Horror x Reader

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Panic Attack

I skipped down the halls of Nightmare's castle with a shit eating grin. I decided that I'm going to be a b*tch and pick on Cross. Just going to point out that he looks like a cow, which is something he is deeply afraid of. Everything was going fine till I passed Horror's room. His door was cracked open. I heard muffled growls and scratching coming from the darkness of the room. I opened the door more to put my head through. His room was pitch black, the only light you can see was from his eye.
"Horror?" I called to him. I got no answer. I opened the door all the way to find Horror on his bed with his claws digging into his skull.
"Horror are you okay?" I asked waking close to him. He let out low deep growl. I took a step back, think he was about to attack me but I notice he's not even looking at me. I walked closer to him. He had a creepy grin on his face with eye wide open. He looked scared.
"H-hey, buddy snap out of it." I told him, placing my hand onto his shoulder. In the blink of the eye, Horror jumped at me. He pinned me to the floor, growling viciously. The only thing stopping him from mauling my face was his axe handle. He bit into it, dripping black spit everywhere.
"Horror what's wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. He starting to push down onto the handle. I struggled to keep him up.
"Come on, this isn't you. What happened to my teddy bear!" I yelled as I started to cry. My arms started to shack. I could feel them getting weak. I started to hear snapping. I looked to the handle, it was breaking.
"Damnit, wake up, please!" I cried out. Then there was a loud snap.
"NOOOO!" I screamed as I closed my eyes.
Nothing happened. I soon felt something wet drop onto my face. I slowly opened my eyes, to see Horror awake. He was crying. He looked even more scared than before.
"Please, tell my I didn't hurt." He sobbed out. I gave him a soft smile and brought my hand to his face.
"No, no I'm alright." I said softly as I creased he's face. I saw his arms shack, struggling to hold him up. Horror then collapse on top of me, crying into my chest.
"Shh, it's okay. Cry it out." I said as I hugged him.
We laid on the floor what seemed like hours. Horror finally stop crying and just laid cuddling into me. Horror slowly, and eventually fell asleep on top of me. Or so I thought.
"Hey, Y/n have you seen . . . "
"Shhh, shut you ugly fat mouth the bear is sleeping." I whispered yelled to Dust as he walked into the door way.
"Am I interrupting something?" Dust ask leaning against the doorway, grinning.
"N-no, go away before he wakes." I said as my face exploded with blush.
"Fine fine. Only cause I hate how cranky he gets when he is woken up." Dust said as he started to walk off.
"Hey can you shut the door?" I asked. The door then glowed and purpleish blue and was closed quietly. The room was pitch black. The only things I could see was the alarm clock blinking on the nightstand and Horror. I felt my eyes getting heavy. I yawned while rubbing my eyes. I lean forward and kissed Horror on top of his head.
"I love you, my big teddy bear." I said I difted into a deep sleep.

//3rd PoV//
Still shacken about the fact he almost hurt you, Horror laid awake.
"I love you too." Horror spoke softly as he barriered his face deeper into your chest. For real this time fell asleep.

The End

650 Words
Okay, I know it's short and it's been a while since I last updated but I have been busy. And what I mean by that I mean lazy. I have some ideas but I haven't finished them. I keep losing motivation. Anyways, I hope y'all loved this.

-Marlinthedragon out

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