Nightmare x Reader

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I have always wondered why I loved books more than people. To me book where always there for me when I needed them the most. Unlike some people I know. Books will never betray me when something bigger and better comes into play. With books I know what Im getting into, with people not so much. People have left me broken and alone. People stabbed me in the back when I was no longer of use to them. I guess books are just better people then real people.
I was sitting underneath a big tree the was covered in bright leaves. I was reading of my favorite books, 'Beauty and the Beast'. I was getting the part where Bell would kiss the Beast and they would live happily ever after. But my happily ever after was inrupted by a few people who I don't really seem to like right now.
"Well well well. If it isn't our little loner. Whatcha you got there? Another one of your fairytales." One of the towns spoke while they ripped the book from my grasp.
"Hey, g-give that back." I said getting up to grab my book.
"Hmmm, I don't think so. Hey, ______ heads up." The person who was the leader o the group tossed my book to another person. They kept tossing the book between each other keeping it out of my reach. While I was chasing the book ended up tripping over a root and landed face first in the dirt. I looked up to see the leader holding book open in their hands.
"This is trash." They said as they ripped the pages out. Tears started to flow from my eyes.
"W-Why would you do that?" I asked as me voice cracks.
"Aw is the baby going to cry now. How about we give you something to cry about. Let's get em." The leader spoke and starts to kick me. The rest of the group joined in taking turns kicking me. The air was filled with cry's and laughter.
"P-Please stop!" I cryed out. I close my eyes and turned to endure the pain.
"OW- WHAT THE-" I heard one of the yell in pain. I opened by eyes and that a apple had been thrown at him. More came down, hitting everyone in the group.
"Come let's go, the loner is not worth it." The leader instructed as they ran away. I sat up in confusion. 'Who was throwing those apples?' I questioned. I tried to stand up but it hurts to much for that. So I crawled. I crawled over to my book, or what's left of it. Tears started to flow again.
In the silence, a loud THUD came from behind me. Every muscle in my body tensed up. I slowly and shakingly turn around. Behind me at the base of the tree was a skeleton, he look around my age. He wore purple and gold clothing and had a golden moon circlet on. He had a soft smile on his face. He didn't say word and started to gather the ripped pages that had been scattered every where. Once he had gathered them all, he walked over to me. I flinched and hid behind my book once he stopped at me.
"Hey, it's alright I'm not goin to hurt you like those jurks did." The skeleton reassured.
"O-oh Thank you." I said as I lower my book from my face and took the pages from the skeleton. I opened my book and placed them in there gently. I was going to fix them when I go home.
"Oh, Beauty and the Beast, I love that story." The skeleton said as he pointed to the book.
"Y-yeah, it my favorite too. I really love the ending." I agreed.
"I'm Nightmare. Nice to meet you." Nightmare greeted himself as he held out his hand.
"I'm Y/n." I took a hold of his hand. Nightmare then pulled me up off the ground. Being surprised by this I quickly lose my balance and fell again. This time bring Nightmare along with me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean too. Please for give me." I pleaded with my eyes closed.
"Heh, it's okay no need to be sorry. I did pull you up with out warning." Nightmare chuckled. His sound sof and sweet. It was nice. I opened my eye to find I was on top of him, with my face in his chest. I quickly shot up as I felt my face heat up.
"Y-yeah you're right." I chuckled as looked away from him.
"I think I have a copy of this at home. I'll be right back." Nightmare told me and ran off. For some reason it feels werid that he is gone. I had only just meet him, how can I feel alone already?
I dropped the question and stood up. I brushed off the dirt that was in my clothes and sat underneath the tree again. I waited for Nightmare.
"Hey I'm sorry I took so long. I had some . . . Casualties." Nightmare said as he started to drift off. I looked at home and saw him a black eye and some blood coming from his mouth. He held a book in his hands.
"Oh my Asgore. Are you okay?" I asked running over to him.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. It's nothing bad."
"Are you sure?" I asked getting worried.
"Yes, now here." He handed me the book that he brought. I turned it over and saw it was a limited edition of Beauty and the Beast.
"W-Wha? For me?" I questioned in surprise.
"Cause yours got distroyed."
"T-thank you. I'm going to charish this." I hugged the book. "Do you, do you want to read it with me?" I asked Nightmare.
"Yeah, I you don't mind." Nightmare accepted my offer. We took a seat underneath the big tree and started to read.
I felt happy, this the happiest I have ever been in such a long time. I'm definitely going to charish this moment forever.

The End

1021 Words
Hey this wasn't actually trash for once. I hoped you enjoyed this one shot.
- Marlinthedragon Out

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