Nightmare x Reader

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The Wishing Box

"NO,nononononononononononononono. Mom, wake up please, wake up. I need you, you can't go like the others. Please, wake up." I cried into my mother's chest as I watched the life drain from her eyes. "Mom"
After what felt like hours, my mother faded into dust just like the others did, leave behind the box. God, I hated that box. That box has brought nothing but hurt into this world. I picked up the black box.

For such a beautiful box, it has such a nasty truth

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For such a beautiful box, it has such a nasty truth. I clenched onto the box and cried even more.
I laid in my room, having another one of my episodes. I heard a knock on my door. I looked up and saw Nightmare.
"Hey boss, just give me a few moments. I'll do the mission later." I didn't bother lying, I knew why he was here.
"That's not why I'm here, Y/n." Nightmare said as he sat on the bed. I rolled over, turning my back to him. I wasn't in the mood to 'feel better'.
"Want to t-"
"No," I said interrupting him. I didn't feel like talking about it. About the box. "Can you please leave? I just want to be alone right now."
"Alright, I'll tell the other as well. But there is no guarantee that they will." Nightmare said getting up and walking out the room. Once the door shut I burst into tears. I curled up around a pillow, muffling my cries. I got up and walked to my closet. I knew what I was looking for, so it didn't take long to grab it. I sat on my bed staring at the rotten box.
"Ugh, why did I even keep you?" I asked myself with anger. "You have brought me nothing but hurt. . . UGH JUST DISAPPEAR ALREADY!"I screamed as I threw the box. It hit again the wall with a loud crash then fell to the floor. It didn't even break.
"Tch, typical." I hissed with venom. I hugged my knees and held me head down. I heard another knock on my door.
"I said I was fine boss. Just go away."
I called to the door. But this time it wasn't Nightmare, it was Killer.
"Killer what are you doing here? Didn't boss tell you to leave me alone?" I asked Killer.
"Yeah he did, but I heard a loud crash and wanted to check up on you to make sure you were ok."
"Heh, sure I'm 'ok' you can leave now." I told killer as I layed back down onto my bed. But I didn't hear me door shut. I turned around and saw Killer holding the box.
"Killer, put that box down." I told Killer sternly.
"Why? It's such a beautiful box. If you don't want it then I'll keep it." With that Killer ran out my room with the box in hand.
"Fuck" I cursed as I got up and chased Killer. "KILLER GET YOU ASS BACK HERE. YOU DONT WHAT THAT BOX CAN DO!" I screamed after him as we ran down the hall.
'Wait a minute, why the hell do I care it he has the box. It's not like he holds anyone dear to him. He's just a killer machine.' I thought. But then images of the gang flashed though my head. I can't let him make a wish. I felt myself run faster. Tears started to fog up my eyes. It wasn't long till my vision was nothing but tears. But I continued to run, blind. After a while I collided with something hard. At first I thought it was a wall but I felt something wrap around my wrist and waste.
"You okay? Oh your crying. Come here." I heard Nightmare say. I was the brought in a cold embrace. It felt comfortable. In that moment I forgot about Killer and broke down crying.
"Nightmare please, Killer has the box. I can't let him make a wish. I don't want any of you to die." I cried out.
"Shh it's okay. I already got him and the box is safe." Nightmare reassured. I felt myself smile before I blacked out.
After when you wake up

My eyes flutered opened to be greeted with the sunlight peeking through the curtains. I closed my eyes again and rolled over, then I remembered I don't have curtains in my room.
"W-where am I!?" I yelled and I shot up. I didn't recognize the room I was in at first. It pretty dark in the room, well other than the sunlight from the window. I notice I was in a king size bed. I moved my hand around the bed, the sheets felt like silk. I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I quickly went for my knife againist my leg to find it gone. I quickly then flipped off the bed gaining some distance from the moving shadow. I got into a fighting stance.
"Oh come calm down. It's just me." Nightmare said as he appeared out of the darkness. I calmed and lowered my fists.
"Where am I? How did I get here?" I asked taking a seat back onto the bed.
"Well, you were chasing after Killer cause he had some box of yours. You ran into me in the halls. When I went to check on you, you were a crying mess. You told you need to get to Killer cause he had 'the box'. Then you passed out." Nightmare explained as sat next to me. "And for where you are your in my room."
My face started to get hot.
'I'm in Nightmare's room.' I repeated in my brain. I would have to have to admit that I do have a crush on him. I only push him away cause of the box. I didn't want to go through the pain of losing someone close again.
"Thank you." I spoke up.
"No problem." Nightmare responsed.
"I should get going. You have my a mission earlier and I still need to do it." I said while getting up and stretching.
"No need I sent Cross to do it." Nightmare said. "Why do you push me away?" Nightmare ask making my stop dead in my track.
"I don't know what you mean." I said hoping to drive the conversation away from that topic.
"Yes, you do. Why do you push me away when I'm trying to help? WHY PUSH ME AWAY WHEN ALL I HAVE DONE IS TRY TO BE THERE FOR YOU?!"
"CAUSE WITH WHAT I HAVE CAN'T BE FIXED. If I keep people away then that will keep them safe." I yelled back. "I have lost everyone that was close to me. I don't want to go through that pain again. No not again. No no no." I cryed. Nightmare seemed surprised from my out burst.
"It's about that box isn't?" He asked. My eyes widen. How did he know?
"I should have destroy this the moment I found out." He held the box in his hands. In one swift move a tentacle went through the thing, bring it to splitters.
"It was that easy." I said clenching my hand to fists. Nightmare got up and hugged me.
"Now you don't have to push me away anymore. You safe." He reassured. His embrace was comfortable. I hugged him back.

Now I can turely be happy now.

The End

Again I have no idea how this came be. But I hope this was good.
-Marlinthedragon out

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