Mafia Sans x Reader

679 7 3

Peter Pan

I made my way up the stair to the child's room. Opened the door quietly and looked inside. It was your average 5-year-old child room. There was a dresser spilling out clothes, a trunk of toys that couldn't close shut all the way, and play toys everywhere on the ground. But what stood out to me was the small Peter Pan themed pictograph next the child's bed. I looked to the walls of the room and watched as the shadows of Peter Pan and Wendy fly around the room. I stepped into the small room and shut the door quietly behind me. I quickly and quietly went around collecting peices of clothing and toys. I slowly made my way to the child's bed, being careful of the toys on the grounds. I kneeled over the sleeping child. Such a peaceful, innocent creature.
"Sweetie, you need to get up." I whispered softly to the child. "Hey there, Sunshine." I greeted the small child as their small eyes fluttered open.
"W-what? who are you?" They whispered as they got up rubbing their eyes
"Well, you can call me Peter Pan." I smiled to them.
"Whoa, Peter Pan? Are you here to take me to Neverland?" They asked as their eyes widen with joy. My eyes soften and start to water.
"Y-yes, I am." I said as I picked up the small child. They giggled sweetly at this action.
"What's your name my sweet child?"
"My name is Willow. Mama named me after her favorite tree." I smiled softly at the child, as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Willow asked showing concern on their face.
"Y-yes, Do you want to sing a song?" I asked wipping away my tear.
"Yeah" Willow cheered quietly.
"Ok, just join in when ever you want
There was a time when I was alone,
No where and now where

y only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away too"
"Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high" Willow sang.
"He came to me with a sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said Peter pan thats what the call me
I promise you that you'll never be lonely
And ever since that day~"
"I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan~
And when we're in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook" Willow and I sang together. I started to here muffled yelling and crying from downstairs so I started to sing louder.
"Run run Lost Boy, they say to me
Away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free." As I sang I heard two muffled gun shots. I looked to Willow and they seemed unbothered from the noise. They stared at my with enjoyment, wanting me to continue on.
"He sprinkled me in pixi dust and told my to believe
To believe in him and believe in me"
"As I soared abo-*yawn*ve the town that never loved me -" Willow quieted down and laid their head into the crook of my neck. It wasn't long till I could hear small snores from them. I made my way out the room, making sure Willow never woke up. As I closed the door behind me I could hear two pairs of heavy feet walking up the the stairs.
"Mastress Y/n, -"
"Oh sorry, we have eliminated that targets." One of the hench men told me.
"I told I'm only here for the children, so don't report to me report to father." I stated as I walked down the stairs.

I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm one of the seven children of the boss of Alpha Brotherhood. My father is the one of the most well known boss throughout Mt.Ebott. Well other that the Monster Mob. When someone is no longer of use of him he cuts them off, if you know what I mean. I took it upon myself to take care of the offspring. I take care of them till they are old enough to know. But lucky for me father has only orphanes 4, including Willow, so far.

I walked out the door and to the parked car in the front. I get into the backseat.
"Al, you know where to go?" I instructed.
"Yes, Mastress." Al started up the car and started to drive. I never took my eyes off of Willow's face. Their sweet innocent face look so peaceful, sometimes I wish I still have their innocents. Completely unaware of the dangers in the world. I heard someone peel out their tires, then we came to a rough stop. I looked to the front window to see a large black van stop right in front of us.
"Are you alright, Mastress? Is the child alright?" Al asked looking to me in the back.
"Yes Al, I'm okay. And the child is still sound asleep." I responded keeping my voice low and calm. Monsters came spilling out of the van holding guns up and loaded.
"GET DOWN!" I yelled as I duck behind the seat with the child underneath me. Bullets started to turn the car into swish cheese. Willow started to stir underneath me, as I heard a grunt of pain. I looked up and saw Al bleeding from every bullet hole.
"AL!" I screamed in terror. I heard muffled yells when my door opened, reveling a monster. I held Willow tightly to my chest as I was drugged put of the car. I was thrown to the floor, scratching my back up. I looked to Willow to find them flutter their eyes open. They look around then look at me with scared eyes.
"Shh, it's ok baby. You going to be ok. Just hold onto me and never let go." I told them in a sweet gental voice. They buried their head into my chest and clench onto my shirt. I soon saw two shined dress shoes step in front of my face. I looked up to see the owner of the shoes was a skeleton monster. He's smirked face was the last thing I saw before everything went black.


As I slowly became conscious, a blinding light shined into my face.
"Ermm, W-Where am I?" When my eyes were fully opened, memories came flushing in.
"WHERE'S WILLOW?!" I screamed into the room. I found out I was tied to a chair in an intargation room. I started to wiggle around the making lots of noises.
"Chill kid, the child is fine. They are being taken care by our boss lady." A deep soothing voice spoke.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I growled.
"Well you can call me Sans." The same skeleton from earlier came out of the shadows. "And as for what I want . . . I think you already know what this is about, Sweetheart~" Sans says as he brought my chin up with his finger. I agresviely moved my chin form his hand.
"I have no idea what your talking about." I said as I spited near his feet. He let out a low growl before he grabbed my face.
"You, have taken something of our and we want it back." He growled and glared into my eyes. I held my glare.
"And what could that be? Huh? I have nothing to do with my father's work."
"You've taken the Lady's child. They go be the of Frisk. Their about 5 years old and is mute." My eyes widen. I now knew exactly what he's talking about. Frisk was one on the kids I took in. Sans threw my face aside.
"Look, I was there only for the child. I have taken it upone my myself to take care of the children that get left behind." I said toning down my stern tone.
"You killed their care taker!" Sans yelled as he slapped my. I spit out some saliva.
"Then why don't you leave?" He asked me with a soft tone.
"You know how this sh*r works, I would have ended up just like my Mother. She was trying to leave but Father caught he and kill her right then. I was only 5." I answered as tears rolled down my checks.
"If you untie my I can take you to Frisk. I keep all my kids in a small country house, away from all the Gangs and mobs."


"I'm home!" I yelled into the house as I walked in.
"Peter Pan!" Cherry(5y/o) yelled running to me. I kneeled down to her level and she ran into my arm giving me a big hug.
"Hey, Y/n." Milo(14y/o) said walk in behind Cherry. "Who are they?" Milo asked pointing at Sans and Willow.
"Well, this is Sans and Willow. Willow will be staying here and Sans is here for Frisk. By the way have you seen them." I asked Milo.
"Yeah they asked for a sandwich earlier, so I made one for them."
"Your such a good big brother." I said ruffling his hair as I walked to the kitchen with Cherry still in my arms.
"Frisk you got a visitor." I said to them as I placed Cherry down at the table. They turned to the door and lighten up when the saw Sans. They dropped their sandwich and ran into Sans's arms.
"Nice to see you kiddo." Sans said hugging them back. In that moment, Sans looked . . . How do I say this . . . Like a father. It warmed me up inside.
"Hey, Y/n. You like him don't ya?" Milo asked as he leaned to my ear.
"What no, he literally kidnapped me and put Willow in harm's way." As I denied it my blushed became more tense.
"You bad a lying. It's like when you denied the Easter bunny on Easter." Milo commented
"That's bad?"
"Yep. Just go talk to him. Oh I know have him stay for dinner." Milo suggested.
"Fine, start making the biscuits." I said patting Milo on they back and walked to Sans.
"Hey, Sans. It's pretty late and around dinner time, would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked scratching that back of my head.
"But I just-"
"I know what you and I know what I said. So at you staying or not." I said cutting him off.
"Um, . . . . Yeah, Sure. Why not." Sans answered walking to the kitchen.

That night everyone in the house was happy. We ate together like one big family. But of course all things must come to a End. Sans and Frisk had to go, while I developed Stockholm syndrome for Sans.

The End


Ik ik this was weird, I didn't know how to end this. Hope you enjoyed it .
-Marlinthedragon Out

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