Bad Sanses x Reader

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Deal with Nightmare

Background: Instead of going from Au to Au, Nightmare and the Gang opened a casino to spread negativity. The people with a high winning streak Nightmare will approach them and offer them a deal. They sell their souls to him. Now about you, you have a Determination soul, the rarest of the rare of the souls. (Ik Nightmare doesn't collect souls but in this story he does. This kinda got inspired by cupheads, heh)

"Come on Y/n, don't be a party pooper." 1Bf/n(A best friend's name) whined as they tugged at my arm. 
"No I already told you two, we are not going. You guys always get ahead of yourselves, I mean always, and get close to making a deal with Nightmare. We are not going this." I say as pulled my arm away from 1B/n.
"Aw come on, we know you love the adrenaline rush whenever you win." 2Bf/n (Another best friend's name) persuaded. I do like the adrenaline high whenever I win and when we escape Nightmare. I smiled at the thought. I then stop and shacked my head.
"No that's fin-




al"I finished as the loud noises of the casino bustle around us. Before I uddered a word to even stop them, 1Bf/n and 2Bf/n have already run off into the casino
"Not again," I say as I began to sulk. "might as well make a buck or two." I sighed as I walked over to one of the slot machines neat one of the walls of the casino. 

On the first pull, I won. Surprise and overjoyed I began to cheer jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. I was so wrapped up in my win, I didn't even notice one of the Bad Sanses approach me. 
"Well Well, don't we got a winner?" A voice boomed from behind of me. I froze. I could feel my sweat dripping down my neck as slowly turned around. I came face to face with a hooded figure known as Dust. "I this your first time? Come to think of it I never seen you around here before, are you new?" Dust asked as he leaned over trapping me against the wall.
"I umm . . . well . . . uhh-uhh . . ." I stuttered over my words. 
"Spit it out."
"N-no, it's not my first time here.  I-it was j-just the first pull and I won heh." I finally spat out is I began to sweat bullets. Dust smiled at my fear. He seems to enjoy watching me panic and trip over my words.
"Whats a pretty or handsome, whichever you per, thing like you doing here alone?" Dust smirked as leaned closer. I began to blush at what he just called me. 
"I'm a-actually with a couple of my f-friends," I say as I tried my best to stop myself from shivering. A couple of poker tables away from us, a loud cheer echoed over the buzzing of the casino. "Oh looky over here, that's them over there. I best be going before they do something stupid. I'll collect my winnings and be on my mary way." I say as I tried to walk away from the uneasy arua. But I was stopped when another one of the Bad sanses came over to Dust. This skeleton had a big hole in its head, so I assumed it was Horror.
"Hey Dust, These to kids over here are on a massive winning streak- oh hello sweetcheeks," Horror says as looked dead at me I froze again, as the attention of both skeletons was on me.
"I know there a beauty aren't they." Dust said sounding proud.
"You ain't wrong, they got a cake for an ass." Horror said as he slapped my ass. My face was now completely red. I quickly collected my poker chips and started to walk off. 

"Alright, we'll make a deal with you, Nightmare." I heard 1B/n speak. I froze. Everything felt as if it slowed. As I turned around to the poker table1B/n and 2B/n were slowly going to shake hands with Nightmare.
"WAIT!" I screamed but it was too late, the deal was already in play. As the cards were being dealt, nightmare's smirk grew wider.
"BAD BEAT!" Nightmare yelled as the kids lost. Fear and regret finally set in between them both. They began to beg for life as Nightmare pulled their souls out.
"WAIT!" I yelled again as I stopped in front of the three. Attention was now on me and I had to think quickly.  If I distract Nightmare for a while, the kids could escape. But then one of the other sanses might catch them and kill them right then and there. We could book it for the front doors, but once you make a deal with Nightmare, your fate is sealed, He'll have your soul.  So it only leaves one thing. To bargain.
"Take my would instead," I say.
"Hmm, go on?" Nightmare asked as his interest peeked. 
"My soul is much stronger than their combined. It's also rare. You could use me as a  weapon." I say. 
"Y/n what are you doing you can't do that," 2B/n asked. 
"Your father will have us killed if he finds out what happened to you," 1B/n added.
"I don't care. Father only wanted me for my soul. He never cared. You guys have a family to go home to that loves you, just . . . steer clear from my father." I say as I looked away from them, hiding my face that was full of tears. 
"Oo~, the negativity is just practically dripping off of you. We have a deal." Nightmare held out his hand, waiting for me to shake. I stared at his hand. Part of me was screaming in fear and the other was just worrying about my friend's safety.
"Deal." I grabbed and shook his hand. I felt as if I killed myself. I could feel something begin to weigh down onto my soul as dark thoughts flooded my brain. These thoughts weren't new. I was like I opened the door that was locked away in the back of my brain. 
"Now, -" Nightmare twirled me around and brought me into a hug, though it wasn't from affection. "You two beat it or else I'll kill you myself." The two didn't even hesitate, they bolted for the doors. I watched them leave as a stray tear rolled down my cheek, I was smiling softly. 
"You have such a nice figure, Moonbeam~, " Nightmare said breaking my thoughts. I felt myself blush again as Nightmare traced his hands around my hips. I then removed his hand and face towards him.
"Thanks but aren't you going to kill me or something. Will you please make it painless? That's my only wish. A painless death." I asked as smiled at him. I knew I was going to die and I was fine with that, as long as my friends are safe then I'm perfectly fine. 
"Now why would I do that?" Nightmare asked smirking. He had taken a hold of my chin, tilting my head up at him as he brought me close. "Why would I kill a Moonflower like you?"
"I just thought since I sold my soul to you, you wouldn't have any use for my body and kill me," I explained confused.
 "Nope, you too precious to kill. You'll work here. Trapped here forever." Nightmare said as one of his tentacles began to wrap around my waist. I was then lifted off the ground and Nightmare began to walk off, carrying me behind me. 
"Where are you t-taking?" I asked as fear began to bubble inside me again.
"To your room. You need to be well-rested for your big day tomorrow." Nightmare explained as he placed me on the bed in a room. He then shut the door behind him. I heard a click. 
"Have so great nightmare, Moonbeam. See you in the morning." 

I was alone in the darkroom. I then took off my shoes and started to get comfortable in the bed. The bed was soft, softer than anything I remember. I sighed in contentment as I relaxed in the bed. 
"I guess this is the new normal. This doesn't seem that bad, and I might even like here better than with my dip shit of a father." I sighed as I closed my eye. I slowly drifted off to dreamland, wondering what was going to happen in the morning.

The End


1424 Words

The ending was shit but eh I got another done. The reason why the ending was so bad is because, I didn't want this to have a second part but if you guys want a second part, just say so then I'll make one. Anyways thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed.

-Marlinthedragon out

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