2. Bella's depression

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I'm over at Marissa's house for a sleepover. Charlie calls me.
"Y/n. Bella's missing." He says.
"What?" I say.
"Is everything okay?" Marissa says.
"Bella, my older sister is missing."
"She isn't here, she went out with Edward and she hasn't come back." My heart sinks did Edward- no he wouldn't- but what if?

I get to the house as quick as I can.
"Dad I'm here." I say. Charlie looks at me with fear in his eyes. Everyone looks for her. Charlie's friend and Jacob are there. Sam Uley finds her in the woods, and brings her to us. I run over to her, and without thinking check for a bite mark— there isn't one.

We take her home, and lay her down on the couch. I run upstairs and grab her comfortable clothes.
"Bella, put these on." I say, she just looks at me and more tears stream down her face. I look up at Charlie and give him a "let me talk to her" look. He nods and walks outside.

"Bella talk to me, what happened?"
"He left." She says weakly.
"Who did? Edward?" She nods. I hug her.
"Did he just leave you in the middle of the forest?"
"No, he left me on the trail, but I tried to follow him." I hug her tighter.
"Bella, why don't you change into dry clothes, I'll talk to Charlie." She nods, and goes into her room.

Charlie walks in.
"What happened?"
"Well, Edward and her broke up."
"The Cullens moved."
"Is that why they broke up?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"And why was she in the middle of the forest?"
"They broke up on the trail, but she tried to follow him and got lost."

Bella only got worse. She fell into a deep depression, where she didn't want to do anything. She won't leave the house and if she goes alone, Charlie makes me go with. She does talk to me, and I can tell she has lost herself. She has terrible dreams, where she just screams, Charlie and I have just stopped checking to make sure everything is okay because we know it's just her nightmares.

I've made an agreement with myself that if he ever comes back I will beat the shit out of him, for breaking Bella. If we talk about Edward we don't say his name just "he, or him".

It breaks my heart to see her so not like herself.

Dad said he was going to take her back to Jacksonville, and I know that she doesn't want to leave. She says she has to go shopping with Jessica.
"Wanna come with, Y/n?" She says.
"Yeah, sure." I say.

Jessica and I talk, while Bella just says things whenever. We watch a zombie movie, and Jessica complains the entire time. She wanted to watch a romance movie, but I know that would've upset Bella.

These guys with motorcycles start calling us.
"I think I know those guys." Bella says.
"Well they seem great, can we go?" Jessica asks.
"I'm just gonna see something." Bella says, she starts walking towards them.
"Bella don't." I say.
"I'll only be a second." She says. She gets on the guys bike.
"Bella! Isabella!" I yell. The guy rides off.

"Oh my god." Jessica says.
"What do we do?" I say.
"Just wait I guess."

Bella comes walking back.
"Bella, I swear to god." I say.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jessica says.
"Just thought I saw something."
"You're insane." I say.
"Or suicidal." Jessica says.

We get home and I decide not to say anything.

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