G!Sans X Reader

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Breakup Rage

"Honey, I'm home." You said as you walked into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. You didn't receive an answer.
"Babe?" You called out again. You then started to hear loud thump followed by some muffled grunts and moans. You started to walk down the hallway to the shared bedroom. The noises started to get louder and louder with each step. You opened the door to find you boyfriend screwing around with some beach blond chick.
"Y/n!?" Your boyfriend yelled with confusion.
"I want you out" You spoke. "YOU HEAR ME. I WANT YOU OUT, WE ARE DONE, I WANT YOU AND ALL YOUR SH*T OUT OF MY HOME BEFORE I COME BACK." You screamed as you ran out the out the door. You slammed it shut as dogs started to bark at the sudden raise of volume. You ran out the build and down the street.
You ran and ran till you came up to a bar. You decided you wanted to drink your sorrows away. You walked in and sat at the bar not caring your the only human there.
"I'll take a a/d(alcoholic drink), please." You requested to the flame monster behind the counter. He poured your drink and slid it over to you. You caught it and took a long sip. You noticed that it was extremely quiet for a bar full of monsters. You looked around to see everyone was stairing at you. Due to your pissed state you spoke before thinking.
"What the hell are you looking at?" You growled out. Everyone then immediately went back to whatever they were doing before. You finished your drink and slight slammed that glass to your counter. Your head soon followed, making a thud onto your arms. Tears started to spill quietly.
"What got you so down, Sweetheart?" A deeper, raspy voice asked. You looked up to find a skeleton with cracking in his skull. One crack went up from his left eye and one went down from his right eye. He had warm looking, yellow pinprick rings.
"Nothing much, just crying of someone who cheated on me some random chick." You said asked the bartender for another drink.
"He probably taking her out to some cheep ass karaoke bar. Dancing around as people sang their hearts out, laughing." You took a sip of your refill.
"Heh, he spending all his money on some Furity little drinks cause she can't handle the burn of whiskey." You said as it brought a small smile to your lips.
"Hmm, what would you do if you found this bar?" The skeleton asked. "I'm G by the way." You turned to G and gave him a mischievous smile.
"I would smash up his new four drive. Take my key and dig it into the paint. Then ruin the seats with my name. Then take my father's bat to the windows and headlights. And finally leaving it with four slashed tires." You said finishing off the rest of your drink. You went to ask for another one but G stop you.
"I think you had enough, sweetheart. I got so friends around, so do you want to find this vehicle and maybe I don't know . . . distore it" G says as he smirked. You think it was the slight buzz you had but you were over joyed.
"I would love too but how do I know your not trying to kidnap me?" You asked.
"Cause this is the bar and vehicle, right?" G showed me a picture of the truck and the same bar he took me to on our first date.
"That's that place, how did you-"
"I have my ways. So is that a yes or-"
"Hell yeah. It's a date!" You cheered as you hopped off your bar sit. "But I got to head home first so I can get my father's bat." You walked out the bar leaving G a yellow mess.

//At the bar//

"We're here" G says as he parked the truck. You looked outside the passenger window looking like a child on Christmas morning. You grabbed you bat and keys.
"Let's roll" You said as you somewhat kick open the door. You closed the the door behind and jiggles your keys. "You coming?" You turned and alsed G through the window.
"Yeah yeah." G said and followed you out the truck to your Ex's Truck. You cat walked to the front of of the truck. You dug your key and dragged it across the side of it.
"Aw yeah, that sounded like long nails on a chalkboard." You smiled with satisfaction. You turned to G and tilted your head to the truck. G smirked and snapped his fingers, four sharp bones penetrated through the tires. You let out a small giggle. You used your keys to open the door of the truck and climbed in. You faced to the seat and started to carve you name into to seats. G then used some bones to rip holes into the seats. You step out of the truck, picked up the bat, and climbed up on the hood of the truck. You brought the bat above up over you head.
"YOU FUCKEN CHEATING BASTARD!" You yelled as you brought down the bat. The bat collided with the window shattering it to peices. The alarm  started to blare.
"Sh*t" G whispered. His eye glowed yellow as his hand motions to his truck. You then went flying into the truck as the door slammed behind. G suddenly appeared in to the car and slammed the gas. His tires screamed as he pulled out of the parking lot. You  fell harshly forward on to the floor.
"Ow" You  groaned.
"Oh, Sorry. You alright, Sweetheart?" G asked looking at you as he slowed down.
"Yeah" You answered as You sat up rumbing your head. You pulled yourself into the seat and buckled in. "That . . . " As you spoke you could see G slowly sinking into his seat.
"Was F*CKEN AMAZING!" You screamed as threw your arms in the air with excitement. G sat up straight up and leaned to the door, when he heard your answer.
"Glad you had fun. We at your house."  G sans pulling up to my home.
"Thanks for the good time." You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. You watch him turn yellow as you handed him a piece of paper. "Call me, cause I want some more of that fun." Yoiu then walked out of the truck and to the door and closed it. When you closed the you slid to the floor as you bursed into a hot blush.

G stared to the door with a love filled gaze.
"Jeez, she is a keeper." He said as he drove off.

The End

1137 words
Ik the might be trash but I had to get something out. Again plz if you have any ideas but comment them, plz.
- Marlinthedragon Out

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