Sans x Reader

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First Date

"Boss is going to kill me," I say aloud to myself as I ran down the street struggling to make myself look presentable.
I overslept and was running late to a very important meeting that could change the course of my career. I work as a mechanic scientist that is working on a project involving the human soul. We plan to use the soul to help recreate life after it has been declared gone. In other words, bring people back to life.
I was running down the street with papers in one hand and my toolbox in the other. Being in such a rush I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, as I turn the corner I collided with something hard yet squishy. I fell to the floor, flat on my ass. I looked up to see what or who I ran into. I saw a skeleton monster standing over me with a concerned look on its face.
"Oh my Asgore, I am so so so SO sorry please forgive me," I said as I quickly got up and started to bow. I looked to the floor and notice my papers were everywhere. All of a sudden a small breeze blew by bringing my papers along with it.
"No no NOO!" I yelled as I chased my papers around. The papers flew around in the air just out of my reach. I jumped trying to grab some but failed miserably.
"I'm going to die today," I say as I felt a gloomy cloud form over me. I then heard a small ping. All of the papers froze with a soft blue glow around them. They slowly and with grace floated towards me. They stacked neatly into my hands. The soft blue glow disappeared.
"There you go." I heard a deep lazy voice spoke. I turned around to see the skeleton from earlier.
"Ahh, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. You didn't have to help but thank you anyway. I best be going, I shouldn't take any more of your time." I apologize and thanked the skeleton. I tried to walk off but was stopped.
"I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton. And may I know your name, lovely?" The skeleton is now known as Sans asked. I froze at the name.
"W-wait, Sans? Sans as in the head scientist of the Resurrection Project?" I asked.
"Umm, yes?" Sans answered as he looked confused about the comment.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. I'm one of the mechanic scientists. I work under you. Heh, you're probably too busy to even notice, which is totally fine, cause your work is really important and -"
"Oh, I know you. I heard much about you. You're quite the mechanic." Sans complimented as he cut me off. I began blushing from embarrassment as I realized I was rambling again.
"Aren't you the lead scientist, shouldn't you already be at the meeting?" I asked as I unconsciously pointed down the road.
"Heh, I'm not known for being on time." Sans laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Well I got to get going to my boss is going to kill me for being late."
"I know a short cut give me your hand," Sans told me as he held out his hand.
"Just trust me, okay?"
I grabbed his hand, then he quickly pulled me close to him. I blush at how close I was to him.
"Hold on tight and close your eyes," He told me. I closed my eyes tight and I gripped onto his sweater.
I felt the floor underneath disappear. I felt like I was floating. I then felt a tingling feeling spread through my body and the floor reappeared underneath me.
"You can open your eyes now," Sans reassured. I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around and notice we were outside the office that held the meeting.
"Thank you. I owe you one." I say as we walked into the office filled with scientists.
"Y/n, where have you been the meeting has started 30 minutes ago!" My boss, Richard or Mr. Dick, yelled at me. Before I could explain myself, Sans cut in.
"It's my fault I asked Mx. L/n to discuss some plans before the meeting. I guess we just lost track of the time." Sans explained as we took our seats.
"Thanks, I owe you double," I whispered to Sans.
"My apologies Boss." Richard apologized. I smirked at the sight, he's such an ass that this is a sight to see.

//Timeskip Cause I'm lazy//

After the meeting, I got promoted to head Mechanic. Which is good, cause I won't have to deal with Mr. Dick anymore.
I was about to walk out of the meeting room when Sans cleared his throat.
"Um, Y/n, Are you free around, I don't know, 6 o'clock today?" Sans asked.
"I think so why is that?"
"I just wanted to cash in one of my favors and have you go on a date with me? Only if you want to."
"Oh, I would love to. See you at 6." I smiled and walked off.
The rest of the day I have been in a bubbly haze.
"Are they okay?" Whispered one coworker to another.
"Word has it that they have a date with the Head Scientist."
"What? You don't say"
"Oh yes. Apparently, after the meeting, he asked them out and they said yes. Ever since then they have been in such a lovestruck haze that they been saying yes to everything." Chuckled the other coworker.
"It's cute." Joined in the first one. They both walked off laughing softly.

//Timeskip Cause I'm lazy//

I sat at my desk listening to time tick by. Being the head Mechanic involves lots of paperwork.
My head fell to the desk making a thud. I groaned.
"Ugh, this paperwork is making my head hurt." I looked up to the clock that was just above the door. '5:55' it read.
"Oh, shot. It's almost time for the date." I scrambled around my office grabbing all the paperwork and placed it neatly on a pile on my desk. While I was straightening up my desk, I heard a knock at my door. I turned around to find Sans.
"You ready?" He asked as he averted eye contact. 
"Of course. I was just tidying up a few things before the date." I say as I reached for my coat.
"Here let me help." Sans grabbed my coat and helped me put it on.
"Thank you so much." We walked out of my office as I locked the door I asked. "So where is Mr. Sans the skeleton taking me on this fine night?"
"Oh, that's a surprise." He said as he held out his hand. As I reached for it he pulled me close again. I gasped at the sudden action.
"Just close your eyes it's a shortcut," Sans reassured.
"Okay." I smile softly and I closed my eyes. The floor then disappear underneath me again and I felt like I was floating. My feet soon landed on something soft. I could hear the sound of running water surrounding me. The smell of clean air filled my lungs. 
"You can open your eyes now" Sans whispered into my ear. My eye fluttered open to a wonderful sight. Everything was dark except the blue glow of the flowing water and flowers around us. I gasped at the sight.
"Wait is this Waterfall? I always dreamed of seeing this place, but with my job  could never find the time." I stood in awe of the sight.
"I know" Sans spoke up behind me. Confused I turned to him, showing him my confusion. " I overheard you talking about it in the break room with Alphyss." Embarrassed, Sans looked away as he scratched to back of his neck.
"I also heard from Alphyss that you love going on picnics." Sans step aside and revealed a picnic set up on the river bed. I gasped as I cover my mouth in surprise. 
"You didn't?" I questioned quietly as walked over to the picnic. Sans gestured me over to sit down as he began to sit. I sat down still in shock. Sans began to dig through the basket pulling out my favorite drink, f/d, and my favorite food, f/f. I was think that this was all just a coincidence. Then it clicked. My surprised expression turned to one of smugness. Sans looked up at me, confused by my expression.
"What?" He asked.
"You asked Alphyss what I like.  You did your research before asking me out. Running into you this morning was no coincidence, Was it?" I asked.
"Wha-What are you talking about?" 
"You planned this for who knows how long? Make sure it was perfect" I continued as I began to crawl over to Sans
"I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Y/n" Sans looked away from me, leaning back.
"You're so bad at lying you know that Sans." I laughed as I got closer to him.
"Fine, you got me. This was planned, all of it." Sans confessed. "I always wanted to ask you out from the first time I saw you. I guess I kinda fell hard. You probably think it's weird." Sans looked back at me. Our faces were so close. I felt my face heat up. 
"I think it's, cute." I leaned in closer, but this time Sans didn't pull further back. "I think it's slightly romantic. But if you wanted to get to know me all you could have done is asked. I would have said yes."
"I didn't I know that," Sans said as he lean in as well. His face was now completely blue and I bet mine is red as a tomato. We just sat there staring into each other eyes, looking between our eyes and mouths. 
"May I kiss you?" Those words echoed between us. They began to be repeated from the flower around us.
"Yes." With that the gap between our lip(s and teeth) 

The End


1648 words

God, I hate it when you have no motivation for anything. Also when your brain can't form sentences that make sense, or you have too much build-up and such a bad ending. Anyways I hoped you like it and if you have any ideas don't be afraid to suggest them 

-Marlinthedragon out

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