Outter x reader

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*Art by me*
Warning: Reader will get very emotional and there will be some violence

Clouded Forest. The one forest in the world where you can never see the stars. I live in Cloudless Village right in the middle of the forest. Even in the village, there are clouds in the sky. People have always wondered why there are always clouds. Elders say it's because we trapped monsters up in space, but no one believes them. Everyone thinks they're just talking gibberish. But part of me believes them. I listen to Mimi's stories about the monsters. Long ago when my Mimi was just a little girl monster roamed the Earth side by side with humans. But then there was a war between the two races. Humans won the war and trapped monsters in space. According to Mimi, this is where the monster got sent into space and when they left clouds started to cover the land. She hints that the gods who created both monsters and humans got angry at the humans for the war and cursed the forest.

You might be wondering, why are clouds such a bad curse? Well with the clouds covering the land, we are unable to grow crops. We can't leave. People who try to leave either get put back into the village or they disappear completely. Many young kids have gone missing throughout the years. But it's only kids that go missing. When adults try to leave they only get put back in the village. I should actually know this from experience, kinda. I had this sibling named Frisk. They were the younger sibling and our parents hated her. They never actually tried to take care of Frisk. I was the only one who loved them and cared for them. But one night when I was supposed to be asleep, our parents started to lead Frisk into the woods. I followed and watched as they lead Frisk to the edge of the forest. I knew it was the edge of the forest by how cloudy it was. As I watched they dragged Frisk with them into the cloud wall. Frisk was kicking and screaming that's they don't want to go. They spotted me and screamed out to me.

"YYYYY/NNNN!" With that, I started running to them. But was too late. They were already in the cloud wall with the parents. I was about to follow them but a loud boom and gush of wind pushed me away. I blacked out and the next thing I knew was that in the town square. I looked around and spotted the parents. I quickly got up and ran to them.

"WHY THE F*CK DID YOU DO THAT?" I screamed as I landed a punch on my father's face. I tackled him to the floor and started to punch his face vigorously.
"WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" I screamed over and over again. Mother was screaming for help. It took 3 of the townsmen to finally pry me from my father. My hands were covered in blood and tears are rolling down my face.
"Why? Why? Why?" My voice asked as it started to quiet down. I soon gave up on trying to break free. One man held me as the other two picked up my father. He held a scared look on his face. Once to his feet mother ran to him and they both started to make their way home.

"You can let me go now," I said quietly to the man that was holding me. He let go and walked off with the other men. I was left alone in the town square. As I stood there, the sky started to cry. I hugged myself and walked. I didn't have a correct place to go but I wanted to get away from here. I walked back into the forest.

//A Year Later//

It has been a year since I have seen Frisk. I moved out of the house with the parents. I fell into a deep depression. Day after day became a living hell. Though our town is small, it has its fair share of jerks. One time working my usual night shift at the town's diner, some a*shole came up to me and smacked my a*s. When I turn to tell him off he started to force himself. No one in that entire diner pulled him off of me. Being discussed I pushed him off of me and started to run out of the diner. Once out of the diner I didn't stop, I continued to run, all the way into the forest. The cold fog stung against my face as I race. I ran and ran and didn't stop till I got to the cloud barrier. Once I got there I collapsed. As I laid there, I cried my eyes out as the sun started to rise. As I cried I started to hear crunching or leave around me. When I looked up I saw Frisk remerging from the fog. I couldn't believe my eyes, in fact, I thought I was dreaming. But I was proven when Frisk walked up and caressed my face with their hand. I leaned into their touch as placed my hand on theirs'. I looked into their eyes and started to cry tears of joy. I quickly pulled them into a hug.
"I missed you, so much." I sobbed through my tears. They patted my back in return. Frisk pulled away and pointed to the fog. Concerned I looked at the fog and notice it was slowly disappearing. Behind the fog were monsters. Getting scared, I quickly got up and pushed Frisk behind me. Two monsters to what seems to be leading the group were skeletons. One was short and stout while the other was tall and thin. Though I was scared myself, I held my ground. As I stood my ground Frisk ran in front of the monsters and held their arms out.
'It's ok they are with me.' they signed.
"Are you sure?" I asked feeling uneasy. They nodded. "Ok, Well the town council is not going to treat this lightly, but there is still a chance cause the clouds are all gone now. Frisk lead the way." Frisk started making their way to town.
"What do you mean 'the clouds are all gone now' ?" A deep, soothing voice asked. I jump a little at the sound of the voice. I turned around and saw the short skeleton behind me. The skeleton was actually taller than me. He seems to have a height of 5'5''.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." Sans greeted himself. I blushed at the fact that a deep, soothing voice came from him.
"Well, I'm Y/n. I'm Frisk's older sibling. It's nice to meet you, Sans."



Yes, Something that's not entirely bad. One thing I have noticed is that most of my oneshots will have 2 parts, so I'm sorry about that.

-Marlinthedragon out

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