11. Battle

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"Y/n you're staying with us." Bella says.
"Why?" I say.
"Because it's too dangerous for you to stay here alone, and if you're with us, then you'll be protected. And Seth is going to be there in the morning, so you'll be extra safe." I remember the thing I saw, about us being together.
"Fine, but only if I get to see something, even if it's just watching them burn them or something." I say.
"I'm sure you'll see some of it." Edward says.
"Okay." I say.

Edward takes us to a field.
"What now?" I ask, knowing we're supposed to get to a mountain. Jacob and Seth come from the trees.
"Hi?" I ask confused.
"Jacob has to carry me up, and I'm guessing Seths carrying you."
"What? You're joking." I say. I look over to Edward.
"I don't like it either." He says.
"I'm not being carried." I say. "And especially not all the way up to a mountain."
"Mountain, how did you know?" Edward asks me.
"It doesn't matter right now. But seriously they're not after me so I don't have to be carried, I'll just walk." I say. Edward sighs looking at Bella.
"I'm not asking you guys." I say. Seth and Jacob laugh.
"Just let her walk, it's not that big of a deal." Jacob says.
"Okay." Bella says.

Jacob walks over and picks Bella up.
"Run." Edward says. Jacob rolls his eyes. Jacob jogs over into the trees. Seth and I run to catch up to them. Jacob stops running, and just walks.
"Couldn't Bella just walk?" I ask.
"I'm supposed to carry her to mask her smell." Jacob says.
"But if she walked ne- nevermind ." I say.
"You know you were right." Seth says to me.
"Huh?" I ask.
"About Bella making you go with."
"Oh yeah, see I just know things." We both start laughing. I grab his hand as we continue to walk.

We get into the mountain thing and there's a tent set up.
"How romantic." I say sarcastically. "Now where's Edward?" I ask.
"He's coming." Seth says.
"We can smell him." Jacob says. Edward shows up as if summoned by us speaking of him.
"It's almost dark." Edward says.
"We know that, we don't need vampire powers to know time." I say annoyed. Seth and Jacob laugh again. Edward just stares at me. I smile at him, he shakes his head.

We go inside the tent and sit down. We just talk until it gets pretty late. Jacob and Seth walk out. I don't say anything but I'm confused since in the vision I saw they were with us. Maybe it was wrong?

Bella and I try to fall asleep, but we're freezing.
"I'm sorry, I really should've chosen a lower spot." Edward says noticing us.
"No its f-." Bella starts to say.
"Yeah you really should've." I say. I start to hear footsteps. I pull myself up. It's Jacob and Seth.

"Seth and I decided it would be best if we helped warm them up, since all we can hear are their teeth clattering." Jacob says with an attitude.
"Okay yes please, I want to keep my toes." I say. Seth looks at me, and his eyes look sad, at the sight of me freezing. I smile at him so he knows I'm okay. He returns it. Seth looks at Edward. Edward just looks at him and nods quickly.

Seth walk over to me, and gets under the blankets.
"Woah y/n, you're freezing." Seth says.
"I know." I say, snuggling closer to him. Seth wraps his arms around me, instantly warming me up. I wasn't paying attention but eventually Edward let's Jacob warm Bella up. I try to fall asleep. After a while, I notice how peaceful Seth breathing is, I look up without moving my head, and see he's asleep. I smile, and can't help but think about how adorable he is. God, I really did fall for him.

"Y/n?" Bella whispers. I'm too comfortable to move, so I pretend I'm asleep. "Are you awake?" Bella asks again. I stay still. "Okay she's asleep. I've been wanting to ask, what does he think of her?" Bella asks.
"What Seth thinks of y/n?" Jacob says.
"Well, I can only read his thoughts while we're phased, but he loves her." Jacob says.
"Loves her?" Bella says.
"Yeah, it's kinda an imprinting thing, like automatic love." Jacob says. Woah, Seth loves me?
"He would hate himself if something ever happened to her, and he'll do whatever to make sure nothing happens." Edward says.
"So she'll be safe, after I turn and everything?"
"Yeah, as long as she has him." Edward says. My heart warms up, and I'm glad they can't see my face, since it's probably so red. "He cares about her so much."
"That's good, especially since she can be hard to deal with at times." Bella says. Oh how rude. Does she not realize I'm right here— oh wait she thinks I'm sleeping.
"Oh believe me, he doesn't mind her attitude at all, he thinks it's...cute." Jacob says. I want to burst out laughing. They quickly change the subject, and I eventually fall asleep.

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