19. Bella's Pregnant

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I haven't heard anything from Bella yet. I'm sitting in bed bored and unsure of what to do. I get up and decide to go see Seth. I walk downstairs and Charlie isn't home. I write I note: "I'm out with friends."

With that I walk out and head towards seth's. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there. I walk up to the door. Leah opens it.
"Hey." I say shocked on how she knew I was here.
"Hey. He's in his room." She lets me in.
"Thanks." I say. She nods as she plops down onto the couch. I go into his room. His door isn't fully closed.

I push open the door and he's on his bed. His head in his hands. He looks up and his eyes are red and puffy. He immediately turn away from me.
"Seth?" I ask worried. I run to his side dropping my bag. "What's wrong?" I ask. He doesn't look at me.
"Seth." I say softer. He looks at me.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were coming." Seth says softly.
"Don't be sorry for having emotions." I say. "We're in this together. Now please tell me what's wrong." I say grabbing his hand.
"It's just I miss my dad. It's been months but it's hard. He was the person I looked up to." He says.

His dad had died a few months ago and whenever he came up in conversation, Seth always got quiet. He rarely mentions his dad. I wrap my arms around him. He melts into my arms.
"It's fine to cry." I say. "And if you ever need to talk or just to vent you can call me. I'm your girlfriend and I love you." I say.
"I love you." He says.

———— Seth
I can't stop the tears. I miss dad so much. I burry my face in my hands. The door opens. I look up thinking it's Leah. It's y/n. I turn away embarrassed.

"Seth?" She asks. She runs next to me. "What's wrong?" I refuse to let her see me like this.
"Seth." She says softly. I look at her.
"Sorry I didn't know you were coming." I say.
"Don't be sorry for having emotions. We're in this together. Now please tell me what's wrong." She grabs my hand.
"It's just I miss my dad. It's been months but it's hard. He was the person I looked up to." I say letting it out. She wraps her arms around me and I let all the pain leave as I melt into her arms and her comfort.
"It's fine to cry." She says. "And if you ever need to talk or just to vent you can call me. I'm your girlfriend and I love you."
"I love you." I say.

———— y/n
My phone starts ringing. I pull away and pick it up. It's Bella. Fear runs through me as I pick it up.
"Bells?" I say.
"Hey." She says. Her voice is raspy and she doesn't sound good.
"How are you?" I ask fearful.
"I- I'm not doing good y/n." She says.
"Did he turn you?" I ask. Seth is looking at me confused.
"No. Not yet at least." She says.
"You're pregnant, aren't you?" I say knowing it's this.
"You saw it didn't you?" She says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Well you're right, and well it's not normal."
"It's fine. I'll be there. Give me about an hour or something." I say.
"Y/n there's no-." She starts to say but I hang up having made up my mind.

"What happened?" Seth asks.
"She's pregnant, and I'm going there now." I say grabbing my bag. "Sorry I have to go." I say kissing him fast.
"Do you want me to take you?" He asks.
"No it's fine. I'll call you later." I say walking out. He follows me to the door.
"Love you!" I yell outside. He yells it back. I start to run.

I run to Jacob's house which isn't far from seths. I grab my motorcycle which we left there. Thankfully no one saw me. I turn it on and ride off to the Cullens.

I get there and walk in. I see Bella on the couch. She looks like she did in the vision. She has a blanket covering her stomach. I run to her.
"Bella." I sigh.
"Yeah." She says starting to sit up. I help her up. She's really skinny except for the baby in her stomach.

"How is this even possible?" I ask.
"We don't know." Edward says. I look at him. He looks like he hates himself. It hits me Bella could die.

"It's killing her, right?" I ask.
"Yeah." Alice says. "It's doing nothing but killing her from the inside."
"It's a baby." Rosalie says.
"It's still killing her." I say. "Why aren't you doing something?" I say looking at Edward.
"I tried. She won't let me."
"I'm having the baby." Bella says. I told her I'd support her no matter what and I know I'll have to through this although it kills me. They'll find a way to save her.

"Okay. Well do you have names?" I ask. She smiles.
"Yes. And Rosalie hates them." She says. I laugh.
"Well I'll tell you." I say.
"If it's a boy, Edward Jacob." She says.
"That one is not bad. What about if it's a girl?"
"Reneesme. I put together our mom and Esme together."
"I actually like it." I say. She smiles.
"See Rosalie." She says. Rosalie smiles.
"When is he turning you?" I ask.
"After I give birth." Bella says. Alice storms off and Jasper follows her. They tell me everything that's happened and they think is going to happen.

"Yeah I'm staying here. I'm not going to leave you." I say.
"What about Charlie?" She asks.
"I'll just call him and tell him I'm staying over at a friend's house." And that's what I did. They give me Alice's room and it has a huge king sized mattress.

The next day I walk downstairs and Jacob is talking to Bella.
"Do it for me." He says.
"I can't. I'm sorry." She says. Jacob gets mad and storms off.

"What was that all about?" I ask.
"He wanted me to let Carlisle get rid of the baby." She says.
"I had a feeling he wasn't going to take it well." I say. Bella looks at me. She sighs. A vision of Jacob talking to the guys in wolf form pops into my head.
"He's going to tell the pack." I say.

"I'm glad at least one of us can see what those dogs are doing." Alice says. I look at her.
"They aren't dogs." I say.
"Right. Sorry. Seths the only non- dog." She says. I smile.

(A.n: so what do you guys think. I feel like it's kinda boring but idk. A lot is gonna start happening in the next few chapters but yeah. Sorry for the wait, and I probably won't be updating much this week cause of this bet thing with my dad but I'll try. Thank you for 3.k views ily.

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