32. Missing shirt

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There's this feeling that I can't explain.

It's been a few months since the battle. Seth has only become sweeter by the day. I worry they'll come back. Or worse the volturi will want to kill me for knowing.

If I've learned anything is how I'm scared to grow old without my sister, but I don't want to be a vampire. The thought of not being to stand the smell of Seth kills me.

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"You okay love?" Seth asks as I'm laying against the log.
"Huh?" I ask.
"You're awfully quiet." He adds.
"Yeah im just thinking."
"Oh about?" He asks.
"I don't know a lot."

He slides down to sit next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders so my head falls on his chest.
"I'm here for you."

He slips his other hand around me as I fall into him.

"I don't know." I whisper.
"It's okay."

"Are you two coming any time soon?" Embry asks standing in the water.
"Do you want to?" Seth whispers to me.
"Yeah, we're coming!" I yell.

I stand up.

We walk over to the water. His fingers are entwined with mine as the cold water hits my legs

"Oh my god it's cold." I say through my teeth. Seth laughs.

He gently kicks water onto me and I playfully hit him.
"You're so annoying." I say with a smile on my face.

He splashes me again.

"Now you're done." I say as I splash him.

He grabs my waist and jumps in deeper getting me soaked.

"No oh my god! I hate you." I yell as I'm laughing.
"I love you too." He says with a huge smile.

I splash him in the face. He smiles and kisses me. I pull away.
"No I hate you." I say jokingly.
"Well that's not nice." He says splashing me.

Embry runs over and splashes us all.
"I hate you too." I say. He laughs and splashes me again.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah." I say splashing him.

Seth joins in and splashes him too
"No Seth how could you betray me?" He says jokingly.

I see a quick shadow run by on the land and I freeze.
"You okay?" Seth asks moving his hands onto my shoulders protectively.
"I thought I saw something. It might've been a bird or something."

"Okay." Embry says suspiciously. Seth gives me a soft smile.

We continue talking when I feel like we're being watched. I turn around.
"Y/n?" Seth asks.
"I don't know. I just feel like someone's watching us."
"It's probably Quil." Embry says.
"Yeah but why?"
"Cause he's weird." Embry says as he turns around and starts to swim.

"I'm scared." I say looking at Seth.
"I'm not letting you get hurt so relax it's going to be okay." I smile softly trying to convince myself it's fine.

"I'm probably overthinking it." I say.
"Yeah come on let's catch up to Embry."
"Yeah." I say.

He starts to swim. I look back one last time as I turn around to swim after them.

After we finish swimming we get back to where we left our towels and clothes. My shirt is missing.

"Guys this isn't funny." I say.
"What?" Embry says.
"Give me my shirt back." I say.
"We don't have it." Embry says.
"Wait what?" Seth says.

"I left my shirt right here and now it's gone." I say.

Seth scrunches his eyebrows and looks towards the trees.

He doesn't know where it is.
"Seriously if you guys have it just give it back to me." I say.
"I don't have it." Embry says. I was swimming before you even got here.
"I went in with you." Seth says.

"Then who took it?" I say freaking out.

"I don't know. But it'll be okay. Here you can wear mine." Seth says looking down at his his shirt.
"Thanks." I say still freaking out.

I look over to the trees again. And I see something move.
"Oh my god." I say.
"I just saw something move."
"Like what?"
"I don't know but it was fast."

"Like vampire fast?"
"I don't know. I want to get home. Like now." I say.
"Yeah that would be best." Embry says.

"Embry you can go we're going a different direction." Seth says.
"Okay well be careful." He says.
"Yeah you too." I say.

He walks away and I look at Seth scared.
"It's going to be okay." He says.
"I want to know who or what took my shirt."
"I don't know how I can help with it right now but you can wear mine." I smile.
"Thank you."

I put it on.
"Let's go." He says.

We run to the car and I keep looking around nervously.

We start to drive.

I won't stop looking around.

Seth has a hand on my leg to keep me from freaking out too much.

Suddenly something moves across the street right infront of us making Seth hit the breaks.
"What the fuck?" I say.
"Stay in the car." Seth says.
"No don't get out!" I say.
"What if it's important?"

"No I don't care your life is more important. Let's just get home now." I say.
"Okay okay fine." He says starting to drive again.

(A.n: heyy so lmk what you think

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