28. Cold

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As the next few weeks go by, the weather has started getting colder.

The cold reminds me of Bella. She hates... well hated the cold. Not that it bothers her now.

Seth comes over and we're in my room. He's sitting infront of me. Our knees touching. His hands are resting softly on my knees and mine are in my lap.

His touch is warm even through my jeans.

"Ugh, I hate that it's getting cold." I complain.
"Why's that?" He asks slowly rubbing his thumb. The feeling sends chills through me.

"Uh cause I don't like being cold." I say trying to concentrate.

"Well that's why I'm here." He says smiling. I smile.

"Well in that case, I'm freezing." I say.
"Well I can't have that." He says smiling. He wraps his arms around me. I feel much warmer as he just holds me. I feel myself melt in his arms.

We eventually pull away.

He looks at me smiling.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say smiling.

He looks at me and smiles with a slight tilt in his head.
"You're wearing it." He says reaching out and grabs g the wolf charm necklace. I smile.
"I rarely take it off." I say smiling. His smile grows. I look at his fingers and he's wearing the ring.

"And you're wearing the ring." I say.

I kiss him.

I pull away and lay my head on his shoulder. I let put a small yawn.
"You want to sleep?" He whispers. I nod. "Okay."

He lays down and I lay my head on him.

He has his arms wrapped around me completely.

I slowly feel myself completely relax and drift off.

———— Seth
We're sitting, our knees touching.

"Ugh, I hate that it's getting cold." Y/n says.
"Why's that?" I ask slowly moving my thumb unintentionally.

"Uh cause I don't like being cold." She says.

"Well that's why I'm here." I smile making her smile.

"Well in that case, I'm freezing." She says.
"Well I can't have that." I say. I hug her. She fits so perfectly in my arms.

Eventually we pull away. I just look at her. She's perfect.

"I love you." I say.
"I love you too."

I look at her. I notice the necklace I made for her. She's so wearing it.

I smile.

"You're wearing it." I say reaching for it.
"I rarely take it off." She says. My smile grows.

"And you're wearing the ring." She says.
"Yup." I say looking at my finger.

Her lips press against mine.

She pulls away and lays her head in my shoulder. I want to stay like this forever.

She yawns.

"You want to sleep?" I whisper. She nods. "Okay."

I lay down and she lays down next to me. She rests her head in me.

I hold her tightly. She quickly falls asleep.

I look at her so peaceful. She's too pure for this world.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you." I whisper knowing she can't hear me. "I love you."

I smile knowing she's safe. I tilt my head to rest with hers and drift off.

———— y/n
I wake up and see Seths asleep.

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." I mutter.

I manage to get myself out of his arms. I walk downstairs.

I go to the fridge and look for food.

It doesn't take long for me to feel arms around my waist.

"Hey Seth." I say already knowing it's him.

"I noticed you were gone. What are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm making food."
"Ooo." He says excitedly. I smile.
"Want to help?" I ask. His eyes widen.
"Yeah." He says.

I laugh softly.

I start to hand him food. (Just choose what you want to make cause Idek anymore)

We start to make it which ends up with him eating a lot of it before it's even close to being done. I don't mind though. It's cute.

We eventually finish it, though it did leave a huge mess.

I sit down next to him as we eat.
"This is good." He says.
"Yeah." I say laughing softly.

"Have I told you I love the food you make?" He asks.
"Yeah but we made this together." I say. He smiles.
"Well it's good." He says eating more.

I laugh softly.

A vision of Seth handing me his hoodie pops into my head.

I smile.


"Mhm?" He says chewing.

"I'm cold." I say. He swallows the food in his mouth.

"Umm here." He says taking off his hoodie.

While taking it off the shirt he was wearing under it lifts up to reveal part of his stomach. I feel the tips of my cheeks turn pink.

He hands me his hoodie.

It's still warm from his body. It's also huge on me.

It's nice though.

And I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's.

"Thank you." I say.

"I know it's not the same as cuddling but we're eating. We can cuddle after." He says.
"I'll hold you to it." I say smiling.

(A.n: thanks for the love guys. I appreciate it every single one of you. Remember to eat and drink. You're so amazing and worth it. And I'm so proud of you. I love guys. <33

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