MammaCQ x Reader

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You can thank Miloxi_Illi for the request I'm so sorry that this is so late. 

(I do apologize that I made Y/n more  on the feminine spectrum)

Y/n PoV:

I silently opened the window of my room. I slipped through the opening and planted my feet onto the tile of the roof. I looked at the night sky above me as a breeze blew through my hair. I breathed in the night air, letting out a long sigh. I went back to my window and grabbed my backpack. I then slid the window close. I stood up again as I slung my bag onto my back. I breathed in again and began to run off the roof. I jump to slide down the tile. Once I made it to the gutter or edge of the roof, I grabbed it and swung onto the porch. Having done that many times before, landing quietly was easy.
I walked over to the front door and placed my hand asked the worn wood. I smiled, as memories from when I was a child. Running in and out this doorway with my brothers. I smiled as a tear strayed from my eyes. My hand somehow made its way to my stomach. My soft smile stayed as I thought of the future for this new life. Another strayed from my eyes. Then another and another. Until I was crying silently, I let out a shaky breath.
I turned from the door and started to head down the walkway. I headed down the street.

Error's PoV:
I woke up to the light shining on my face. I groan in confusion, the currents are never open. I sat up groggy, rubbing my eyes. I threw off my sheets and walked out of my room. I sluggishly walked down the hall, heading to the bathroom. As I walk past Y/n's room, I noticed that their door was cracked open. Curious, I knocked on the door slightly and waited for an answer. After not getting one, I peeked into the room to find it empty.
My breathing started to get uneven. I started to frankly search around the room, to find nothing. My trashing us have been loud, cause my mother came into the room asking what was wrong. 
"Y/n is not here," I explain as I sat on the bed placing my head between my hands.
"What do you mean?" Mother asked, the fear seeping through her voice.
"They're Gone," I said raising my voice.
"Wake up you brothers!" Mother screamed as she raced to her room. I got up and ran down the hall to Geno's room. I burst in yelling.
"Wake up Y/n is missing."
Geno was already awake, as he was just sitting in bed on his phone.
"Come, get dressed, y/n is missing. We need to tell the police." I explain as I ran to Fresh's, doing the same thing.
Fresh jumped out of his bed at the sudden volume.
"What the funk man?" He groaned
"No time to explain get your funky ass up." I yelled at him.

The four of us rushed into the station in a frantic state. We walked to the front.
"Help! My baby. They're missing." Mother shouted to the officer at the front desk.
"Alright, Ma'am. I'll need you to calm down, and give me a description of your child."  The police officer explained with a soft but alarmed tone.
"They have h/l, h/c hair. S/t skin with big e/c eyes. They are about (height)." Mother describes Y/n.
"And how old is your child mama?" The officer asked.
"They, they are 18. You gotta find them!" Mother shouted.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I can't."
"I'm sorry but they are the legal age-"
"Mama, I'm sorry we can file a missing person if you - MA'AM!"
The mother fell unconscious.

//TimeSkip cause Idk what else to put here//

Error's PoV(years later)
I was sitting in the cafe outdoor area, drinking my coffee as I read the newspaper.
It has been almost 10 years since Y/n left. Mom hasn't been the same. She locks herself in the Y/n room for hours on end. Fresh has been more distant, he moved out and has rarely visited. Geno has been staying with mom, taking care of her. I. I have been getting by.
I got another sip of my coffee as the breeze blew through the café. The world was buzzing around me. People talking, children laughing, and the world was alive.  I finished my coffee. I got up and folded my paper, but before I could throw my cup away something bumped into my making me drop everything. I growled as I turned to yell at the person to find a kid on the ground. He looked scared. He has short fluffy h/c. Big yellow eyes, with one of the pupils an upside-down heart. He seemed to have blue tear streaks down his face.
"Hey, there buddy are you okay?" I asked as I took a step toward the kid. He put his hands up blocking his face. I stop in my tracks as I noticed his hand were bone.
"Hey hey, there buddy it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt ya'. Where's your  parent?" I asked as he lowered his hands.
"Oh EJ there you are. Are you okay?" A voice asked as a person came running up behind the kid.
"Baba!" The kid, who I would think is EJ, yelled as he ran to them.
"Oh my sweet baby, it's okay, it's okay. They picked up the child, comforting him.
"I'm so sorry about EJ. We were just playing and he got a bit carried away." Their voice grew hesitant as they made eye contact. They look familiar, but I couldn't put my finger.
"Oh, it's okay."
"We gotta go have a good day sir." And they walked off. I turned around to walk the other way.
I couldn't get the person out of my head. They looked so familiar. They kinda look like Y/n. I stopped dead in my tracks with widen eyes.
I gotta find out.
I turned around and started to follow the way they went. As I pushed through the crowded walkway, I spotted EJ holding someone's hand. I looked closer and it was his parent. They were walking towards the park. I pushed my way through the people as they walked into the park gates.
Once I made it in, they seem to disappear. Everywhere I looked, I saw happy families, children screaming and laughing.
"Ugh, where are they?" I groaned as I scanned the park. I started to walk around looking for them.
Then after what seemed like an hour, I found them. EJ was playing in a sandbox while his parent was sitting at a bench watching him.
"Y/N?" I yelled. The person turned around and looked at me.
Everything in the world seemed to disappear. Just us two, standing in a void as we stared at each other. It must be them. They have grown so much. Their h/c, h/l hair was now h/c, h/l. Their e/c eyes were slightly dull but still filled with life. They changed so much but still look the same. 
"Error?" they asked softly. 
"Babs, It's the monster man for the old cafe" Their child exclaimed as he pointed at me. Y/n leaned down to his height and gave him a big warm smile.
"It seems like he wants to come over and talk with us, why don't you go over and invite him over to come and play." They said in a positive tone. The kid beamed with joy, then he ran towards me. 
"Hello mister, Baba says you look like you want to come and play with us. So would you like to come and play?" He asks with a bright smile.
"Sure little man," I said as I kneeled down to him. He gasps in excitement, grabbed my hand, and ran over to his Baba, dragging me behind him. 
"Baba, he wanted to play." He announce as Y/n got up and walked to the sandbox. They sat on the edge of the box and gestured for us to come over. Once at the box, I joined Y/n on the edge of the box as the kid climbed in and started playing with a truck he had. 
There was a long silence between us.
"I'm sorry" Y/n spoke softly. 
"For what?" I asked.
"For leaving, without saying something. You must be pretty mad with me." 
"What? Why would I be mad at you for that? I was upset, yes, but never mad. I was sad, scared about what happened to and confused about why you left. Why did you leave?" I asked.
"Cause of him" Y/n explained as she gestured towards their kid. 
"Were you worried that we would get mad cause you were pregnant? why would you think that?"
"I dont know. All I that I wanted to keep him."
"What about the father?"
"He's out of the picture. When I told him, he said he wanted nothing to do with a child. But he used . . .stronger word to discribe EJ." 
"Is that his name? What dose it stand for?"
"Error Jr. His middle name is Geno, and dont worry he has the personality of Fresh. Which is kinda funny."
"Heh, it is."
"Ho-how is everyone?" Y/n asked. I sighed sadly as I advertied my gaze.
"Mom . . . hasn't been the same since you left. She'd locked herself in her room, rarely comes out. She dosen't come out to eat. Geno stays home, taking care of her. Have her to eat when ever she can."
"What about Fresh?"
"He . . . He moved out of the house and hasn't talked to us since. He complete cut off all contact."
"How are you holding up?"
"Me? Well I've been doing my best. I been helping Geno with the house. Other than that I've been traveling due to my job. And maybe with each trip I had some hope of finding you." Itwas silent between us again.
"You have to come back."
"I can't." 
"I've built a life here. What about EJ? He finally has friends that like him for him. It wouldn't be weird just to pick up everything and leave."
"Well can you at least visit? It would be a start." I asked Y/n. Another silence settaled between us.

"Do you have  place to stay?" They asked.
"I'm staying at the hotel on main street. Why?"
"Why dont you come home with us and stay with us till the end of you trip. EJ would love to spend time with his uncle. And when you go back we'll tag along. And only the Universe know from there." Y/n invited me to stay with them. I smiled at them. 
"Yeah sure. That sound like a plan." 

The End 


1781 Words

Hoped you loved this.

-Marlinthedragon Out

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