30. Christmas

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It's two days before Christmas. We've decided to have it at Charlie's.

Bella comes over and drops off reneesme. Jacob wants to stay but I reassure him it's okay.

Seths over too.

"Come here Ness." I say walking over to the tree. She walks over and sits next to me. Seth scoots off from the couch to join us on the floor.

"Pretty tree huh?" Seth says.
"It's very bright." Reneesme says looking up at it. She touches my face and shows me what the tree looks like at night. I smile and nod.
"Yup." I add.

"So how many presents do you think are down there?" I ask her. She looks at them carefully.
"A lot." She says. We smile at her.

"What did you get y/n?" She asks Seth. Seth looks at me and smiles.
"It's a surprise." He says. I smile excitedly.

After a bit Bella comes over and picks her back up.

On Christmas morning I wake up early to put the last gifts under the tree. I open my eyes and feel someone in bed next to me. I jump up fear coursing through me. 

It's Seth. I sigh and lean back. His eyes flutter open.
"Did I wake you up?" I whisper.
"No." He mutters.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to through your window last night but you were already asleep. I didn't want to wake you up." He says his voice deep from just waking up.

I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Five minutes." I say. He wraps his arms around me and nods.

The five minutes go by and I slip out of his arms careful not to wake him up.

I walk over to my closet, I grab the last few gifts I had hidden away.

I grab the wrapping paper and head to the bathroom. I sit on the floor as I finish wrapping them up.

I tiptoe out of the room and run downstairs.

I don't see anyone around.

I tuck them away under the tree.

"You're not peaking are you?" Dad says. I jump not expecting him. He laughs.
"No I was just putting the last few under." I say trying to pretend it happened. He nods.

I go back upstairs as quiet as I can.

Seth is still sleeping peacefully in bed. I smile as I climb back in.

I feel his warms arms slide around my waist and pull me closer to him.

I let myself relax as we both just lay.

About thirty minutes later I wake up and Seth is gone.

In his place there's a note.

"I have to go finish my own gifts but I'll see you later ."

I smile softly.

I get ready and walk downstairs. I sit with Charlie for a while.

There's a quiet knock at the door.

I walk over and open the door.

There's Edward, Bella, Reneesme, Seth, and Jacob.

"Merry Christmas." Edward says.
"Merry Christmas." I say letting them in.

We all hug and say our greetings.

"Okay y/n baked some stuff last night so we could eat them." Charlie says.
"Yeah." I say.

I walk over and bring them. (You can decide what they are)

Seth and Jacob quickly grab one. Reneesme and Charlie do too. Edward and Bella grab one each though it takes them an extra moment.

We all talk for a bit before making our way over to the tree.

"Okay who's first?" Bella asks.

We start to hand out gifts.

Jacob gives reneesme a bracelet. Bella and Edward give Charlie a week long fishing trip.

"What about y/n? Where will you stay?" He asks.
"She can stay with us." Bella says.
"Okay." He says excitedly.

I give seth two new hoodies. He bought me a pair of shoes.

We continue giving more and more gifts. (You guys decide what cause it doesn't really matter ig)

Once we finish up we all just hang out.

"Let's watch a Christmas movie." Seth says.
"Sure why not."

Seth and I sit down at the end of the couch and cuddle up. Charlie sits in his recliner. Edward and Bella sit on the couch. And Jacob sits next to reneesme.

It doesn't take long for Charlie to fall asleep.

Seth rubs my shoulder comfortably.

The movie ends and we eat.

Seth and I go over to his house to spend the rest of the night.

We open a few gifts there (again you choose)

Once it gets late, Seth and I head upstairs to sleep.

I quickly fall onto the bed exhausted.

"I'll be right back." Seth says. I nod and he leaves.

He comes back and I'm practically sleeping but barely awake. He just holds me as I fall asleep.

It gets late and y/n and I go upstairs.

She plops onto the bed to sleep.

"I'll be right back." I say needing to put away the dishes. She nods.

I run downstairs and see they were already out away.
"She's amazing." Mom says talking about y/n.
"Yeah I love her so much."
"I can tell. She loves you too." She adds. I smile. "Now go before it's too late." I smile and rush upstairs.

Y/n's barely awake and still laying there. I smile as I climb in and hug her. She falls asleep in my arms arm instantly and I fall asleep too.

(A.n: sorry for the wait I've been really busy with school

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