Bad Sanses x Reader Part 2

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Working  at the Casino

This is part 2 to 'Deal with Nightmare' Enjoy P.S Clothes don't have a gender



I was scared awake by the banging on my bedroom door. I groggily sat up from the bed rubbing my sleepy eyes.
"It's locked!" I shouted as I yawned.
"Then unlock it." A deep voice says on the other side.
"I didn't lock it. It's locked from the outside." I shouted back. I then heard the sound of jingling keys along with a few mumbles of curse words. The door then swung open, revealing a skeleton who had black tears streaming from their eye and a target floating in front of them. They were holding a tray of food and a bundle of things with heels hanging from their fingers.
"You must be Killer?" I asked hoping I was correct.
"The one and only, and damn. Horror and Dust weren't wrong. You are a thing for sore eyes." Killer flirted as he placed the tray of food down along with the bundle of cloth and heels on the bed.
"This is your breakfast, eat quickly Boss is expecting you in 30. Also here is your uniform, please were everything." Killer said as he smirked. He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 
"I have a feeling it's going to be a bit reviling," I say to myself as I felt a bead of sweat drop. Pushing the thought aside, I grabbed the tray of food. It looked delicious. There was cooked bacon, sausage(insert Lenny face) eggs, and hash browns. There was what looked like freshly cut fruits and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. You tell this was handmade. Whoever made had never made a fresh breakfast for someone before. It was cute. I happily ate my food. Once I was done I place the empty tray on the side table. I struggled to get up from the comfy bed, it was like it was eating me alive. Once I was up from the bed I walked over to the clothes that were laid out on the bed. 

(I just love this and want to wear one myself, like ahahhahaahhah it's so cute)

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(I just love this and want to wear one myself, like ahahhahaahhah it's so cute)

I gasped at the sight. It was a white dress like tux with a Black ribbon belt with a black bow tie. I would be wearing black thigh-highs with white heels. My heart was melting in joy. Excited I quickly started to discard my current clothes, shoving them in a corner of the room, and struggled to put on the outfit. Once I placed the jacket on I turned to the body that was hanging on the closet door. If my heart wasn't melted it would be melted now. I looked amazing and felt like a bad bitch. I giggled at the thought and walked out the door.

I began roaming the halls looking around for Nightmare's Throne room. As I was walking around I began to admire the design of the halls. Not watching where I am going as soon as I turned a corner I ran into something or someone full force. I braced myself for the impact of the floor, but it never came. I fluttered my eyes open and came face to face with a monotone skeleton.
"Watch it there Darling, You almost fell onto the floor. Boss wouldn't be happy if a pretty thing like you were to get hurt." The skeleton said as he helped me up. At this point, I was getting used to random skeletons I see complimenting me. But I still ended up blushing. 
"Uhmm, T-thanks. I'm Y/n. Can you help me I'm kinda lost?" I asked the monotone skeleton. 
"Y/n such a perfect name for such a being like you. I'm Cross, by the way, your knight in shining armor." Cross introduced himself, making me blush even more. 'My knight in shining armor.' I smiled as the thought, it was cute.
"And I can show you the way, but for a price." Cross as he gave me a smug look. 
"And what would that be?" I asked as I two gave him a smirk. 
"A kiss."
"A kiss, is that all? Does the knight want a kiss from his princex~" I ask as a leaned towards him with my hand behind my back.
"Oh, . . . uh . . . .I . . . Ummm." Cross stuttered as his face exploded with blush. "Y-yes?"
"Okay." I giggled softly as I leaned in closet him. I smiled as I placed a small kiss on his cheek. "There. Now can you lead me to Nightmare.?" Cross melted, a stupid grin grew onto his face. I laughed again at his reaction.
"Ah yes, this way," Cross said, breaking free from his trace. 

He leads me down a long hallway, to a big door. Cross pushed open the big door to reveal a very bored Nightmare.
"It's about time you showed." Nightmare said in a scolding-like tone.
"Oh yes, I got lost," I explained as I scratched the back of my neck.
"I see you meet Cross"
"Oh yes, I have he had been a great help. He showed me to you."
"How did you sleep?"Nightmare questioned.
"Pleasantly, the bed was the most comfortable thing I have ever slept on." 
"Your breakfast?"
"Delicous and adorable. You can tell whoever made it put a lot of work into it. May I ask who makes it so I can give them my compliment?" I asked.
"The guys and I made it." Nightmare said bluntly. I was shocked and flattered. I felt myself blush again, for like the 10th time this morning alone.
"W-why?" That was all I could ask and I immediately regretted it. I sounded so rude.
"I'm just going to say this bluntly. We have grown a liking to you. You could say this is us trying to make a great first impression." Nightmare explained. I began to blush even more.
"T-thank you. Now, can you tell me what I'll be working as here?" I asked changing the subject.
"Oh, that you'll be working at one of the dice tables. You know, rolling the eye and getting snake eyes in all." Nightmare said. "Cross show them to their table." 
"Yes," Cross said as he saluted Nightmare and escorted me to my table.

//One week//
"SNAKE EYES!" I yelled with smugness. "You lose." The customer froze in terror and Nightmare took their soul. Their body fell to the floor lifeless. I leaned over my table as I watched the body fall.
"Horror Clean up at table 666," I shouted not taking my eyes off the body.
"Damn, Alright? Isn't this like your 4th body?" Horror asked and the picked of the dead body.
"No, it's my 10th today. It's also my 100th for the whole week." I say I started to clean up my table. it was near closing time and I was able to get my last body in. 
"You're fitting right in, toots." Dust said as he gave me a nuggie. 
"Yeah, you're doing better than Horror on his first day. I mean in gambling wise. In body count. I lost track after the first day." Killer commented as he began playing with the poker chips.
"I never know you have it in you sugar cube, but then again you often persuade people with your hotness to continue gambling and to even make the deal," Cross commented as we walked up to the table.
"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. In all honesty, though, I thought I was going to die the moment I made the deal." I said as I shuffled the cards.
"Well, that doesn't matter now does. All that matters is that you thriving in the casino and you're racking up the soul count." Nightmare said as he hugged me from behind.
"Hey how come you get to hold our angle?" Horror complained as he got back to the group.
"Cause I'm the boss and I say so." Nightmare said as he pulled me in closer.
"Hold it there boys. It's Cross's night tonight. You all agreed to take turns and not fight." I cut it before anything else happen. It turns out all of these strange skeletons have a thing for me. They would always get into fights about who gets to have me. The fights always got so violent. If I handed stepped in and came up with a solution, I swear they were going to kill each other.
"I love you all don't forget that. No one has more love than the other. I love you all the same. Okay?"
"Okay," They all said in unison. 
We are like one big happy family, even though we take people's souls for a living.

The End 


1450 Words

I hoped you liked this cause I did indeed enjoy writing it. To the comment before this chapter, I just want to clarify that clothing doesn't have a gender. I mean that no matter if you identify as a girl or boy or if you're nonbinary, you can wear whatever you want. I'm sorry if you didn't like the outfit choice, but please don't be rude about it and say that 'dresses are for girls' or ' boys don't wear that stuff. 

-Marlinthedragon out

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