Oc's X Reader *Kinda*

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Hey, I'm back. 

I'm sorry if you don't date men or like girls, but bare with me. I tried my best to keep you guys as gender natural as best as I can. I did put myself in here but I'm not going to be telling you who though. >:) Please Enjoy 🤗.


No Good For You

"You know what Y/n, I really miss that happy friend we had. You've been acting so sad. Why won't you come back?" Willow asked turning to her stomach on the couch to face Y/n. Who was sitting on the other side with their knees to their chest.

"You don't even take your time with your calls anymore" she added.

"I know why. She's always with her new boy. But to be honest he ain't all that." Lilly commented as she adjusts her position to be sitting on the arm of the couch near Y/n.

"You say 'his kiss is soft and sweet. He swept you off of your feet.' But he's no good for, like not at all." Lilly quoted Y/n with a hint of sarcasm. 

"But it's true. He is so perfect." Y/n defended with a love-filled gaze.

"Kate, I need help" Lilly shouted to her sister, Katelynne, who was on the floor on her phone. Katelynne looked up from her phone and saw Y/n gaze. She knew exactly what they were talking about.

"Sure, He's worth a lot of gold. But you're better than you know. No good for you, no good for you" Katelynne repeating herself at the end. 

"That boy's no good for you, You're way too good for him. That boy's no good for you, for you. No he no good, he no good for you. No he no good, he no good for you" scolded both Lilly and Katelynne repeated themselves. Willow started to catch up on what they are doing and understood why.

"He may drive those facey cars you like but he doesn't even call you at night. To tell you he loves you and he's thinking about you." She said sitting up. 

" Don't even take him home for the holidays, better keep him away. Trust me everyone will just say he's such 'a soldier'." Lilly commented using air quotation when she said 'soldier'

" But his kiss is soft and sweet. He even swept me off my feet." Y/n chimed in cheerfully.

"Yeah, He is no good for you" Lilly said getting annoyed.

"That boy's no good for you, You're way too good for him. That boy's no good for you, for you. No he no good, he no good for you. No he no good, he no good for you" all three spoke repeating themselves. 

"Won't you just take it from a FRIEND. That boy is no gentleman. What you are feelin', it ain't love." Lilly spoke raising her voice at 'friend'. She then stood up on the couch and took out her phone. " Cause he called me yesterday and ask me on a date. Trying to play you like a fool. This is why I'm telling you." with that Lilly then pushed play on the recording she pulled up on her phone. 



"Hey,  baby. I was wondering if you would like me to take you out on Friday. It would be like a little date."

One, I'm not your baby. Two, aren't you dating Y/n.

"Well, Yeah but they aren't really cutting it. So that's why I'm asking you out."

How about HELL TO THE FUCK  NO! 

//End of Recording//

"You say 'his kiss is soft and sweet. He swept you off of your feet.' But he's no good for, like not at all." Lilly quoted Y/n again already very angry. "And I'm sure he's worth a lot of gold. But you're better than you know. He's no good for you."

"That boy's no good for you, You're way too good for him. That boy's no good for you, for you. No he no good, he no good for you. No he no good, he no good for you" all three spoke repeating themselves.

"Y/n, why can't you see, That . . . Bastard is not good for you. You need to end it before you get very heartbroken.  Can't you see, I'm not being a bitch, I'm protecting you." Lilly said calming down and sitting back down on the arm of the couch.

"Please, Y/n, make the call," Katelynne said while handing Y/n their phone. Y/n took their phone and stared at it blankly. They then turned it on and dialed his number.


"Hey baby"

'Oh hey, whatcha need honey.'

With one deep breath, Y/n gathered up all of their courage.

"We are done." and with that, they hunged up and blocked his number.

"I did it." Y/n cheered with relief. Everyone for some reason started to cheer as if they landed on the moon. In the heat of the moment, Y/n grabbed Lilly's face and kissed her. As they pulled away, they both stared at each other in complete shock. Without a second thought, they both kissed each other again. Willow and Katelynne took notice and walked out of the room high-fiving each other. 

"Heh, umm . . ." Y/n said as they pulled away. 

"Shh, it's fine, I love you too" Lilly shushed Y/n and pulled them into a hug.



Sorry, it's short. I didn't plan anything after Y/n broke up with that bastard. 

-Marlinthedragon out

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