17. Part of the Pack

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I'm hanging out with the wolves. We're at the lake. I'm sitting on a log. I'm getting kinda bored.
"I think I'm the fastest one here." Paul says.
"No." Quil says.
"Then who?"
"I don't know but not you."
"Y/n." Seth says. I look at him. They all look at me.
"Are you sure?" Embry says.
"Yeah, she's been in track for years and she's scary fast." Seth says.
"Then let's race." Paul says.
"No but other than her you're still not the fastest." Quil says.
"Why don't we all race against each other?" I say.
"Only if it's one at a time, and do the two winners race each other."
"Sure." Seth says.

"But you guys can't phase. You have to be in your human form." I say. They look at each other.
"Fine." Paul says sarcastically.

Rachel and Kim don't want to race. Jacob and Jared go first, Jacob wins. Quil and Embry go, Embry wins. I go against Embry, I win. Paul and Jacob go, somehow Paul wins. I go against Seth.

"Ready?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say looking forward.
"3,2,1, go!" Paul says. We start running. I'm in front. He starts catching up. I start running faster. I end up winning. He laughs and hugs me.
"I love you." He says. He said it. My heart warms up as butterflies fill me.
"I love you too." I say trying to hide my smile. He kisses me. We walk back to everyone.
"She won." Seth says.
"Okay now it's us." Paul says talking to me.

"Right." I sigh. We stand next to each other.
"3,2,1, go!" Quil yells. We start running. We're tied. I get infront. A vision of Embry and Quil pops into my head, I push it aside. I'm still infront. One of Bella pops into my head. She's so skinny, and pale. She looks really sick. She's pregnant. I freeze causing me to trip. Seth runs over to me and Paul stops. Seth helps me up.
"What's wrong?" Seth asks noticing me staring at nothing. "Y/n?"
"Bella." I sigh.
"Hey, what did you see?" I look into his eyes and tell him. I see Jacob getting pissed.
"How's that even possible?" One of them says.
"Are you sure it's right?" Seth asks.
"I don't know. It's never been wrong. It's shows the past present and future so I don't know." I say. I'm freaking out.
"It's okay. We'll figure it out." He says. I nod.
"What if it's happening now?" I ask him clearly scared.
"We'll figure it out, but she only left two days ago, so if it's real it'll be the future." I nod.

I sit down on the log while the guys are all splashing each other with water. Jacob though is thinking and sitting somewhere else. The guy's girlfriends, Rachel Black and Kim are talking while occasionally yelling something to Paul and Jared. I hear someone sit next to me. It's Leah.
"Hey." I say.
"I've never seen him more put together before." She says.
"Huh?" I ask confused on what she's talking about.
"Seth. He's a little kid, and he acts like it, but when it comes to you he'd battle the greatest vampire family alone, just to keep you safe." I smile.
"I know. He's literally always there for me. If something is wrong he always makes it better. I love him so much." She smiles.
"He loves you too. He won't ever stop talking about you."
"What? He talks about me?" I ask.
"Yeah." She laughs. "If he sees (insert your favorite color) he starts saying "oh look y/n's favorite color" and stuff." I smile. She laughs. "Then he always is telling me what you guys did." She smiles a sad smile. I know it's because of her and Sam. I smile at her.
"Just please don't hurt him. He loves you so much and will do anything for you, please don't ask him to do anything that would hurt him." I grab her hand and look her in the eyes.
"I promise I won't." She smiles.

Seth runs over.
"Hug?" He asks. He's soaked.
"No." Leah says.
"Y/n?" He looks at me. I laugh while shaking my head.
"No." I say.
"Aww come on." He starts chasing me. I start laughing while running. He catches up since I'm not trying. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me up. I start laughing even more. I look up to face him. He kisses my forhead and puts me down. I turn around to face him. I look down at myself. My clothes are kinda wet. I look up at him. He laughs
"Sorry." He says still laughing I laugh too.

Paul and Embry are in their wolf form running around. They run by us and starts shaking the water off. We get drenched. I look down, my shirt is light pink and it's kinda see through. I pull the shirt away so it's not sticking to me. I look at Seth. He looks at me confused. I look down at my shirt which is now sticking to me again. He notices. He immediately looks over to the guys who aren't paying attention to us. He steps infront of me to cover me.
"Do you wanna borrow my hoodie?" He asks. I nod feeling insecure. "Okay come on." He says.

We walk over. He grabs his hoodie and hands it to me. I put it on.
"It's going to get wet." I say.
"It's fine." He says. I shiver softly. He wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck. He holds me tighter and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him tight. I pull my face away and kiss him.

"Come on love birds!" Embry yells.
"Yeah quit making out and come with us!" Jared yells. "Where are we going?" Seth asks. "Emily"s." "Ok coming!" I yell. Seth puts me down. He grabs my hand as we run over to them.

"You still aren't the fastest." Quil tells Paul.
"Y/n would've beaten you." Embry says. "We don't know that." Paul says. "She was having crazy visions, had just raced me, and then she was still way ahead of you." Seth says. I love how much he cares about me. "Fine Ill take being second." Paul says. "Well you're still first in the pack." I say. They all look at me like I'm crazy.
"You are part of the pack." Leah says.
"But I can't phase?"
"Seth imprinted on you, and we like having you around, so that makes you part of the pack." Embry says. I smile.
"It's the same thing with Kim and Rachel." Jared says wrapping his arm around Kim. we all laugh.

We continue talking until we get to Emily's.

-------- Seth

"Ready?" I say, looking over at y/n.
"Yeah." She says.
"3,2,1, go!" Paul says. We start running. She's in front. I try to catch up, she starts running faster and ends up winning. I laugh and hug her.
"I love you." I tell her, right as I say it I freeze up wondering if it was too early.
"I love you too." She says. I kiss her happily. I have felt it forever but I didn't know when it was a good time to finally say it, but I'm so glad she feels it too. We walk back.
"She won." I say.
"Okay now it's us." Paul says to y/n.

They start running. It's tied. Y/n gets infront. She freezes and trips. Something is wrong. I run over to her. I help her stand up.
"What's wrong?" She continues staring at nothing, I know she had a vision, and it must've been bad. "Y/n?"
"Hey, what did you see?" She tells me what she saw. I can hear Jacob getting mad.
"How's that even possible?" Quil asks.
"Are you sure it's right?" I ask wanting to make sure it's 100% real before she starts freaking out.
"I don't know. It's never been wrong. It's shows the past present and future so I don't know." She's freaking out.
"It's okay. We'll figure it out." I say trying to calm her down.
"What if it's happening now?" She says scared.
"We'll figure it out, but she only left two days ago, so if it's real it'll be the future." She nods.

The guys and I are all splashing each other. I'm still worried about Y/n but I don't wanna show it. "Have you told her you love her yet?" Embry asks me. I look over at her, she has the light hitting her perfectly, and making her look like an actual goddess. I look back at him. "Yeah." The guys look at each other.
"Well I'm just gonna say it." Embry says. We all look at him. "You got really lucky."
"I know." I say smiling.
"I hope I get as lucky as you." He says. "You will. There's some lucky girl out there waiting for you to meet her." He smiles.

(A.n: sorry this chapter took a bit longer, my mom took my phone. so rude I know, but me being the smartass I am figured out how to use Wattpad on my school laptop so yeah I'm back. I like this chapter.... let me know what you guys think about having Seth's perspective cause I think its cute but I'll stop them if that's what you guys want.

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