27. Seth Being The Cutest Human On Earth

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I'm hanging out with baliey and I tell her all about what happened with Seth.
"That's kinda awkward." She says. I laugh softly.
"He was sweet though. I think it was just an in the moment thing." She laughs.
"Maybe." She says.

I get a call from Seth.
"Oh it's Seth." I say.
"Well answer." She says quite enthusiastic. I smile.

I pick up.
"Hey y/n." He says.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out." He says.
"Umm well-." I start to say.
"Say yes. Go." Bailey says next to me.
"Uh yeah." I say not knowing what to do.
"Okay yeah I'll pick you up." He says.
"I'm at baileys so pick me up here." I say smiling. "If you can." I add.
"Yeah I'll be there in a few." He says.

"Okay go!" She says.
"Now?" I ask.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." She says standing up and getting my stuff together.

I get to the door, not expecting him to be there.

He is.

I smile surprised. He comes up to me and kisses my nose softly. I feel the tips of my cheeks turn red.

"Come on." He says slipping his hand into mine.

I turn to see Bailey who's leaning against the door frame.
"Bye!" She yells.
"Bye!" I say.
"Have fun! But not too much fun!" She yells laughing.

I shake my head giggling and sit down in the passenger seat.

"So hows the new car?" I ask.
"It's really nice." He says smiling. I smile at him.

We talk until he stops the car in front of a bunch of trees.
"Here?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says smiling excitedly. I don't know what's going on but I follow him anyways.

He holds my hand as we step over all the brush.

We get to a patch which is just grass. It's really ethereal. The sunlight hits it just right.

"Come on." He says grinning. I smile as I sit down in front of him. Our knees touching.

"Okay so I made you something." He says with an adorable smile. I look at him suspiciously.
"What?" I ask trying to hide how excited I am.

He smiles as he pulls out a little wooden box. It looks like it's been handmade.

I smile softly as I go to reach for it. He pulls it back.
"Wait." He says.

"Okay so before I show you this, i made them so they might not be the best but I think they're nice enough for you." He says. I smile feeling myself fall in love with him more every word.

He slides the box over to me. I pick it up to get a closer look at it. It's got small lines going all the way across.

"I made that for you too." He says shyly.
"It's cute. Thank you." I say.
"Open it." He says.

I look up at him through my eyelashes. He's smiling excitedly.

I open it. There's a bunch of cute jewelry inside.

There's a few wire rings with crystals on them. (you choose which few you'd like) I smile. There's a bracelet made with thick thread. There's a bracelet with the charm of a wolf carved out of wood. There's a matching necklace.

"Oh my god!" I smile at him. "I love them!"
"Really?" He says his eyes brightening.
"Yes. They're so cute." His smile grows.

"I know you love wearing jewelry so I wanted to get you some." He says shyly. (If you don't wear jewelry pretend you do.)

I give him a quick peck on the lips. I lean my forehead against his.

"I have one more thing." He says.
"Seth." I say feeling bad I didn't get him anything.

He pulls two rings. One is smaller and has a sun and moon on it. The other is bigger and has the holes of a sun and moon in them.

"I ordered these. This one," he says lifting the smaller one, "is yours and this one," he says lifting the other one, "is mine. Yours fits in this one. They're matching." He says smiling.

"You're adorable." I say kissing him again.

"Glad you liked them."

I put a lot of them on. 


We sit down. I can't help but notice how our knees are touching.

It's crazy how this girl makes me feel. I love her so much.

I sigh to myself as I build up the courage to show her the jewelry.

I even told Bailey about it to make sure y/n would love them.

"Okay so I made you something." I say. She looks at me suspiciously.
"What?" She says a little excited.

I pull out the box. A little cute smile appears on her face as she goes to reach for it.

I pull it away.
"Wait." I say. She looks at me like she was a tiny child and I had just told her she couldn't have candy.

"Okay so before I show you this, i made them so they might not be the best but I think they're nice enough for you." I say. She smiles this super adorable smile that makes me realize how much I love her.

I slide the box over to her and she picks it up and looks at it.

"I made that for you too." I say hoping she doesn't hate it.
"It's cute. Thank you." She says.
"Open it." I say smiling.

Im really excited for her to open it.

She opens it and pulls out all the jewelry. She has a huge grin on her face as she looks at each one individually.

"Oh my god! I love them!" She says.
"Really?" I say happily.
"Yes. They're so cute."

"I know you love wearing jewelry so I wanted to get you some."

She kisses me quickly. She then lays her forehead on mine. I want to stay in this moment forever, but I have to show her the last thing.

"I have one more thing."

I show her the rings.

"I ordered these. This one is yours and this one is mine. Yours fits in this one. They're matching." I smile.

"You're adorable." She says kissing me again.

"Glad you liked them." I say smiling as she puts a few on.

I put on the ring too. I've already decided I'm never taking it off.

"Seth, why did you do this?" She asks.
"Because I love you." I say. She smiles.
"I love you more."

(A.n: ahh I love this chapter sm even though it's just something I randomly did. Sorry for the long wait I'm writing a Halloween story that I'm hoping to have finished and up by Halloween. As always lmk how you think. And thank you so much for all the love and support. I love you all <33

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