Lust x Child!Reader

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Okay everyone else has a story like this and I love these stories. And you're GROSS if you think this is a nwsf.

The alley was was being brighten up with neon signs as the sunsetted, leaving a little child running alone in the dark.
*Huff* *huff* *pitter* *patter*
You ran down the alley, with your bare feet. You held a little bunny close to you as you ran. You heard a door slam open but you didn't stop.
"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SH*T!" A mean raspy voice yelled. It echo throughout the alley. You turned your head and saw the scary man running after you. Your eye widened and your started to run faster. Your little feet splashed in puddles as you ran. You passed women and men smoking and covered in very little clothing. The foot steps behind you started to get louder, you closed your eye and held your bunny tighter. You then collided into something hard. You fell to the floor, into a puddle making a splash.
"Oh my, dear are you okay?" A deep sweet voice asked. When you opened eyes you saw a skeleton in front of you. They were wearing a black shirt with a blue heart, which was barely covering it's ribs. Had a purple sleeveless jacket with blue fur, and black pants with blue knee high boots. You heard foot steps stop behind you.
"There you are." The scary man growled. You got up quickly and ran behind the monster infront of you.
"Oh" They sounded surprised as you grabbed onto their jacket.
"Hey you, monster. Could you give me that child." The man spoke in a demanding tone. The skeleton looked to you and saw how tightly you were gripping it's jacket.
"Why should I?" The skeleton asked in a teasing but serious voice.
"Cause that is my child, they are my blood. I'm their father." The monster turned to you and kneeled to your level.
"Is it ture my dear? Is this man your father? Are you his child?" He asked in a soft sweet tone. Tears started to fall from your eyes. You hugged you bunny tighter.
"No, that man hurts me. He hurts me, he hurts me." You pleaded as you broke into a sob. You ran into the skeleton hugging him as tight as you could. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up.
"I'm sorry but the child says they don't know you. So would you please, Buzz off." The monster told the man in a sturn but soft tone.
"Listen here buddy, this child doesn't want to go with you. So you better scram before I have a pleasurable time." The monster spoke intrupting to man. As he said that the eye of the monster flashed purple. The man soon then ran off, scared of what might happen if he stayed.
"Shhhh, it's okay that man is gone it's okay." The skeleton reassured as he started walk off out of the alley way.


As your eyes fluttered open, you were greeted to a dark cool room. You rubbed your eye as the adjusted to the dark. You noticed that you were in a bed. You sat up and saw the skeleton monster from last night laying next to you. You looked around the room and could only see a dim light coming out from what looked like a door. You tried to slip out of bed quietly but got pulled back into the bed.
"Morning, darling" a deep soft voice spoke. You looked up and saw the skeleton was awake. You felt safe, so you gave him a closed eye smile. You felt his grub around you lose an and his weight disappear from the bed. Light burst into the room. The skeleton had opened the curtains to the window. He was wearing the same attire but without his jacket and his boots. He sat back onto the bed and handed you your bunny. You light up with happiness as you hugged you bunny.
"Heh, so we haven't properly inroduced ourselves have we. I'm Sans but you can call me Lust if you want. May I ask for you name?" Lust introduced himself with a chuckle. You were hesitant to answer.
"M-my name i-is y/n and I'm 9 nine years old." You answered, you didn't know why you told him you age. You just did. You watch as his face darken and the mention of your age.
"Well Y/n, is . . . Such a cute name for such a adorable little kid." Lust cheered as he lift you up a swinged you around the room. You let out a giggle as he brought you close.
"Lets get some breakfast, sweetie." Lust said as he walked out the room to the kitchen. He place you down at the table and went to what looked like a fridge. You then got picked up by a unknown figure.
"Oo~ LETS SEE WHAT WE HAVE HERE?" A loud flirty voice asked. You came face to face with another skeleton. He was wear a black long sleeve shirt that reviled his ribcage. Some type of pink fabric that was skin tight where his stomach should be. Tight black leather pant with yellow boots and gloves. You burst into tears.
"Pap" you heard Lust say concernly.
"AH, SANS THE TINY HUMAN IS CRYING, HELP!" The new skeleton yelled making you cry more. You felt yourself be picked up and then hugged.
"Shhh, it's ok that just my brother, Papyrus. Shh." Lust said as he patted your back. You whipped you tears away and hug Lust back.
"Papyrus, this Y/n." Lust said as he placed you back at the table and then place a plate of spaghetti in front of you. He then pulled Papyrus aside.
"Sans why do you have this, tiny human?" Papyrus asked.
"They were running from someone, who I think was hurting them. When they ran I to me, they didn't let go." Lust explained.
"I think I have seen them somewhere." Papyrus pulled out his and started to look through Facebook. "Ah, found it. There name is Y/n lyne. They went missed a couple of months ago. They have a mother named Lilly Lyne." Papyrus read aloud.
"Is there a number?" Lust asked.
"Call it."
You sat in the living room watching MTT. You were on the couch when a knock came from the front door. Lust got up and answered it. You weren't paying any attention of what he was talking about. That was untill you heard your name.
You turn and saw your older sister. Your face brighten up with joy.
"SISSY!" You screamed and ran towards your sister. She kneeled down and opened her arm for you. You ran into them hugging her tightly.
"Oh God, Y/n I have missed you." Lilly cryed tears of joy. She picked you up, still hugging you, then she turn to Lust.
"Thank you so much, you have no idea what you just did. How can I ever repay you?" Lilly asked Lust.
"Oh no, you don't need to pay me anything. But if you don't mind me asking, Why did they call you 'sissy'? I thought you were their mother." Lust asked.
"Oh, well that's sorta correct, I have been raising them since I was 9." Lilly said as she put down you down. "Yeah, my friend set up the page. They still think y/n is mine even after I told them a hundred times that y/n is my sibling. Anyway we sho-" You started to tuge on your sister's jacket. When you she looked to you, you gave the puppy dog eyes.
"Sissy, can Lust be a new babysitter? Please, Kasie just sleeps the whole time." You asked in your baby voice. You knew you baby voice and puppy dog eyes were Lilly's kryptonite.
"Aw, come one Y/n. Please don't ask like that." Lilly picked you up again and hugged you close. "Lust will you be willing to be -"
"YES" Lust answered before Lilly could finish. "I mean yes I would love to babysit Y/n."
"Alright then here's my number I'll call when I need you." Lilly said as she wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to Lust.
"We should get going, see you later." Lilly grabbed a hold to your hand.
"Bye bye, Lust." You waved good bye to lust as you walked out the door.

The End

Hey, school is such a pain. I'll try my best to post every week but might be every 2 weeks, and when ever the story is finished.

-Marlinthedragon out

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