6. Seth...

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A lot has been happening, apparently a vampire had entered our house and taken a piece of Bella's clothing. Someone was always watching the house, either the vampires or the werewolves, sometimes even both.

Jacob is taking Bella to a campfire, where the rest of the werewolves are meeting up and stuff, and Charlie makes me go with.
"Bella, I swear to god, if something not normal happens, or something like that, I will lose my mind." I say to her as we are in the car. Jacob laughs.
"It's just us and we're just gonna talk, it's nothing." Jacob says.
"It's always nothing, until something happens." I say reminding them.
"Y/n, it'll be fine." Bella says.

We arrive and start walking.
"We're just talking about the tribe's history." Jacob says.
"What?" Bella says. "You should've told me, I probably shouldn't know this."
"It'll be fine." I say mimicking her from before.
"Very funny." Bella says.
"Why thank you." I say.
"It's fine come on." Jacob says. "Oh look here's Seth, our youngest."

I look over to see a boy my age running up to us. He's smiling. He looks at me, and freezes.

———— Seth
I look over to see Jacob, he's with two girls. One looks much older, so I'm guessing she's Bella, and the other younger, so most likely Bella's younger sister Y/n. I run over to them. I look at Y/n, and everything changes.

It feels like what Sam always feels. Nothing else mattered except her. Her, just her. Everything else disappeared except for her. I feels like I would do anything for her. It's like she's my only reason for existing.

"Seth?" Jacob says.

———— back to Y/n
"Seth?" Jacob says, no response. I look up to Bella confused. "Seth?" Jacob repeats. He looks up at Jacob.
"Huh?" He says, his eyes quickly running back to me. I have no idea why he's looking at me.
"You okay?" Jacob asks suspiciously. Seth looks at me then at him and widens his eyes. Jacob looks at him confused, then his mouth widens.

"Did you-?" Jacob asks. By now all the other werewolves had already been standing next to us to hear what had just happened. Seth nods slowly.
"Okay, so is anyone going to explain what's happening?" I ask annoyed. They all look at me, then at each other.
"You wanna tell her?" Jacob says to Seth.
"No you tell her." Seth says nervously.
"But you— never mind." Jacob says.
"Jacob, tell me." I say getting impatient. Jacob sighs.

"Seth imprinted on you." Jacob says. All the guys start laughing and some even started clapping. Bella looks shocked.
"What the hell does that mean?" I ask looking around at everyone.
"Imprinting on someone is like when you see her, everything changes. All of a sudden it's not gravity holding you the planet, it's her. Nothing else matters." Jacob says. I look over at Bella hoping she understands something.
"So like soulmate?" I ask still very confused.
"Basically." Sam says.
"Okay, so you're trying to tell me Seth and I are soulmates basically?" I ask still trying to figure everything out.
"Yes, can we please go sit down now?" Paul says.

We all go sit down, by the fire. I look up to see Seth sitting across from me, he notices me and smiles, which I return. Billy goes on to say the history.

"Well a long time ago, our ancestors came across a creature, that looked like man, but its skin was cold, and hard as stone. It took some time, but they finally tore it apart, but only fire could really destroy it. They thought that was it, but his mate came back for revenge. She killed every wolf, except for the chief. His third wife knew he would die. She had no powers of her own, but she had something more, courage. She took a knife and stabbed herself, so the vampire would be distracted while her husband killed her." Billy says.

"You and vampires have been mortal enemies since forever then." I say.
"Yes." Billy says.
"And because of the Cullens you guys are phasing."
"Yes again." Out of the corner of my eye I see Bella look down.

"So y/n, what do you think of the Cullens?" Quil asks me.
"I hate Edward, well sometimes, Alice is the best, Jasper scares me, Emmett is fine, Rosalie hates me, and Carlisle and Esme are really sweet." I say.
"We need more details for a few of them." Embry says.
"Okay well, Edward just annoys the hell out of me, Jasper wants to kill me, because he's a vampire, and Rosalie just hates me and Bella." I explain.
"Does Edward know that?" Paul asks.
"I mean he should, since he likes to read people's thoughts." I say. They laugh.

"You know Bella, you should really bring y/n with you more often, she's great." Paul says. Seth looks over at him quickly.
"Are you sure?" Bella says. Everyone starts laughing.
"You know Bella some people don't find me annoying." I say sarcastically.
"I do." Jacob says.
"Okay and?" I say, making everyone laugh.

Right before we go to leave, Seth comes up to me.
"Wait Y/n." He says, I turn around to look at him.
"Yeah?" I say.
"So I imprinted on you. Which I understand if you don't get it, but Emily was imprinted on by Sam in case you wanted to ask her."
"Okay thanks, but I was wondering what we do now." I say.
"Umm right, I don't know."
"I guess we just figure it out."
"So umm wanna go watch a movie or something?" Seth asks me. I smile.
"Sure, what about tomorrow, there's this one movie we could watch, it's called "Poppy." (I literally asked my brother to make up something and he said poppy.)
"Okay sounds good, what time?"
"It's starts at 5." I say.
"Okay I'll be at your house by 4:30." He says.
"Okay bye." I say.
"Bye." He says.

I run over to the car where Jacob and Bella are in.
"So what happened?" Bella says.
"We're watching a movie tomorrow." I say.
"Oohh." Jacob says.
"Shut up." I say. They both laugh.

"I'm still confused on the whole imprint thing, Seth also mentioned that Emily was imprinted on by Sam." I say.
"Yeah, Sam and Leah were dating, then Sam imprinted on Emily, and it's awkward now with her in it, since we can hear each other's thoughts.
"Woah, is that why Leahs always so, i don't know she looks just sad and angry." I say.
"Yeah." Jacob says, simply.

"You and Seth would make such a cute couple." Bella says.
"Shut the hell up." I say. They both laugh.
"So you don't like Seth?" Jacob says, teasingly.
"I never said that." I say.
"So?" Bella says.
"If you guys don't shut up, I will slap you both." I say. They laugh even more.

I look out the window while I think. So Seth and I are soulmates. That's nice I guess. He looks so sweet and genuine, it's adorable. Oh god what am I going to wear tomorrow, something casual, a pair of jeans and a cropped shirt? Yes that'll work. What about my hair? Oh my god I'm literally just going to watch a movie with my soulmate. Oh god— Alice can help.

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