24. Seeing bella again

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We go to the Cullen's. I'm scared, Bella is a vampire now and she isn't herself at the moment.

We go to the door and Edward lets us in. I grab onto Seths hand as we walk in. I see Bella. She has brown eyes but they're not right. Contacts.

Charlie goes and hugs her. I can tell she's fighting the urge to bite him.

I go and sit down next to Charlie while Seth goes with Jacob.
"So umm y/n told me about the whole imprint werewolf thing." Charlie says. Bella looks at me.
"Thats all I said." I whisper knowing she'll be able to hear it. She looks back at Charlie

"Yeah. How do you feel about it?" She asks.
"Well it's strange but it's good." He says.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"Well better than I should." She says hinting. I think. Since she's still a newborn she should not be able to control herself, so she means she can in a way.
"Really? That's good." I say. She smiles.

"Do you turn into a dog too?" He asks. My eyes dart over to where everyone is standing outside in case she loses control.
"No. I don't." Bella says. I look back at Bella.
"Jacob said you had to change, what was the change?"
"Look I wish I could tell you, but I can't. So you're just going to have to trust me on this one." Bella says. Charlie sighs.
"Do you promise to tell me what I need to know?"
"Yes I can do that." Bella says.

"Did you at least know what you were getting into?"
"Yes. This is what I wanted." Bella says. He nods.
"And you knew all along?" He says looking at me.
"Yes I knew. If it wasn't okay you know id stop her." I say. He smiles.

"Can I see reneesme?" I ask Bella.
"Reneesme?" Charlie asks.
"It's our adopted niece." Bella says. Edward walks in holding her.

"Here, watch her head." Edward says placing her in my arms. She is so small and cute. But she was born not even a full week ago and she's already this big.
"Can I?" Charlie says. I pass her to him. He looks at her carefully. A vision of a girl with long curly hair holding Bella's hand. That's reneesme. I smile as I open my eyes.

"She's got your eyes." He says. Bella gives him a look. "Need to know." He says nodding. She nods.

After a bit we start to get ready to go.
"Can you stay?" Bella whispers. I nod.
"I'm going to stay a bit longer dad." I say.
"Okay I'll see you after." He says as he leaves.

I look back at them. I notice Seth steps close to me.
"There's a lot that's happened." Bella says to me. I nod. "I have this weird super self control thing." She says.
"I figured." I say.

Bella smiles.
"Here why don't we talk for a bit?" She says. I nod. She walks to the couch. She walks fast but not like how most vampires run. It was like she was trying to go slow. It was graceful and in a way weird. I follow after. Seth stays close to me.

I sit across from her. We start to talk like how we used to. She asked about school and i told her about it and the weird guy. All the Tammy drama. I would talk to her like how I used to.

"It's getting late I should probably go, but call me soon." I say.
"Okay." She says. I stand up and walk over to where reneesme is. I smile at her. Bella mentioned she was growing fast and her powers. She reaches out and touches my cheek. An image of me and Seth walking in the door pops in my head.
"She's showing you the first memory she has of you." Edward says. I smile.

"Why thank you." I say to her. She smiles.
"She likes you." Edward says. I grab onto her hand and say goodbye to everyone.

Seth and I leave and start walking back to my house.

I start thinking.

Bella is now different. I can't even be with her without her wanting to suck my blood. She's my sister, and I need her.

What if- no I can't. But what if-?

"Seth?" I asks.
"Yeah?" He says looking at me.
"Okay so I was thinking, what if I became a vampire too?" I say. He gives me a look.

"Why?" He asks.
"Well it's just that Bella is a vampire now and it'll be years until I can be around her without her wanting to kill me. And after that I'll end up out aging her until I just die and she'll always be here." I say.
"Y/n." He starts to say.
"Before you say anything, I wouldn't do it without you being okay with it. Because it'll effect you too. You'll end up living for eternity too."
"Look I would love to live for eternity with you, but we are only 15 and we still have so much to live for. We could have kids, we could grow old with each other. And what about the fact that you being a vampire doesn't go well with us being werewolves." He says.

I look down knowing he's got a point.
"Okay it was just a thought." I say.
"Just give it more thought and a few years and we can figure it out then." He says. I smile. He hugs me tightly.

We get back to my house. I pit in my stomach starts to grow.
"Can you come back later through the window?" I whisper before I walk in. "I have a bad feeling."
"Yeah I'll be here." He says looking around quickly. He kisses the top of my head and starts to leave.

I look at the door and walk in.

(A.n: heyy so sorry for not updating in a bit I was at the beach and I just got back so I have time now. Anyways hope you enjoy

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