Killer x Trans!Reader

822 13 5

I wish I was a boy

I stared at myself in the mirror. I felt my hot tears starting to boil. I looked down the counter next to me. There was a pair of scissors. Picking them up, I look between myself in the mirror and the pair of scissors. I wiped the tears that were pouring out of eyes unwillingly and took a chunk of my hair. I took the scissors to the chunk and hesitated. I stared straight into my eyes. I slowly closed the scissors on my hair. I watched as hair fall onto the bathroom counter. Finally the scissors cut through all the hair. I gripped the hair in may hand tighter as I stared at it. I watched it fall to the floor when I let it go. I looked back to the mirror. I felt myself give a small smile. It felt forced. I started to the cut the rest of my hair. With each snip of the scissors, I watched the hair fall.
Once I was done, I looked at myself again. I felt different. I examine my hair. Looking at every stain. I ruffled my hair. The loose hair fell from my head. I looked down and saw the mess that I made if the counter. I sweeper it all up and threw it away. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I sat in my chair at my desk. I turned in my computer. It hummed as it turned inself on. I found myself adjusting my camera and turning it on. I clicked live on the screen and was soon live in front of millions of people.
"Hello my fellow peeps." I said as I cringe at the sound my voice. It sounded to much like a girl, I hate it. I look to the chat, it was blowing up.
'What did she do?'
'What happened?'
'Is that even her?'
My express sadden.
"Heh, you all are wondering what happened with this." I said as ruffled my hair. "Heh, I wanted to try something new."
'Why her hair was so pretty'
'She looks ugly now'
"H-hey, I gotta song for you guys. A friend of mine recommended it to me." I changed the subject, well some. I leaned over and grabbed my guitar. I held it in my hands, just staring at it. I took a deep breath in and started to play.
"I wish I were a boy
Not all the time, just sometimes." I smiled sheepishly.

"I wish I could put on eyeliner and glitter and actually look good
And have girls whisper about me in bookshops because I look like a character from their favorite book" my expression changed to a more angry look.
"I wish I were a boy
With dark fluffy hair that I love to mess up, and shake, and makes everyone stop and stare
And I wish I were a boy
So I finally look cute in dresses and skirts and pants and suits" I said with sarcasm as I rolled my eyes.
"And I wish I were a boy
With a deep rock and roll voice
That makes people stop in their tracks" I spoke softly.
"But I don't have that choicе
And I wish that I did because evеry song that I write for myself
Never sounds right because it was meant to be sung by somebody else." I raised my voice, my frustration could be heard. 
"I'm happy being me, but sometimes I wonder
What I would be like as the opposite gender" I sighed.
"Would I finally be happy being me?
Because I like being a girl
But" I played the last chords and looked up to my screen.
"So in conclusion, I'm coming out. I go by he/him, and I would like you call me N/n(I know this means nickname but in this case it means New Name)." I said as I smiled at the camera. I looked to the numbers at the corner of my screen. My veiwers where dropping same with my followers. My eyes started to tear up. But then someone donated.
Mr. Stabby Donated 500$: Do what you gotta do N/n, 'cause we will still love you the same. Your still the same person, but just different. We are here and support you. If anyone says other wise, I'll kill them myself. =) 🔪🔪 The automated voice read out loud. I know exactly who that is. I smiled softly as the chat started to agree.
'Yeah, anyone who thinks other wise shall die'
I giggled softly.
"Thank you Mr. Stabby for the 500$. And this is the end of the stream. I love you all and thank you for your support." And with that I shut everything down and ran out of my room. I ran the down hall. I burst through Killer's room.
"Y/- I mean N/n, what are you doing here?" Killer ask in surprise. I ignored his question and talked him out of his chair. I hugged him close, my head resting on his chest.
"Thank you." I said as happy tears poured out of my eyes. I felt Killer petting my head.
"No need, everyone should be who they are with no judgement." Killer said while hugging me back.
"Now let's go shopping and get you some new clothes. Maybe we can stop my Lust, and have him style your hair. It looks like a mess." Killer said as we sat up. "And we'll be using Nightmare's card, so go all out."

The End

935 Words
I made this story for my friend, who is finally the person they turely are. And also I have been listening to this song on repeat for a week.

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