Naj Horror x Reader

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Omg, Horror went on a rollercoaster of personality. This was supposed to be a school special but I got lazy and lost motivation.

First Day of Hell

"Y/n, get your lazy ass out of bed we're going to miss the bus." I heard Lilly yell from down stairs.
'what the hell is she talking about?' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. My alarm clock was blinking 'First day of School' .
"SH*T!" I screamed as I shot up from my bed. I ran to my closet grabbed whatever and quickly changed. I kept tripping on the stairs as I struggled to put my socks on. I grabbed a piece of bread from the counter and shot for the door.
"Don't forget your shoes." Mother yelled holding them. I ran back to her, grabbed my shoes, then kissed her on the cheek.
"Thanks, mom!" I yelled as I ran to Lilly as she stepped into the bus. I ended up jumping in as the doors shut behind me.
"F*ck. That hurt." I groaned as I got up. I stumbled as the bus started to move. I walked the alley till I saw my sis, Lilly.
"No fair you got the window seat." I playfully whinned to Lilly.

First come first serve, b*tch." Lilly smirked moving over closer to the window. I sat down then started to sink into the seat.
"I don't wanna go." I complained quietly.
"I know, same. But mom said so and you know how she gets when she's mad." Lilly added as she stared out the window. "Hey, think of it this way, we always have each other and nothing could get in the way of that." Lilly turned to me giving me a warm smile.
"Oh hey, you never told me your classes. I really want to know what you got." I asked sitting up. Lilly went digging into her backpack and pulled out a small white piece of paper.
"Let's see, for first period I got Dance with Mr.Dance. Then Science with Dr. Gaster. Study hall. Drama with Mr. Mettaton. Art with Mr. Ink. History with Mr. Nightmare. Then Finally Astrology with Mr. Dream." Lilly read to me from the paper.
"Son of a B*tch. We only got one class together and that's science. I hate science." I cursed. "My classes are Astrology, Science, P.E, Study hall, history, Art, then bakery." I listed my classes.
"I told you I was doing Drama. Drama is only one period, then maybe we would have had the same classes." Lilly scolded.
"But I hate drama."
"You hate everything about school, Y/n." Lilly snapped back. "Oh look we're here."
Everyone started to get off the bus and head straight to school. The building was huge. 3 stories high and with 2 side buildings. My legs started to turn into cement, I couldn't move.
"Lilly, I can't do this." I cried a little. I got no answer. I look over to Lilly and saw that she was humming 'Soldier, Poet, King' which she only does to calm her down.
'Sh*t, she's even more nervous than me if she is humming that song.' I thought. I gulped down my fear, and grabbed a hold on Lilly's hand.
"Come on, I'll walk you to dance class." I gave her a reasuring smile and lead her through the front doors.

We walked through the doors, there was people everywhere. The hall looked as if they we going to bursed from the amount of people that was in them. I tried to lead the way to the dance studio but lost grip on Lilly's hand. I started to panic, I wasn't used to being in such a big group of people.
The bell rung causeing to halls go into even more chaos. I tightly held everything close as I tried to make my way to Astrology. With this being a new school I got lost. I found myself in a empty hall. I claimed my breathing as I started to walk the halls look for Astrology. I walked for what seemed like hours, when I passed an open classroom. I heard muffled voices coming from the class, I walked into the door way to find to monsters. One looks like an angry, beat up dummy and the is a skeleton with a mask and hat.
"Look, its a human." The dummy point out. Getting scared I slipped behind the next to the door. I started to walk down the hallway again when I felt a hand grab a hold of my shoulder.
"HOLY SH*T FUCK, LEAVE ME ALONE." I screamed as I turned around my punched something. What even I punched, I punched it hard. I opened my eyes to see my hand soar and red. I looked to the ground and saw the skeleton from earlier.
"F*ck, you hit hard.What was that for?"
"Oh sh*t, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean. . . you see you scared me and that is kinda my defense. In conclusion this was your fault." I paused. "Want me to take you to the nurse?" I asked holding out my hand. The skeleton looked up at with surprise. He then smacked my hand away.
"Geez I was only trying to help." I scoffed crossing my arms. I watch as the monster stood. "So why did you grab my shoulder?" I asked.
"Oh I . . . . Uhhh . . . You looked lost, and I wanted to help you." The skeleton looked to floor scratching the back of his head.
"You know there could have been a much better way to get my attention than grabbing my shoulder. And now your nose is bleeding, do we need to go to the nurse office." I said grabbing the monsters face and checking for even more injuries. I felt their face getting hot. I let go of their face and took a hold onto their sleeve.
"I'm taking you to the nurse office, even if I don't know the way." I said turning left in the hall.
"It's the other way." The skeleton commented.
"I knew that." I blushed with embarrassment. I turned around walked the other way.
"Horror, did you get into another fight again?" The nurse asked when she spotted the skeleton, I mean Horror.
"No" Horror gave a low growl of annoy.
"Ok, now come over here and I can get you some ice." Ms. Toriel said as she walked into another room.
"Soooo, My name is Y/n and I'm new here. I guessing your's is Horror?" I asked as Horror sat down.
"Hey, look sorry I punched you. I . . . Umm . . . You see you scared me and I'm not really good with being scared." I said sheepishly.
"Yeah, I can tell." Horror, spat back.
"Hey, look I'm trying a apologize. But if your going act like to someone who amiting that they were wrong then you don't need my apology." I retored. "Now good day to you." I walked out of the nurse office and tried to make my way to . . . What period is it now . . . Great now I have make my way to second.
"Hey, wait." I heard Horror call to me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. With me being pissed and getting scared again, turned around and punch him again. But this time he doghded it.
"Really, again? . . . Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to . . . To come off rude. It's just your the first who helped me up and take me to the Nurse. Or more to speak, the first one to show my kindness." Horror explained as he held my shoulders.
"Well you sure, do have a way of thanks someone for it." I replied sarcasticlly.
"Look, I'm sorry. How about I make it up to you by helping you around school. Had my your schedule, I'll have a look." Horror instructed. I handed him my schedule. He looked it over, and made a look of surprise.
"Oh, it looks like you have all the same classes with me. Here I'll walk you to science." Horror took my hand and walkede to the Science room.
"Sorry, we are late, Mr.Gaster. I was helping a fellow lost student." Horror announced. The teacher look at horror with surprise.
"Okay, there 2 seats in the back, to take a seat." Dr. Gaster pointed to the back. My face got red, when I realized I was still holding Horror's hand. I spotted Lilly, she kept raising her eye brows. I knew I was going to get it at lunch.
Maybe today wasn't that bad.

I hoped you liked the story. Now I'm going to go dormant till I can think of another story. Don't be afraid to to mention requests
-Marlinthedragon out

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