Killer x Reader

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So as you know from song, their is not a perfect family. Killer is you brother and you guys are both in high school. He's in his senior year and you're in your freshmen.

An empty bear bottle got thrown against a wall hard, shattering into millions of pieces. Muffled yells echoed within the walls. In one room, furthest from the living room, sat y/n on their bed clenching their pillow tight. Their face was buried deep into their pillow. The pillow was damp as their face was moist.
Their tears quickly stopped when their bedroom door creaked open. It was their brother. No words were spoken between the two, just exchanged looks. The brother shut the door silently and slowly walks over to Y/n. He sat down next to them and curled up next to Y/n, holding them tight. From the instant contact, y/n burst into more tears as they buried their face within their brother's chest.
"Shhhh" They brother said softly as he ran his fingers through Y/n's hair. He would say everything would be alright but he doesn't actually know that.
"K-killer, I can't do this anymore." Y/n sobbed harder into Killer's chest.
"I know, I know. It's all going to change tonight." Killer whispered softly.
Y/n's breathing soon evened out and was sound asleep. Killer pulled y/n more close as he placed cover over the both of them.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. You deserve so much more." Killer said softly before he drifted off to sleep.

Down stairs their parents where in their knees begging.
"P-please, we do anything?" The mother spoke.
"Just spare us." The father added.
"I'm sorry. I can't do that." A dark shadowy creature spoke. It's voice was deep and was dripping with negativity. Before the parents could even utter another word and black drippy tentacles went straight through their hearts. Blood splattered everywhere.

The soft morning songs of the birds woke Y/n up. They sat up and looked around the room while rubbing their eye. They let out a long loud yawn as they began to shack their brother awake.
"Come on, it's time for school." Y/n shooked their brother harshly.
"Erm five more minutes." Killer groaned as he pulled a pillow over his head.

Nuuu, come on. I need to change." Y/n shook Killer some more, only getting a groan as a response, Y/n sighed. They leaned against their hands and placed their feet against their brother's rib cage.
"I said get up." Y/n huffed and they kicked their brother off the bed.
"WhaHAHAHAHAHAH!" Killer screamed as he hit the floor with a loud thud. "Ow"
"I told you it was time to get up." Y/n giggled and they looked over the edge of the bed. Killer couldn't be upset at them, it has been a long time since he heard Y/n laugh.
"Alright, Alright. I'm up." Killer smiled as he got up out of the room.
Y/n got up from the and walked over to their closet. They started to rummage through their closet. Y/n threw things out left and right.
"Ah ha, I found it." Y/n held up an old jacket that was a gift from their late grandmother. I slipped it on and walked out their room.
Memories lingered in Y/n's mind as they cautiously walked down the hall. Their hand slowly traced the wall with each step they took. They stoped when their hand reached a sticky part of the wall. Dreaded thoughts raced in their mind as their hand traced the dried beer. Y/n looked to wall and came face to face with a photo of the family. If you just look at this, you would think they are a perfect happy family. Memories of the day floated into Y/n's brain.

It was a nice day. The sun was shining with a slight breeze. To any other person today would seem as a perfect day. But to Y/n it was a dark, dispit the sun that was shining.
"Y/n, stand next to you borther make sure you smile." Y/n's Father instructed in a scolding tone.
"I said I ain't taking a photo with an asshole like you." Killer yelled at their father.
F/n slapped Killer dead across his face. M/n gasped as she brought Y/n closer to her. Killer stood there looking down as tears brimmed his eye.
"Now pose with you sister and be a good brother!" F/n yelled. Killer didn't say anything he just whipped his eyes and walked over to Y/n.
"Cheese." The photogopher said and then the camera flashed.
//End of Flashback//

They didn't know they were crying till a tear rolled down their face.
"F-fuck, not again." Y/n whined as the whipped away there tears. "Time to act, break a leg Y/n." As they walk down the stairs, they started to here the sizzling doing of bacon or sausage being cooked. Y/n followed the smell of bacon into the kitchen. To their surprised, there was Killer. In the kitchen, cooking.
"I didn't know you could cook?" Y/n asked as they sat down at the dinning table. Killer froze as it was quit suspicious that he was cooking for them.
"Heh of course I can silly. Here eat up, we gotta leave soon." Killer said as he served them two.
"Normally Mom cooks for us. Come to think of it where is Mom?" Y/n asked as they took a bite of the food. They soon got an uneasy feeling, as if they were good to throw up. Y/n covered their mouth as they forced the food down.
Killer froze at the question, it was indeed suspicious that he made breakfast instead of their mother.
"She's uh . . ."
"They're gone aren't they."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Stop playing dumb and stop lying to me."
"Y/n I'm seriously don't know what you're talking."
"You know you're really bad at lying. I know that our parents -
//Back to Reality//
"Y/n stop killing off the dolls parents!" Killer shouted from the couch of the living room.
"What? I wasn't." Y/n denied as they hide the doll behind their back.
"Hmm, sure. Then why is that room covered in ketchup? Classic would be upset if he saw you wasting that much ketchup." Killer pointed to the living room of the doll house. The was in deed covered in ketchup.
"They . . . Had a party where the ketchup exploded." Y/n lied.
"Yeah, right. Why is there dead dolls in the ketchup?"
Soon Classic came bursting in the room.
"Where's my ketchup?" He asked out of breath. Once he gained weight of the doll house he screamed in terror.
Killer rolled over laughing as Y/n's soul left their body from fear.

The End

1175 Words
Pfft the ending such a twist. I didn't want another depressing one. Hoped you enjoyed.
-Marlinthedragon out

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