NAJ Horror x Reader

384 11 1

Class Fight

I walked through the crowded hall of Mount Ebot High. Trying to get to my locker.
Mount Ebot High is just about your average high school. You got the nerds and the jocks. The popular girls and the nobody's. The delinquents and the prep. And the fights. Oh my god, the fights. The fights get brutal. The school can't go a day with out one fight, at least. The normal amount is about 5-6 per day. The fights aren't always about something serious. Sometimes they are just about one kid accidentally step on another's foot. With the the school being 99% monster the arguments get violent pretty quickly.
I'm lucky enough to be a nerd, a nobody nerd. I'm the one that's in the back of the class doing their work quietly and the first one out the door when class is over. I always try my best to steer clear of the jocks and populars. Being one of the few humans in this school, fights are futal. But not according to my sibling Chara. It seems like everday they come home with a black eye or busted lip. Don't get me wrong, I do like a good fight. I always try to record one, especially when it involves Chara.
I finally made to my locker with out pissing anyone off. I sighed with relief. I opened my locker and grabbed some books for my next class. I closed the door with out realizing that Chara and their deliquent friends were on the other side.
"Hey -"
"AHH" I sreamed in a high pitch as I closed me eyes. Due to me being startled I dropped my books and punch something, hard.
"Agh" I heard someone groan in pain. I opened on eye scared know full well I'm going to end up in a fight. I saw Chara leaning over in pain holding their nose as Mad dummy and Horror laughed.
"Fuck, I forget you strength untill you hit me." Chara stated while they pulled their hand away from their nose. Their hand was covered in blood.
"Oh my god, Chara are you okay?" I asked in a panic. "That's alot of blood, oh God we need to get you to the nurse."
"Y/n, calm down. Chara had way worse. They'll be fine." Horror reassured as he patted me on my head. I blushed at the action but I was to overwhelmed by the sight of blood to react to it.
"Yeah, Y/n I'm fine. It's just a small nose bleed. " Chara smiled while they wiped the blood on their shorts.
"Small nose bleed my ass. Come here." I said as I pulled out a tissue. I didn't even let Chara protest. I took a hold of their head and cleaned them up. I may not like fights but I when I have my mind set on something it hard to change it.
"There all done." I said as I placed a small pink bandaid across Chara's nose.
"Heh, looking a bit girly there Chara." Horror commented.
"Y-yeah" Mad dummy said while laughing.
"Better shut your mouth before I do it for you." Chara snapped back. They all glared at each other. I wasn't liking the tension so I grabbed two more bandaids and placed a them on Mad dummy and Horror.
"There, you all have pastel bandaid." I said with a bright smile. Their expressions soften.
Someone then bumped into me, pushing me into Horror. He caught me before I hit the ground.
"Watch where you're going." The student hissed with venom.
"No watch where you're going you sack of over grown dog shit." Horror spat back. The student stopped in there tracks. They turned slowly towards Horror.
"Do you want to fight?" They asked with a threatening tone.
"Yeah, and I know I'll win." Horror brawled as he handed me over to Chara.
"Horror let's not, it's 7 in the morning." I nagged. Even though I wanted to watch this fight, I was more worried about Horror's safety. I don't want my crush to get hurt cause if me, even though that would be really romantic. But Horror completely ignored my words.
It wasn't long till the hallway turned into a fight ring. People were cheering them on, and some we're even betting on who would win.
"20$ on the skeleton." I heard Chara say.
"Are you sure? Everyone else is betting on the other monster." Said the student that was in charge of the bets.
"Yeah I'm sure, I know Horror like the back of my hand. He's going to win." Chara boasted. They exchanged the money and walked off.
"Chara I can't believe you." I scolded them.
"What? If I already know the out comes why not make some money off of it." Chara shrugged as they walk off to have full veiw of the fight. I followed close behind them.
As usual the fight ended up with magic being used. Both Horror and the other monster were a bloody mess.
"They are going to kill eachother." I said faintly. "Where the hell are the teachers?" I looked around the halls and saw no teacher. Damn, I get teenagers are scary but to hide away from them is kinda extreme.
"Chara, do something!" I yelled at my sibling.
"What you want me to do? If I get between them I'll be good as dead." Chara answered.
All of sudden, the two fighting froze and went flying across the hall, away from eachother. Everyone stop in their tracks scared of what will happen next. Everyone knows who's magic was being used.
Og Sans.
He is one of our lunch servers. He's extremely lazy. Despite his lazyness, he's actually one of the strongest monsters here. He only intervens when a lives are at steak . Other wise he would let the other teachers deal with the fights. So if he have to step in the we are in big trouble now.
"Principal's office now!" He yelled sternly. He place the two that were fighting down next to him.
"The rest of you scram." In 5 secs flat the halls were deserted. Everyone was gone. Only Sans, Horror, the other monster, Chara and I were left in the empty halls.
"Y/n come one. We got to get to class before Og over there will send us to the principal as well." Chara begged as they tugged at my arm. I stared right at Horror, who was looking back at me. I gave him a sadden look. I was hesitant but I eventually followed Chara. I didn't see the look of guilt that was on Horror's face.


I haven't seen Horror since the the fight. I got worried. I know that he probably got sent suspended and sent home but I can't help to worry about him.
It was my last hour of the day, and I was in the back dored out of my mind. I I scribbled on my paper as my mind about how Horror is doing.
I shot up from my seat and booked it for the door. I rushed down the hall, being careful to not bump into anyone. I stumbled out the front doors. I scanned the court yard for Chara but couldn't find them anywhere. I sighed and walked over to the shade to wait for them. They probably got held back by on of the teachers cause they didn't do an assignment or they had spotty attendance. I pulled out my and started to scroll through Monstergram.
"*Ahem* Y/n?" I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Paperjam. One of the jocks, actually the star player of the basketball and football team.
"Oh, hey Pj. What can I do for you? Do you got a question on a homework assignment or something?" I asked with my usual bright smile.
"Umm, no. I was actually wondering if you like to go out on a date with me? Your really beautiful and kind. I really like you a lot. So, would you like to go out with me?" Pj asked as he scratched the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact. My smile wavered. I didn't know how he would react to rejection. I mean everyone practically fawn over him.
"I'm sorry. No" I answered softly.
"What!? Why!?" Pj asked a bit surprised by my answer, as if he was positive I would say 'yes'.
"Because -"
"Because they are with me." Someone interrupted me. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and was pulled close. I looked to my left and saw Horror. Considering he was in a fight, He didn't have a single scratch on him.
"You didn't let them finish." Pj growled with anger.
"They didn't need to finish. They weren't interested in you in the first place." Horror said with confidence. I couldn't speak, I was overwhelmed by the thought how close Horror was to me.
Pj and Horror had a stare off. Debating whether or not to fight. But their thoughts were interrupted when Coach Error walked by us.
"Pj, practice." He said sternly.
"Yeah alright." Pj huffed as he gave Horror one final glare before walking of to the gym.
There was a loud silence, as Horror still kept his arm around me.
"W-why did you lie?" I asked as I became a studdering mess.
"Lie about what? You weren't interested, were you?" Horror asked.
"No. I wasn't. I mean about you and me." I asked.
"Oh that. Cause it's ture. I just never got the courage to ask you till now. I was afraid of rejection." Horror and he hugged my hiding his face from me.
"Pfft, you, afraid?" I asked jokenly. In reality my heart and mind where jumping with joy. He liked me back.
"I would love too." I told him as I snuggled into him.
"Wait, really." Horror asked in surprise.
"Yes, really. In a way I sorta kinda like you as well." I said looking away. We were silence between each other again.
"Finally!" I heard Chara yell. I looked behind and saw Chara and Mad dummy.
"It's about time. Do you how painful it was to watch you guys together?" Chara said with relief. Embarrassed, I hid my face I to Horror's chest.
This has been the happiest day of my High school life. Yeah, there was a fight in the beginning but it ended up with me in my crush's arms.
//On the way home//
"So how long are suspended for?" Chara asked.
"A Month."
"Damn a month for a fight that you won. But at least you made a a profit of 200 dollars." Chara smirked.
"Give me 50%. I worked hard for that." Horror demanded.

The End 

1803 Words
Hello, I'm back. Sorry I was gone for so long had family problems, but now I'm back and ready to write.

-Marlinthedragon out

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