Error x Reader

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The Cafe

It was a peaceful day. Clear blue skies with a slight breeze. Nice green grass and trees. Beautiful Night Sky Petunias right outside the Cafe window. Sitting by the window in a high chair, sipping on your f/d. You watched as the world around you moves in a fast past. Watch as people go in and out of the Cafe. As you were looking outside something caught your eye. A skeleton with a black bone tone, was studying the flowers outside the window. He seemed so at peace as he stared at them. He had blue lines coming from his eyes, as if it represents tears. His eye sockets are red with one white pinprick and one blue with a yellow ring. His teeth were a soft yellow color teeth. Red and yellow fingers. He was wearing a black jacket with a blue hood. He had a red shirt and black shorts with a singler blue stripe down the side. He was also wearing black house slippers. You took a sip of your drink and looked back and he was gone. You moved your eyes around trying to find that skeleton but  he just vanished. Feeling sad you took the last sip of your f/d and hopped off of the high chair. You through your cup away and headed home.

//Next Day//

You walked into the same cafe, with a book of Botany. You ordered your f/d and took a seeat near the window. You looked out the window and saw the skeleton from yesterday looking at the flowers again. You smiled to yourself and opened your book. You took notes as you slowly sipped on you drink. Completely unaware of the small chime of the Cafe bell. In a quick moment, your book was now on the floor making a loud thud. As you sighed and hopped off of the chair, a skeletal hand grabbed your book. You looked up and saw the skeleton from outside.
"Is tHis YoUr'S?" He asked with a glitched voice.
"Oh, yes. Thank you" You thanked him as you took your book back.
"BoTanY, yOu liKe flOwERs?" He asked.
"Oh, yes. Flower are just one of my favorite things. They are just full of beauty." You answered sweetly and you sat back into your chair.
"So, YoU kNoW LoTS aBouT dIffErENt tyPeS oF fLowERs?" He asked.
"Um, well yes."
"THen cAn yOu tEll ME wHAt tYPe Of FlOwEr iS oUtsIDe ThaT wINdow?" He asked pointing at the flowers outside.
"Oh, that's kinda easy those are Night Sky Petunias. They got their name cause they look like the night sky. They are truly pretty. Sometimes I wish I could actually see the beautiful night sky." You sighed as you look out the window. "But anyways why were you ask-ing?" When you turned around the skeleton was gone again. You looked around the shop but couldn't fine him anywhere. Getting sad you slumped into your chair and finished taking your notes.

//After a week//

Sitting by the window with drink in one hand and phone in the other. You been coming to the same cafe for about a week just so you can see that skeleton. Every day of that week, you had a small interaction with that skeleton. You told your best friend about this monster and how he makes you feel. They teased that you liked him.
"Is THis sEAt TaKeN?" A fimailer glitched voice asked. You looked and saw the same skeleton.

No not at all." You gave him a warm close eye smile. The skeleton took a seat across from you.
"NAmeS ErrOR. AnD YoU aRe?" Error introduced himself.
"I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." You introduced yourself.
"Ah, Y/N. YoU kNOw, I HaVe nOTicED tHAt EvERy dAy fOR tHE PAst wEEk, yOU've bEen cOMinG to ThIs cAFe aNd sIT bY the WiNdOW. ArE yOu sTOckEN sOMeOnE?" Error asked. You blushed at his facts. The truth is that you kinda were. You just wanted to see Error again.
"Umm . . . "
"yOu dON't HaVe tO aNsWEr cAUse I hAVe bEeN dOIng tHe SAme tHInG." Error admitted. You both sat there in science. You were looking at your hands in your lap while Error was looking out the window.
"SAy Y/n, wOUld YoU lIKe to gO ON a DAte wITh mE?" Error asked breaking the scilence. You looked up at him and he was still looking out the window but hiding bits of yellow blush.
"I would love to" You gave him a closed eye smile and hopped off of your chair. "Here's my number" you writen your number onto a napkin and handed it to Error.
"Maybe call around six." You waved and walked out the Cafe leaving Error a blushing mess.

//Time Skip//

*Knock knock*
You opened the door to find Error. He was wearing a thick, black, hoodless jacket. A grey turtle neck underneath and plain black pants with big black boots.

"ARe YoU rEAdy?" He asked.
"Yes" You answered cheerfully. You grabbed you phone and keys. You headed out the door and locked it. When you turned around, Error handed you a blindfold.
"What's this for?" You asked as you stared at the blindfold in your hand.
"tHE PlACe I'm tAKinG yOu, I wANted iT tO bE a SUrpISe." Error said while scratching the back of his head.
"*Sigh* Ok" you smiled and tied on the blindfold. "I'm ready" you put out your hand for Error to guide you.
"UmM" Error started to sound nervous. You were confused about this then a thought passed through.
"You don't like holding hands?" You asked.
"Y-yEaH, I dOnT lIKe beInG tOUch."
"Oh it's ok, it was the same with one of friends and I helped them get over it. I could hold onto your jacket sleeve if you want?" You suggested.
"yEaH" you heard some shuffling and then felt cloth in your hand. You gribed onto it tightly. Error started to lead the way. You went through something that made you feel somewhat uneasy.
"oK, We'RE hERe."Error said while taking off your blindfold. As the blindfold fell from your eyes, you saw the most beautiful sky.

You stood there speechless.
"SoMeTimE, wHEn wE wERe sTOcKiNg eACh oTHer yOu mENtIonED thAT YoU aLwAYs wANtEd to sEE tHe nIgHt SkY."
"I love it, it's beautiful." You heard a glitched worping sound. You turned around and saw Error with a picnic basket and and bouquet of Night Sky Petunias.
"ANd ThESe aRE fOR YOu" Error handed you the petunias.
"They are divine. Thank You." You took the flowers and smelled them. Error placed the picnic blanket down and started to got through the picnic basket. You sat down next to him and watched him. With the snap of his fingers a portal looking thing opened up with a glitched whorping sound. Error reached his hand in a grabbed out Two Cafe to go cups.
"HeRe'S a F/d" He handed you the cup and the portal closed.
"Oh I'm surprised you actually got my drink correct, considering that we didnt talk much." You giggled out as you sipped on you drink.

You and Error talked for hours alone hours. Enjoying each other's company. You talked about your family and friends while he listened.
"HeY, y/N?"
"I knOw ThIs kINdA eaRlY tO aSk bUt wILl yOU bE mY gIRlfRiEnD?"
"I wish love to Error." You reached for his hand but retracted back. You looked up at him.
"May I?" You asked quietly and softly. He nodded his head. You grabbed his hand and continued to look up at the sky.
"MaY i KiSS yOu?" Error asked out of no where. You looked over at him and saw his face completely yellow.
Error scootches his way towards you and leans his mouth to your forehead. He kissed it lightly and slowly backed away. A pink tint brushed acrossed your face. You smiled at how sweet it was, but to be honest you thought he meant on the lips. You both looked to the sky and talked with each other into the night.

This was a change of pace. I hoped this was sweet as I wrote it to be. But I honestly think Error would a good person for Botany. Hoped you enjoyed.

-Marlinthedragon Out

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