Bad Sanses x Reader

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Soldier, Poet, King
In this story the bad Sanses are just Nightmare and the Murder Trio

"See you later, Mother," I say as I kissed my mother on her cheek. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out the door.
"Bye, Sweetie. Please come and visit." My mother shouted back at me. I waved goodbye while I adjusted my seeth of my sword and started walking towards town.
Today is a very busy, for today is the moon festival. So everyone is getting ready, running around the square. There have been many times where I almost ran into someone with supplies. There were countless creates filled with Moon Cakes and fireworks. My stomach growls just at the sight of the food stands.
"Ermmmm, I'm starving." I say as I grabbed my stomach. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I had about 1,000g, more than enough for a meal at Mr. Grillby's. I made my way to the bar, and walked into the smell of booze and fries. It made my mouth water. I walked over to the bar counter to be greeted by a fire monster.
"Morning, young Y/n." Grillby greeted. "What can I get you?"
"Morning, Mr.Grillby. May I have the special?" I asked with a big smile.
"Yeah, sure thing. And y/n, for the last time, I told to drop the 'Mr'. It's just Grillby." Grillby said as he gave me soft smile. He then walked the back to start on the meal. I spinned around in my chair and faced the entire dinning area. It was packed. I don't know how I didn't notice this before. I felt someone sit beside me with a loud thud. The thud caused me jump a little from my chair, and not cause I got scared. I looked over to see my mercenary old pal Horror. My face lit up with joy.
"Horror, is that you?" I say with excitement. The big skeleton turned around with a scowl but was soften at the sight of me.
"Well I be damned." Horror spoke with a goofy smile.
"It's nice to see you again, buddy. And man you've gotten huge. How you doing? Is Dust with ya'?" I asked as I turn to face the counter.

"Yeah, all that training finally paid off. And I'm doing fine. As for Dust, yeah he's been around. He's going to meet up with me here a bit. He said he had something to with his spell or potions." Horror explained.
"Wow, you never pay attention to anything I say, do you?" We heard a voice from behind us spoke. We turned around, to find a smirking Dust.
"*Gasps* Dust!" I cheered as I got up to hug him.
"Hey, there Y/n. Didn't expect to see you here." Dust smiled as rubbed my head.
"Then what did you say?" Horror questioned.
"I said I was getting gifts for the moon festival tonight." Dust explained as we sat down at the counter again. Before the conversation could continue Grillby brought out my food.
"There you go young Y/n, enjoy."
"Thank you Grillby." I thank grillby as he walked off. But before I could eat my food, half of it was already gone. I look led over to Horror, to see him chomping on a fry. I scowl at before moving my plate from him.
"Anyways, If I had known you guys were coming home I would have gotten you guys something." I say as a eat one fry that was left.
"Nah, no need. Just seeing you here and well is good enough for us." Dust said as he ruffled my hair. "How's the old hag doing?"
"Don't call mother that, and shes doing fine. Besides, dealing with the curse YOU left her." I say as narrowed my eyes at Dust.
"Hey, hey now she had it coming. She shouldn't had try to forbid you from see us." Dust explained.
"Anyways, I'm done eating and I best be on my way if I want to make it out of the square alive." I say as I finished my last bit of burger and hopped off my stool.
"Alright, see ya'."
"Yeah, see ya'."
I waved goodbye and walked out of the crowded bar.

I walked down the road when notice and young monster skeleton talking with a older woman. I would.normally walk by and not pay any mind to it. But this is different. I knew who the skeleton was. Killer. Don't let his appearance fool you, Killer is one of the top scam artists in world. His sliver tongue beats Bill!Sans, and that mother fucker is the demon of deals. I slowly made my way to two.
"So is that a deal?" Killer asked as he held out his hand. The old woman slowly reached out untill I cut it.
"KILLER! My buddy, how's everything's going?" I asked as swinged one arm around him. My sudden momentum made Killer stubble around before gain his balance again.
"Ma'am with all do respect, I would advise you to stay away from this man. His nothing but trouble." I say with with a closed eyed smile. I could feel Killer's glare burning into the side of my head. "He once got so drunk he accidentally blew up a building?" I could have exposed him of his scamming business but I do have some respect for this guy so I'll let him keep that.
"Thank you young Mx for the warning. I best be on my way now. Bu-bye." The elderly woman thanked me and walked off into the square.
"What the hell was that?" Killer asked with such anger that he was calm.
"I could be asking you the same thing? Aren't you supposed to be in the eastern kingdom?" I asked Killer getting up into his face. I wasn't scared of him, it was more like he's scared of me. I kick his ass once. He tired to scam me into giving up mother entire land. Once I realized what he was doing I went full force on him, with Nightmare's permission first.
"I well . . . Um . . . I - I came back for the moon festival, you know can't miss the biggest party of the year." Killer said as he began sweating bullets.  I shifted my as I crossed my arms.
"Suuure~, didn't Nightmare ban you from making another scam in the eastern empire?" I asked as I raised a brow.
"Oh, umm y-yes he did."
"Okay, I gotta go. Just know if you try to make another scam Info have permission from Nightmare to beat your ass again." I say in a chipped voice as I ran off to the castle. With our even looking I can see Killer leaning against wall, breathing heavily, trying to calm himself. I smiled as I skipped to the castle.

As I walked through the large halls of the castle I humming a little tune. I made way to the throne room with a little spring in my step. Once I made it to the big Dark oak doors that had beautiful gold trimming. I pushed open the big door to find Nightmare, sitting very boredly.
"I'm pretty sure the emperor isn't supposed to sit in his throne like that." I giggled softly as I closed the doors behind me. Nightmare jumped up  and started to fix himself, it wasn't until he noticed it and as me that he calmed down.
"How many times do I have to tell you, you can't just walk into here anytime you please." Nightmare scolded as one of his tentacles wrapped around my waist and place me in his lap. His arm snaked around my torso and buried his head into the crook of my neck.
"And how many times do I have to tell you that, you may be my emperor but you don't control me." I giggled again as I leaned into his touch. It became silent between us as we enjoyed eachothers touch.
"You ready for the Festival?" I asked breaking the quiet.
"Honestly, no I'm not." Nightmare answered as his grip around me tighten.
"Don't worry you got this. The moon chosen you for the past, I lost count. All I'm saying is you're a good ruler." I reasured.
"You sure?"
"Yes I am. If you weren't fit for the job than you would have never had it in the first place. The moon is really good at picking rulers. Trust me."
The sound  of 4 bells ringing echoed through our the halls.
"Oh look, the moon is raising. Come on you don't want to be late to your own recrowning." I say as I grabbed Nightmare's hand as rush out of the throne room.
People began to crowd around the announcement platform. Whispering to eachother about who going or be the next emperor. Nightmare took a deep breath as he took a step forward.
"Monsters and humans. We gather here to today for the crowning if the next emperor. As it has been done before, the moon will choose the next ruler. When the moon shines form behind it's cloud curtains, it'll saturate it successor in moonlight." Everyone cheered. This tradition has been going on for centuries. I smiled in my dark corner of the stage.
"LOOK THE CLOUDS ARE MOVING!" someone yelled from the crowd. Everyone quiet down and the moon light began flowing down. Everyone watched in awe as the beam of light landed on Nightmare. Everyone then bowed in respect. I smiled as I was correct. I could also see Nightmare smile as tears formed in his nonexistent eyes.
"All hail Emperor Nightmare." I shouted from the the shadows.
"ALL HAIL EMPEROR NIGHTMARE!" The town cheered in unison. People then started to pass out moon pies and gifts to one another. Nightmare smiled at the sight. He turned around and headed off the stage, towards me.
"I told you. The moon know who's right for the job." I say as I lightly punched his arm.
"Heh I guess you right." Nightmare chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Now, come on. It's your crowning again, enjoy yourself." I say as I lead us to one of the food stalls. The Kingdom is going to blessed with another year of fortune.

The End

1726 Words
This took a different turn than I originally thought but this is so much better. I made the moon festival into a crowning ceremony. Like the moon chooses who's going to rule. Never doubt the moon, cause they had never been a single 'bad' emperor in centuries. Anyways hoped you enjoyed.
-Marlinthedragon out

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