21. Reneesme

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The Cullen's are thirsty and in need of blood. They agree on having a few of them go. Jacob, Seth, and Leah are going to distract the pack. I stay with Bella.

We're just talking. Seth and Jacob walk back in. I know Leahs outside.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Bella says standing up. Suddenly, she's falling. Her back broken. Edward leaps over and grabs her. I jump up scared.
"Get her out Seth." Alice says to Seth. I'm in shock.
"Come on y/n." Seth says. I don't wanna go but since I'm in shock I walk anyways.

We walk outside and I get out of shock. I'm in panic mode.
"What is going on?" I say walking back and forth.
"She'll be okay." Seth says.
"Y/n it'll be okay." Leah says. I look at her not sure what to say.

I try to see something, a vision, anything. Nothing. I'm stressing. Seth keeps trying to reassure me everything is going to be okay but I don't believe him fully.

A bit later I see Jacob come out. What's going on? He runs over kicks the ground and sits down. He starts crying. No. No, no, no.
"No." I mutter as I start to fall to my knees. Seth catches me.

I turn and fall into his arms. He holds me tightly. I sob into his chest.
"I'm sorry." He says. I don't let go.

She's gone. My sister. The only person I've been able to rely on my entire life. Sure we had our bad days but she'd still be there for me at the end of the day. It feels as though a piece of me is missing. She was my best friend. She died for Reneesme, I am going to do whatever to keep her safe. I won't let Bella die for nothing.

I look over at Jacob. He's not there. He went for reneesme. I pull away from Seth and run in. Seth follows me confused. I see Jacob staring at Reneesme.

"Jacob, don't hurt her." I say.
"I- I-." He says.
"You what?" I ask scared.
"I imprinted." He says. I look over at Seth who looks just as shocked as I am.

"Well, then there's nothing to worry about at the moment." I say relieved. I look at Reneesme.

"Can I hold her?" I ask Rosalie.
"Yeah." She says handing her to me carefully.

I hold her tightly.
"Hey." I say. "Hey reneesme." I say. I get a vision. The pack running here, now. I open my eyes.

"Fuck." I mutter.
"Whats wrong?" Seth asks.
"They're coming." I say.
"The pack?" Rosalie asks.
"For Reneesme." I say. Jacob goes into full protective mode.

Edward, Alice, and Jasper run out.

Jacob and Seth run out not long after. I go to hand Reneesme back to Rosalie.
"No you keep her and stay inside."

I have no idea what's happening. I'm scared. I can hear growling.

The loud growling stops. I walk over to the window to look out. They're calm now.

"Come here y/n." Edward says. Oh crap. I walk over carefully. Seth steps infront of me. I hand Reneesme to Edward. He looks down at her.

The pack leaves.
"Can I see her?" I ask Edward. He looks at me with pain in his eyes. I get another vision. Bella in a tree. With Edward. Meaning she'll survive.
"She's going to live. She's not dead." I say opening my eyes.

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