Sans X Singer!Reader

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Kings and Queens

"Come on Sans! I don't want to miss the performance!" Frisk yelled while dragging sans by the arm. Frisk and Sans are on their way to a concert to see The Bad Girls(bare with me).
"Jeez, Hold your horses, Kid. I know a short-cut." With that Sans teleported them both to the front row of the concert. Frisk immediately through up.
"How many times do I have to tell you. . . WARN ME FRIST!" Frisk yelled while wiping their mouth.
"Heh, I did." Sans chuckled.  The crowd soon started to cheer loudly and chanting the band name.
"Now shh, They are starting." Frisk shushed Sans and looked to the stage.
"MEN AND WOMEN, MONSTERS AND HUMANS, THE BAD GIRLS!" Someone yelled announcing The Bad Girls. The crowd went wild.

Y/n PoV:

"Ready girls ?" I asked Lilly and Willow. Lilly was a blonde with blue eyes and little freckles. She held a blue electric guitar. Willow was a black fox Neko, she had long jet black hair with the ears and tail to match it and big green eye. She held a green electric base.
"Ready!" they answered in unison.
"MEN AND WOMEN, MONSTERS AND HUMANS, THE BAD GIRLS!" Fred yelled announcing us and the crowd went wild. We slowly walked to the middle of the stage and started to play.

Bold: Y/n
Italic: Willow
Underline: Lilly

If all of the kings had their queens on the throne 
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

Can't live without me, you wanna, but you can't, no, no, no
Think it's funny, but honey, can't run this show on your own
I can feel my body shake, there's only so much I can take
I'll show you how a real queen behaves, oh

No damsel in distress, don't need to save me
Once I start breathin' fire, you can't tame me
And you might think I'm weak without a sword
But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours

If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

Disobey me, then baby, it's off with your head
Gonna change it and make it a world you won't forget, oh-oh, oh
No damsel in distress, don't need to save me
Once I start breathin' fire, you can't tame me
And you might think I'm weak without a sword
But I'm stronger than I ever was before

If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

In chess, the king can move one space at a time
But queens are free to go wherever they like
You get too close, you'll get a royalty high
So breathe it in to feel the love

If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

As I sang, I saw a skeleton in the front row with a human child and the skeleton stared at me with awe. I felt a small smirk surface to my mouth. 'Looks like I'm going to be seeing them Two backstage.' I thought. Soon we finished the song, we walked backstage.
"Yes, I can't believe we did it." Cheered Lilly.
"Yeah, I know that was one of our newly released songs and everyone seemed to love it" Willow added.
"Alright Girls, we have fans to met in the back" I instructed them.  Once in the back, I saw like 5 or 6 humans and 1 or 2 monsters. One of the monsters was the skeleton I saw in the front row. Fred leads us to the autograph table and then told the fans to get into line. I saw that the Skeleton and the kid were in the way back of the line. 'Darn, I wanted to talk to them as soon as possible.' I thought as I pouted.
"Hey, Y/n, what's got you all down?" Lilly whispered to me.
"Oh it', nothing important" I reassured.

//Time Skip//

"Sans, Look I'm finally going to meet them. Most importantly I'm going to my Y/n, the lead singer." Frisk cheered. Sans had a love-struck gaze and didn't respond to Frisk. Frisk turned around and saw Sans's gaze.
"So who is the one?" They asked teasingly.
"W-what, What do you mean?" Sans asked.
"Which one of 'The Bad Girls' make you pinpricks turn into hearts?" Frisk asked casually. Sans face grew blue.
"I-I d-don't know w-what your t-talking about" Sans says while studdering. Frisk's face turned smugged.
"Next in line." The Person who introduced the band called out. Frisk walked up to the table with a blue face Sans behind them.
 "Umm, Hi I'm Frisk and this is . . . my friend Sans." Frisk introduced themselves while Sans was unresponsive. 
"Hi, Frisk and um . . . Sans. What would you like to talk about?" Y/n asked.
"Oh I was wondering if you guys could sign this CD and Ms. Y/n, this might sound creepy but could you give my friend sans here your number. I have a feeling that he likes you." Frisk explained.
"Wait, Frisk why would you say that?" Sans asked while getting back to the world. Frisk opened their mouth to respond but Y/n spoke up.
"No, I would be glad to give you my number." Y/n then wrote her number down on CD and handed it to Sans. " Don't forget to call, I'll be waiting. Come on girls, we got stuff to pack up." and with that, the band was gone.
"Hell yeah, I'm going to rub this into Chara's Face when we get home." Frisk cheered as they fisted pumped the air. Sans just stood there, dumbstruck about what just happened.
"She gave me her, number." He spoke softly. I started at the CD in his hands.
"Hey, look you're finally going somewhere this time. You're going to have a girlfriend by the end of this year. Papyrus is going to be so proud." Frisk said as they patted Sans on the back." Now come on, Mom is going to worry."
"Why you, you're going to pay for this?"
"What did I do wrong? I got you a potential girlfriend. Come on your driving me home." Frisk said and started walking towards the parking lot. 
"Heh, I guess your right kid. This is a good thing." Sanas stared at the CD.
"Sans, Come on you Lazybones."
"Alright, I'm coming.

Y/n, You should be getting a call by the end of the night.



Ok sorry for the terrible ending, I didn't know how to end it. So I'll let your imagination take you places. I tried to keep Frisk as gender neutral as possible.

-Marlinthedragon out

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