NAJ Pj x Loner!Reader Part 2

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"Come on lets go to my room where we can start to work." Pj said and lead me to his room. His room was nothing special, just your typically male teenager room. There was a bed, desk, dresser and the floor. Pj took a seat to his desk and I sat on the floor.

arning: Suggestive actions? I mean I think so

"Y'know you can sit on the bed." Pj said.
"Um, No thanks. Your still a stranger to me." I got up from the floor and went to the desk he was at.
"I can fix that." And with that Pj gotten up and trapped me against the desk. His face was mer centimeters away.
"Tch, we have a project to work on." I said holding my blush back and pushed his shoulder with my hand. "And don't do that sh*t again or else there won't be a 'friendly' push."
"Heh feisty, I like~" I heard Pj whisper.
"Nothing" he raised his hands in defense and turned to his note book on his desk.
"That's what I thought" I said as I rummage through my backpack.

//Week later//
(I did a week cause what I wrote would make more sense)




I through my alarm clock at my wall.
"Errrrrrmmm *thud*" I groaned and rolled off of my bed. I got up from the floor and went to my closet. I grabbed my usual attire and went to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I started strip. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My body looked extremely pail and my eyes had huge bags underneath we them.
"*Sigh* Guess I got to pull out the make-up" I said as I finished getting dressed. I went through my bathroom drawers til I found the old makeup pouch. I added foundation to my bags and blended. I watched as the bags slowly disappeared. I walked out that bathroom and made my way out the door.
I dragged my feet on my way to school, I really didn't want to be there. My mind wondered around going for thought to thought till it came to the incident with Pj. My face grew hot. 
'Ugh Y/n! Why are you think about this?' I scolded my self. But I remembered how close I was to his face, how close he was from kissing my lips. I shook my head from that thought.
'No, Y/n. You can't think like that. He's just going to use you an when he's done he'll leave you.' I thought as I mentally slapped myself. I sighed as I walked through the front doors.
I ignored all the looks as I walked through the halls. Once I made it to my locker, I heard a small knock against the door. I moved the door and looked at Who knocked. It was Lilly. She held a guilty looked. My face dropped to a glare.
"What do you want? Aren't you supposed to follow Bunny everywhere?" I said in a growl.
"I'm umm not friend ms with them anymore." Lilly said softly as she looked to the floor. My expressions soften but I shooked my face and went back to my glare.
"I-I want to apologize. What I didn't is worse than actually doing it myself. I shouldn't stand by and watch you get bullied like that. So I'm sorry. You probably don't want to hear this but I would also like to make it up to you by being your friend. Would you let me?" Lilly apologized as she looked back at me. Her eyes where filled with guilt and hope. I was surprised. Someone apologize for their actions toward me. I smiled at how warm it made me feel.
"You're right I didn't want to hear that but I accept your apology. You apology made my feel warm inside and happy, so I'll forgive you. And I also want to be friends as well. So do you want to sit together at lunch?" I asked being genuine. Lilly's expression light up.
"Yes yes, if that's okay with you. I would love to sit with you." Lilly smiled happily.
"Well the see you at lunch. Gotta go to astrology." I said as I point over ym shoulder.
"Oh, I'm coming with you. We have that same class together." Lilly commented. I stared at her dumfounded.
"Seriously, how do I keep missing people that are in my class?" I say with disbelief. Lilly giggled at that action. We walked to class, talking.


Lunchtime. A time to eat and mingle. I would normal dread lunch, but now that I have Lilly. I actually happy that I won't be alone this time.
I sat at my normal spot and waited for Lilly. I unconsciously looked over to the Jocks. The were being rowdy and stupid as usual. But my eyes went straight to Pj. He was smiling and laughing his goofy laugh. I smiled as I blushed softly. I then heard someone place their tray across from me.
"NO WAY!" Lilly shouted as she made herself present. I jumped slightly as I looked to her. She sat down and leaned across the table.
"You like Pj!" They whispered yelled in my ear. I froze as my face grew red.
"Wha-what? no I don't." I stuttered as I tried to hid my face.
"Pfft, you're a terrible lier. You could see it in how red you face got just by mentioning his name." Lilly laughed as she pointed to my face.
"Fine, you got me. I guess I do kinda like Pj." I say as I dropped my head to the table.
"You should totally make a move." Lilly said as she took a bit of her food.
"What no. I can't. If I get rejected it would be akward when we work on our project." I explained.
"Oo, so you been to his house." Lilly smirked.
"No not like that, we were working on our history project."
"Yeah sure what ever you say."
"I'm serious."
"Hey, Y/n." Someone interrupted. We looked over a saw Pj approaching us. "You coming over again?" He asked. Lilly gave me a smug look as she smirked. She raised he eyebrows up and down. My began to blush even harder. I pushed her head down and leaned against it to keep it down.
"Yeah, of course like I have a choice." I said with sarcasm. Pj nodded and then walked off.
"Pfft HAHAHAH!" Lilly began to laugh uncontrollably.  "That that was great."
"Oh shut up." I said as fling a bit of my food at her.

(Why so many skips)
I walked to my locker with Lilly. I opened my locker for to closed again. I looked over and saw Pj doing that same Flirtatious lean against the lockers. I gave him a bored glare.
"So you ready to go?" Pj asked.
"How can I you just close my locker so violently." I said unimpressive tone. I could hear Lilly holding back her laughter.
"I'mma going to leave you two lover birds alone. See you tomorrow Y/n." Lilly giggled as she patted us on the back and then walked off. My face began to heat up.
"What was that about?" Pj asked.
"Nothing,. Now come on I feel another headache coming along." I say as I began to pinch the bridge on my nose. I rushed out of the school with Pj following close behind.

I sat on the floor again of Pj's room and started to work on my essay. Pj sat at his desk and started to work on his. The room was quiet beside the intense type we both were doing. I found myself staring off into PJ's general direction. Guess from feeling eyes on him, Pj turned around and face me.
"Like what you see?" Pj asked with a smirk. I blinked quickly as my face began to turn red.
"S-so what if I do what you going to do about it?" I flirted back. Pj flinched back, surprised I responded like that. I got up and walked over to him. He turned his chair over facing me. I slowly sat on his lap facing to him. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and then buried my face into his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around me.
"Hey, I uhh . . . Umm . . . Sinve we have been working on the his project I might've been falling for you along the way." I said in the mist of the silence.
"Oh yeah? Well I wish I could say the same . . . " Pj started. I could feel myself starting to shrink.
'I knew he didn't like me back.' I thought. I was about to pull away but Pj's grip tighten around me.
"I had my eye on you before our project." Pj finished. I paused. So he does like me even before we were working together.
"Y-yeah. I mean I always want to talk with but, heh I was to scared too." Pj admitted sheepishly.
"The Great Pj, was scared of a little crush." I teased.
"You're no little crush, you're the perfect crush." Pj shoot back. I froze. My face then grew bright red. I quickly hid my face into his chest.
"Heh, this is better than a 'not so friendly push'." Pj chuckled.
"Oh shut up, you-you ahahaha. I have nothing mean to call you." I growled into his chest.
"How about you boyfriend?" Pj suggested. I looked up from Pj's chest and looked at him.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean if you want to."
"I would love too." I pushed my self into Pj more. Hugging him tighter.

The End

1634 words

What the hell happened? Y/n's personality was all over the place. I hoped you like this.

-Marlinthedragon out

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