Bad Sans x Reader

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A Halloween special: Hunted House

3rd Person
Y/n stood at the counter chopping up veggies for dinner. They had their back towards the door, paying no attention who would walk through. She walked over to the stove to turn of the fire of the boiling water pasta. She picked up the pot and started to dump the contents iin a strainer. She put the pasta back on the stove and went back to the cutting board.
The sound of a shattering jar echo through the kitchen. Y/n froze. They slowly turned to the pantry. They started to walk to it when something shot across the room, making a chair move. Y/n quickly turned around and look dead at the chair. Another jar fell breaking when it touched the floor. Being scared, Y/n ran to the cutting bored and grabbed the knife. The held it ready in their hands. A chair moved again. Y/n slowly backed away not taking note that there was a dark figure behind them. Once Y/n ran into the figure, they froze in place. They started to shack from the fear that was coursing through their vein. Y/n felt the figure lean down to their ear. They could feel it's hot breath.
"Boo~" The figure whispered. This sent Y/n over the edge.

Y/n PoV
"B-but I can't help it. Your reactions are p-priceless." Horror explained through his laughter.
"*Sigh* Why do I even bother? Anyway, dinner is almost ready. Go ahead and get everyone." I told Horror as I started to serve up the meal.
"But I don't wanna." Horror whinned.
"Well, tough sh*t. That's what you get for breaking my jars and scaring me."
"Broken jars?" Horror questioned.
"Yeah, the jars in the pantry. They were pushed off and shattered against the floor." I explained as a arched a brow at Horror.
"That wasn't me." Horror told me. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"If that wasn't you then did you move the wooden chair in the dinning room? " I asked trying not to sound scared.
"No, I was walking by the kitchen and saw you standing here holding the knife. As if you were defending yourself." Horror explained. I felt me stomach drop to the floor. The room was silent, then another jar broke and the chair moved. We both shot out of the kitchen as if our life depended on it. I felt Horror grab me a push me forward is he fell behind me.
"NIGHTMARRRRRRRRRRRRRRE!!!" I screamed and I slammed open the throne room. In the room I found Dust, Cross, and Nightmare.
"What do you want?" Nightmare asked sounding annoyed.
"T-t-t-there is s-s-s-something in the k-k-k-kitchen." I stuttered as I shakingly pointed down the hall. I looked besides me and find that Horror was no where to be seen. "And it got Horror."
"Ugh, Dust Cross, go check it out." Nightmare ordered.
"Yes, Boss." Dust and Cross said in usion. We all left Nightmare and walked o the kitchen. Once the doorway to the kitchen was in view, the lights were off.
"Hey Y/n, did you turn off the lights?" Cross asked as he leaned over to me.
"N-no." I shock my head and the clenched to his arm. I heard him chuckle.
"THIS IS NOT A LAUGHIG MATTER!" I yelled at him. We stopped at the doorway. I gulped as I watched Dust turn on the lights. When the lights were on, I wanted to jump out of a window. There in the middle of the room was Horror. He was covered in blood and he was hanging. The kitchen was a mess. Looks like Horror faught back. Blood cover everything.
"NO NOT HORROR!" I screamed as I watched Horror swing back and forth. I felt my stomach drop again. I quickly let go of Cross and threw up behind a counter. The lights went out again.
"WHAT THE F*CK!" I heard Dust growl. Then I felt something grab me. I went to scream the I felt a hand go over my mouth.
"Shh, it's just me, Cross." Cross said in a low whisper. He turned my head to the doorway, where there was some movement. The movement looked as if it was eating. The lights flickered back on and both Horror and Dust were gone.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked as I was on the verge of tears.
"Hey, it's okay. They are probably just playing a trick in us." Cross reassured as he hugged me. "Let's go to Nightmare and tatle on them."
"*Sniff* Okay."
We walked down the hall, to the throne room. When we reached the door, it was cracked open slightly. Cross and I exchanged concern looked and walked in. The throne was worse then the kitchen. Nightmare's chair was all ripped up, the stuffing was falling out. The curtains were torn from the stone walls and ripped to shreds. There was blood everywhere. How did we no hear this mess?
"This creature must be really strong and power full if it got Nightmare." Cross said, scaring me even more. There was a loud disturbing screech that came from the hall. The door of the throne room was then slammed shut. The light all when out. The moon from the forever night sky shined through the windows.
"Wha-" Cross started to yell then got pulled back into the darkness.
"CROSS!" I screamed. I heard ripping fabric and glass breaking. I slowly found myself in a corner. Something kept running back and forth through the room. It was growling and screeching. I could only see black blurrs when I went through the moonlight.
My heart started to race, I started to pant as if I had been running. Then the room fell silent.
"H-hello" I choked out. Then I heard the creature run towards me. I heard a loud screech. Then I saw it. I only got a quick glimpse before I closed my eyes.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lunges.
I heard loud laughter coming from the darkness. When I opened my eyes the lights were on. When I lifted my head from my arms the while gang was standing around me.
"W-wha?" I asked as tears flowed down from my eyes.
"Before you get mad at me this was all the trios idea." Error spoke up.
"Yeah, if your going to kill anyone, kill them." Cross said as he pointed to the trio. I slowly stood up. I held my head low, letting the shadow consume my eyes.
"Wait, hold on there Y/n. This was . . . this was just payback for the prank you pulled last week." Dust explained as a sweat bead dropped.
"Y-yeah since you made everyone sad that some killed you." Killer added on. I didn't listen, I mean I hear them but I wasn't enknowledge them. I held out my hand towards Cross.
"Cross give me the biggest one you got." I said. " I want them to feel it coming."
"Okay" Cross said as he summoned one of his big red knives. He handed it to and whispered to the trio.
"You should start running."
They scattered like a bunch of mice. I smiled.
"GET YOU A*SSES BACK HERE!" I yelled as shot towards them.

3rd PoV
As Y/n speed around the throne room, Nightmare, Cross, and Error sat in a corner and dipped in some coffee.
"Hey, boss can you pass the creamer?" Cross asked. Then the creamer was thrown at his head and got dumped into mug.
"Ah, thank you." Cross said with a expressionless face and took a sip of his coffee.

The End

1357 Words
I hope this came out okay. As it said in the title this is a Halloween inspirated story.
-Marlinthedragon out

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