Dust X Reader

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Karaoke Night

Y/n PoV:

"Duuuuuuuuussssssssst. I'm boooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrred." I nagged at Dust who was on the couch in the living room.

"Well, it's not my problem" He answered annoyedly.

"Ooooooooo, Can we go to the new Karaoke Bar that opened up in the UnderSwap?" I suggested.


"What, why not?"

"Cause I said so."





"What the HELL is going on here?" asked Nightmare as he walked into the living room.

"Big Brother! I was bored and asked Dust to take me to the new Karaoke Bar in Underswap but he keeps saying 'no'" I said while pouting. Nightmare isn't really my blood-related brother but my chosen brother. He found me after a big storm in my au, which caused it to be erased.

"Dust, take my sis- I mean your girlfriend to the Karaoke Bar in Underswap. It's an order" Nightmare ordered and walked off to his throne room. I looked back at Cross with bright eyes.

"One, She's not my girlfriend and fine. Get ready and let's go." Dust said sounded not too enthusiastic. Getting super excited, I quickly got up and ran to my room. As I was running I passed by Swapfell.

"Hey, Razz."

"Hey, Y/n. Whoa there, Y/n, what's the big rush?" Razz asked while stopping me. I could hold in my excitement, so I was bouncing on my feet.

"Oh, it's nothing really. Just going to get ready, so Dust and I can go to the new Karaoke bar in Underswap."

"Ooh, like a Date?" He asked teasingly.

"Uhh, I think so?"

"Well knowing you, you would need help with picking an outfit." He suggested while looking me up and down. I looked at my clothes, I was wearing an f/c cropped hoodie, black leggings with rips, and knee-high snow boots with white fluff at the rim.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing ?" I asked.

"You got style, I'll give you that, but this is not the kind of things you wear to a date. Not even for a Karaoke bar. Now come on, you have a date to get ready for." Razz said and started pushing me into my room.

//Small Timeskip//

"Aaaaannnnnndddddd there." Razz said with the last stroke of my eyeliner. He then turned my chair around to face my mirror on my makeup table. The eyeshadow faded my skin tone to my f/c and the eyeliner was flawless.

 The eyeshadow faded my skin tone to my f/c and the eyeliner was flawless

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