks me up and carries me.

"You know I can walk right?"

"Ya but walking could cause you to move your arm which will cause you pain."

"Oh thanks." I say as we walk though the woods until we come across a five story house. I thought our pack house was big with three floors but this one makes us look like a normal house. We walk inside and I get a few looks from the other wolves before we get to the basement stairs which we go down and arrive in what looks like a hospital. We walk into one of the rooms and Josh sets me down on bed. After a few hours I have a cast on my arm because the doctor said it was broken. Josh shows me around the house and then shows me to my new room which is on the fourth floor.

"Well this is your room and my room is across the hall. Dominic's wife has left you a pair of pjs and I will take you shopping tomorrow for new clothes."

"Actually I have some clothes in my truck." I say.

"Oh ya about that your truck was found on fire a few minutes after we left so it was a good thing we got to you in time."


"Ya ok so i'll leave you to get some rest and I will see you tomorrow." he says as he turns to leave the room.

"Oh and Josh thanks for everything."

"Your welcome Jasmine."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Over the next few months I got closer to my new pack. I have gotten close to everyone. Josh and I are now engaged and are expecting. We let the police find my truck and it was on the news that I was in the truck. So now my old pack thinks I'm dead. Dominic is like a brother to me and his wife is the best person ever and she just found out she is pregnant. I have become stronger and now I'm the warrior. So the pack warrior, and the Luna are pregnant people are excited. I am three months along and Rachel Dominic wife is five weeks. Everything is good.

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