7. First Date

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"These jeans will work." Alice says, pulling a pair of blue jeans out of my closet. "This shirt." She says pulling a cropped white tank top out. "And, because you'll get cold, even though you'll be with a werewolf, a jacket." She says pulling out on oversized black jacket. She runs and gets me a belt and a whole bunch of jewelry.

I change, she comes in and starts brushing my hair.
"Okay, Alice, I think I'm good." I say.
"You look great. Even though I'm not much of a jeans and shirt kind of person you look great in it." I hug her.
"I'm nervous." I say.
"Because he imprinted on me and I don't wanna mess everything up."
"You shouldn't be, because he imprinted on you"
"I know but, like it's weird." I say. Bella walks in.

"Y/n, Seth's here." She says.
"Okay." I say. I grab my bag and run downstairs.

"Hey." I say.
"Hi." He says smiling, making me smile too. "You ready to go?" He asks.
"Yup, we're walking right?"
"Yeah." He says.
"Okay good, I did not want to have to ask Bella for a ride."

We start to walk, and our conversation is going great.
"So what's it like to be a werewolf?" I ask.
"It's actually really fun, and then wolves are the best."
"Bella also mentioned that you guys are really warm, is it true?"
"Feel for yourself." He says sticking his arm out to me. I laugh, as I reach out and touch his arm. It's really warm.
"Woah, your body temperature is much higher than it should be I guess." I say.
"I also don't get cold."
"Lucky I always get cold."
"Don't worry I'll keep you warm." He says. I get instant butterflies, and smile.
"I'll take you up on that."

"Can we get popcorn, and candy?" He asks.
"Yeah, of course." I say laughing. We continue to talk until we get to the movie theater.

We buy popcorn and candy. We sit down, and start to watch the movie. I look over at Seth and notice his arm is resting on the armrest. Without thinking I lace my fingers with his. He looks up at me. I smile at him, and he smiles back.
"My hand got cold." I whisper so just he can hear me. His smile widens. I look back at the movie nervously. We continue watching, and neither of us pull our hands away.

Once the movie finishes we walk out.
"Like I couldn't believe it." Seth says talking about the movie.
"I know right, like I was so expecting them to kiss." I say just as enthusiastic.
"But no she decides to hit him and with a-."
"Shovel." We both say at the same time then we start laughing.
"You won't ever hit me with a shovel right?" He says. I smile.
"No, unless you annoy me, then I might." I say jokingly. He smiles at me.

We walk out, and I grab his hand. He looks down at our hands, then smiles without saying a word.
"Seth?" I say.
"Mhm." He says.
"If something were to happen and the tribe wanted to kill Bella, would you go against them?" I ask.
"Well if it is the right thing then I'll try, but at the same time Sam has this thing where he can make us do something if he wants us to."
"He can do that?" I ask.
"Yeah, he makes us bow down and stuff."
"Has he ever done that?" I say getting kinda mad.
"No, he probably won't unless it's like important."
"Okay." I say somewhat relieved.

"What's the most like important rule you guys have?" I ask still wanting to know more.
"Well our most absolute rule is, that no one that has been imprinted on, can be harmed by anyone in the pack."
"So, they can't hurt me?"
"Nope, well it's also not like I would even let them, but still." I smile.

We get home.
"Well here you are." He says. I hug him. I pull away.
"Bye, thanks for today." I say.
"Bye." He says smiling. I stand on my tippy toes, and kiss him on the cheek. I turn around and run to the door. I smile at him, as I walk inside.

I smile to myself as I think about everything that happened.
"So what happened?" Alice says appearing next to me. I jump.
"You scared me." I say.
"Don't ignore the question, answer me." She says. Bella runs down.
"Is she ba- hey." She says.
"Hi." I say.
"What happened?" Bella says.
"Umm, why?" I ask.
"Because you went on a date with Seth." Alice says.
"Do we need to get Edward?" Alice asks. "Cause I'll call him."
"No don't get Edward." I say.
"Then tell us." Alice says.
"Fine." I say running to my room.

I sit on my bed.
"Okay I'm listening." Alice says. I tell them what happened.
"Aww." Alice says.
"I knew it." Bella says smirking.
"Knew what?"
"That it would be good." Bella says.
"Okay whatever, now leave me alone." I say laughing.

They leave, I lay back onto my bed, as I replay his smile over and over in my head.

(Authors note: this is so cringe lmao, but it's still kinda cute.)

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