Dance x Reader

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Dancing In The Night Rain

I jumped as thunder echoed through the house, shacking it to it's core.
"God that scared me." I say as I place a hand over me beating heart. I notice how dry my throat felt. "Damn, I need some water. It feels like I swallowed a cup of sand." I said as I placed the book I was reading face down onto my bed. I tossed the fluffy blanket that covered me aside and crawled off the bed. I stepped onto the cold floor, grabbed my phone with headphones and headed out the door. Before I placed my headphones in, I could hear the pitter patter of the rain against the roof of the house as I walked down the hall. I as I made my way downstairs in spotted Frisk practicing their pirouettes.
"Hello Frisk, keep up the good work." I say I give them a small smile. They waved as continue turn and then gave me thumbs up when they faced me again. I could feel their determination as I walked into the kitchen. I connected my headphones and started to play music. My foot started to have a mind of it's own, taping to the rythm of the music. Next thing I knew I was swaying my hips. I slowly made my way to the cabinet that had the cups in it. I opened as I started to shack my butt. Grabbing a cup, I skipped over to the sink. I tried my best to stay still while filling cup, since the music has completely taken over my body. Once the cup was filled I took and sip and set it into the counter. I smiled as I started to spin. I was enjoying myself as I moved freely around the kitchen. I spinned once more but this time I was caught. Confused I looked up to find Sans holding me. I smiled. We started to do a waltz.
"It's not fair that you can only listen to music." I heard Sans chuckled as he dipped my one last time. I laughed with him as I took my headphones out.
"If you wanted to listen to music you could have disconnected my headphones." I said as I walk on over to my water. I looked out the window as I chugged down my water.
"I wish I would stop raining." Sans broke the scilence as walked up next to me.
"Why would you want that?" I asked.
"Well if it wasn't raining then we could go to the dance studio. We could dance outside."
"If it wasn't raining to would have been to late anyways. It like . . ." I looked over the clock above the stove. "It's 9:30. Way to late to be dancing."
"Yeah but still." Sans agreed as let out a bored sigh. We both stared out the window, watching as the rain drops danced down the glass of the window. I placed my had to the glass, feeling the coldness. An idea popped into my head. I smirked as I looked over to Sans.
"Sans follow my real quick." Before he could answer I dragged him to the front door. I swung it open.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Sans questiones as regained his balance. I turned to him with a big bright smile. I giggled lightly and ran out into the rain.
"Y/N!?" Sans shouted at me with alarm.
"Come on Sans, the water nice." I shouted. I smiled. I opened my arms wide while looking to the sky, feeling the cold water hit my face.
"WOAH, come on, it's lonely dancing alone!" I shouted as I started to kick a beep puddle that was forming in front of me. I saw Frisk come to the door. I waved them over, which they smiled. They ran head first into the pouring rain, jumping in a puddle next to me. They splashed me as we both laughed. Papyrus soon came downstair to see the commotion.
"HUMANS, MY ASGORE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He questioned with a puzzled expression.
"Dancing in the rain Papyrus. Come join us." I say as I hold out a hand to him.
"ARE YOU SURE,Y/N THE HUMAN?" Papyrus asks as he waivers by the door.
"Yes I'm sure, it'll be fun." I reassured still holding my hands out. Papyrus hesitated, but then finally walking out to take my hand. We both started to dance. Quickly going it's a tango. Kicking up water as we go. Papyrus spinned me handing me over to Frisk. Frisk and I both jumped into a puddle and started to spin each other around. After a while, I spinned Frisk over to Papyrus. The two danced getting lost in each other's movements. I smiled brightly as I turned over to Sans, who was still lingering by the door. I slowly made my way over to him, kicking and splashing in puddles.
"Why are by the door? You said you want to dance outside." I say in a teasing tone.
"I didn't mean out in the rain."
"Aw, come on. The rain is nice." I say as I grabbed his hands. I intertwined my fingers with his. Strangely, his hands were warm next to my cold ones. Before Sans could utter a word I pulled him away from the door. We both plunged into the pouring rain. I jumped into a puddle getting Sans soaked.
"See doesn't this feel good." I say as I leaned my head towards the sky.
"Yeah its not so bad." I heard Sans sigh. I soon felt a hand snake around my waist. I smirked knowung what you happy next. In a blink of a eye I was tossed into the air. I smile feeling the air beneath me. I spinned, shacking off water. I started to fall back down to be ctah my a strong pair of arms. I looked sans in his eyes. Mirroring the crying sky. Sans slowly leaned down to my face, closing the gap between our lip(s)?. When we meet if felt like the world had stopped around us. Like nothing else matters but us two. The kiss was deep a passionate. We pulled away slowly. I smiled as we both got lost in each other eyes. I wish this moment cold last forever, but mother nature had other plans. I sneezed.
"Time to go inside." Sans said as he picked me up bridal style. "Frisk, Papyrus let's get inside before somelse gets a cold." Sans shouted to the other two and headed inside.

//Time skip//
I sat on the couch, in dry cloth and a warm blanket. My was running a track race, and my body shivered like crazy.
"Here put this on your feet." Sans said as he handed my a hot water bottle. I gabbes the bottle and placed it at my feet, smiling at the warmth. Sans sat next to, wrapping an arm around me.
"I had fun today even though I got sick in the end." I say leaning into him. "And Thank you."
"What for?" Sans questioned.
"For the kiss. It was the highlight of my night." I say.
"No need for that cause I will gladly do it again." Sans leaned down giving me another kiss. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around him. I am truly going to be looking forwards to these in the future.

The End

1244 Words
God, I wish this can happen right. I mean the dancing in the rain part not the kissing. I mean that would be good but no. Anyways I hope you loved this. Please Comment any suggestions.
- Marlinthedragon out

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