NAJ Pj x Reader

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*Hey hey hey, I'm back. I have decided I will updated on Fridays instead of Wednesday*
Magical Marks




"Ermmmm" I started to roll over not realizing I was at the edge of the bed. *THUD*
"Ow" I groaned. I kicked of my covers and slowly sat up. I got up and sluggishly walked into my bathroom. I yawned as I walked through the doorway. I striped from my pj's and got into the shower. I turned on the water, forgetting to heat it up first. So I got splashed with freezing cold water.
"S-sh*t" I shivered a bit and adjusted to temp. .

After me shower I got dressed in a f/c hoodie and jeans. I went back into the bathroom to do my hair. I walked in a studyed myself in the mirror. I had big e/c eyes and beautiful h/c hair. But there was one problem, it was my mark. On my cheeks near the corner of my eyes was the mark of an Omega. Everyone in the world, both monsters and humans, are born with special mark. That mark shows our level in society. Of course Alpha marks are at the top but Omega marks are even higher. Omgeas are supreme in society, truth be told that Omgeas have god like powers or something. There are only about ten confirmed Omgeas in the world.
Your probably asking 'why hide such a powerful mark?'. Well that because Omgeas also have a high death rate. With them being so rare, most die or get killed at birth. The ten that are confirmed are highly guarded. The youngest is 5 years old.

"*Sighs* Here comes the makeup." I grabbed my makeup kit from the cabinet behind the mirror. I put concealer over my marks and blended till they vanished. I then grabbed black liquid eyeliner and drew on  Delta marks. Once finished I put everything away and headed down stairs. I opened my front door to find my best friend, Lilly, standing there.
"Hey, Y/n. You ready?" She asked. Lilly was an actual Delta. She is the only one who knows that I am an Omega.
"Yep." I smiled as I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Taking a deep breath and walked into school. We both my our way to my locker to where we found the rest of our friend group. Fresh a (Beta), Alphyss (a Zeta), Papyrus (a Gamma), Blooky (a Xi), and Dust (a Beta).
"Ah, Dusty" Lilly cheered as she hugged her boyfriend.
"Lilly, your going to mess up my glasses."
"Oops sorry"
"Hey guys how has the morning been treating you?" I asked.
"Well you know the usual. Trying our best to avoid the jocks." Fresh said. Which was ture. We normally spend most of the day hiding from jocks. The  warning bell rung.
"Okay on the count of three. One, two three, SCATTER!" I yelled as all of us hurried to our classes. Lilly and Dust came with to first period, which was Science. Though we were nerds we sat in the back. Dr. Gaster (a Eta), started class but got intrupted by Pj (a Alpha).
"Ah Sorry, Dr. Gaster. Girls keeped crowding me in the hall." He said as he scratch the back of his skull.
'Omg he looks so cute!' I screamed in my head.
"Okay just don't do it again, go sit by Y/n in the back." Dr. Gaster said as he pointed to me. I started to blush like crazy.
"Y/n, tone it down. Your face is all red." Lilly whispered to laughing a bit. I Pulled my hood up and hide my face. As Dr. Gaster started to teach again, there was some shuffling next to me. Already knowing who it was I still peek out of my hoodie. I didn't realize how close I was to Pj, I blushed some more and hide back into my hoodie.
"Alright class, we are doing a project that will need the use of a partner. Your partner will be the person sitting next to you at your table. You have till the end of the week to turn in your project." Dr. Gaster announced. I could hear Lilly giggling as I blushed like crazy.
"So I guess your my partner. So do you want to meet up after school and choose who's house to start working at." Pj said as he looked at me.
"Umm, I-I guess s-so" I studdered removing my hood. Pj then leaned close up to my face.
"Alright I got partnered with a Delta. They are known to be smart." He said as the bell rang. He got up and walked away.
"*Gahh*" I exhaled.
"Hehe, I wonder how your going to survive this." Lilly commented as she got her stuff together and said bye to Dust.
"But Lilly, he got so close to me face." I complained following her.
"Just focus on the project. It will be done before you know it."
"He thinks I'm a Delta. Oh know when we start working together he will realize I'm not some super smart like you." I whispered yelled.
"Hey I'm not that much smarter than you, don't worry you got this." Lilly said ruffling up my hair while we walked into our next class.

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