Fresh x Reader

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"Hey, Y/n what do you look for in a partner?" Blue asked. All the star sans turned to me, who was a blushing mess.
"You know what I really want to know as well. You always complain about being single but you never say what your looking for." Ink teased.
"No you all going to say 'Expectations are too high and I'll  never find a guy like that. That it will driving me mad.' others have said that 'It's just a waste of time Get your head out of the sky'." I complained hiding my head in my arms.
"Oh come on, Y/n you know that's true. Just tell us." Dream reassured.
"Alright, here we go" I whispered. "Oh, I wish I could synthesize, a picture perfect guy. He would Six feet tall and super strong. We'd always get along." I said as a picture formed in head, bring a smile to my face.
"Oh, he'd pick me up at eight, and not a minute late 'Cause I don't like to wait. He'll Kind and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his momma right. I need a man who won't get jealous. A gentleman to take care of me in the bedroom. Romantic love but you gotta keep it rough. Am I asking too much?" I asked actually wondering if it was. They look at with concern.
"Umm, I-" Dream started.
"Girl, you gotta lower you exceptions. They are way to high for any man." Lust spoke from the kitchen.
"When did you get here!?" Ink asked jumping a bit.
"The front door was open so I let myself in."Lust explained.
"Ink, you left to door open again. Ugh your such a squid brain." Lilly said walking through the door eating a donut.
"Lilly." I scolded as she walked in.
"You also left the door open." I explained pointing to the door.
"Oh sorry, Anyways what were you all talking about?" Lilly asked as she closes the door.
"Nothing much, Just Y/n talking about their ideal man." Ink explained.
"Oh please to tell." Lilly teased while smirking. She knew damn well who I want. I glared at her then sighing.
"Like I said before. He would Six feet tall and super strong. We'd always get along. He'd pick me up at eight, and not a minute late 'Cause I don't like to wait. He'll be kind and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his momma right. I need a man who won't get jealous. A gentleman to take care of me in the bedroom. Romantic love but gotta keep it rough." I repeated myself. Lilly's smirk grew.
"Oh I know exactly who you are talking about." Lilly Blurted out.
"NO YOU DON'T!" I screamed bring everyone's attention to me. I started to blush extremely from embarrassment.
"Ooo, spill the tea sis." Lust told Lilly.
"Well for a while Y/n have been crushing on a Six foot skeleton, who goes by the name of -" I cut Lilly off by tackling her to the ground.
"Not another word, please. It's bad enough you know I don't need them to know as well. Especially Lust, he would make it worst out of the four." I begged covering her mouth. I could see Lilly smirk from her eyes.
"Okay, fine I won't tell. But you might want to run before you get over louded with questions." Lilly said taking my hands off of her mouth and pointing to the others. I looked over and saw Ink, Blue, and Lust with curious looks.
"Oh no," I gulped and slowly got up.
"Oh, Y/n!" The three dragged out in union.
"NOOOO" I b-lined to the door. Oh how I wished Lilly left it open. Forgetting I was in the Doodle sphere, I meet with nothing but white. But also not caring I just ran in some direction away from the house.
"Phew, I think I lost them." I bent over trying to catch my breath. Once I claimed my heart, I looked notice I was no longer in the Doodle sphere. Everything was extremely colorful, but not Inks colorful.
"Where am I?" I asked out not expecting an answer.
"Well you're in my void chicka." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and collided with something really hard. I closed my eyes waiting to the floor but it never came. I opened them and saw a very familiar pair of glasses. I started to blush madly.

Oh hey, Fresh. How has it been going?" I asked.
"Good, how 'bout you?" Fresh asked while twirling my around. I blushed even more, if that was even possible.
" Umm, I- I been great." I stuttered.
"You okay? Seen you runnin' in here as if you where bein' chased." Fresh ask as he dipped my again. That's when I realized music was playing in the background, very softly. We were dancing to it. I smile through my blush.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just the usual of tanning away from Lust and his gossip train." I explained with a giggle.
"What was gossip this time?" Fresh asked as he twirled my again. He held a smirk.
"Uh, nothing important. Just the usual." I said trying to push the question aside. Fresh dipped me again as the the music stopped. We stood like that for what seemed like hours.
"OH COME ON JUST KISS ALREADY!" I heard Lilly yell from the distance. I looked and saw her with Lust and the Star Sanes.
"Oh why-" with that I felt something on my lips. I looked up and saw fresh was kissing my. I was shock, but I slowly melted into it.
"How was that?" Fresh asked as he pulled away. I couldn't respond. I just turned into a blushing mess.
"Heh." He laughed as he pulled my up.
"I-I umm I . . . L-liked, umm uhh" I stuttered as I touched my lips.
"WOHO, YES. LUST WE DID, WE GOT HER, HER FIRST KISS!" I heard Lilly scream as she shacked. I got mad and tried to march over to but got picked up.
"Just ignore them, baby." Fresh said as he held me close. I started to blush more.

The End

Eh, this turned out okay. Hope you enjoyed. Please don't be afraid to comment Ideas. Love you all.

-Marlinthedragon out

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