3. Jacob

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While I'm with Bella one day, she stops at the junkyard.
"What are we doing?" I ask.
"Want a bike too?" She asks.
"A bike? Since when are you into bikes?" I ask.
"Since now, I'm getting one for me and Jacob."
"You're friends with Jacob?"
"Well, actually I want to get closer with him, and he knows how to fix these."
"Okay, I want one too." I say.

We walk over and grab three bikes. I help her pick them up and put them in her trunk.
"What if Charlie finds out?"
"He won't."

We drive to Jacob's house.
"Bella? Y/n?" A voice says. It's Jacob. He comes over and hugs us. "What are you doing over here?" He asks.
"We have motorcycles." I say. Bella shows him.
"Scrap metal?"
"No, actually we were hoping you would help fix them with us." Bella says.
"Okay, sure."

He walks over to them.
"Oh watch out, they're really heavy." Bella says. He picks them up like they're nothing.
"Okay well, that's one way to show off." I mutter. He laughs.
"Woah, Jacob you're like really buff. And you're only 16 what the heck?" Bella says.
"W'll age is just a number, how old are you like... 40?" He asks. I laugh.
"It feels like that sometimes." She says.
"And what about you Y/n? Aren't you like 10?" He says.
"Oh please, I'm more mature than you are." I say. He laughs.

We go inside his garage.
"I'm going to be coming here everyday, until it's ready if that's okay with you." Bella says.
"Yeah, that's fine." Jacob says.
"Well, I'm probably not going to come everyday but I'll come most days." I say.
"Whys that, you don't like me?" Jacob jokes.
"No it's just-."
"She's got lots of friends." Bella says. He laughs.

"Well I'm coming everyday, so we should fit homework in so Billy doesn't think I'm a bad influence on you." Bella says.
"A bad influence, please." He says chuckling.


We're laughing, when two guys come in.
"Oh these are my friends, Quil and Embry." Jacob says. The guys walk over.
"Oh so the thing about the bikes was true." One of them says.
"And the Bella being your girlfriend." The other says.
"Girlfriend?" I say look over at Jacob.
"No, I said that she was a friend and a girl." Jacob says.
"Do you remember him saying that?"
"Me either."
"So you two have girlfriends, cool." I say. They all laugh.
Jacob and Quil start fighting.
"Oh yeah hit him. Oh no, not that." I say laughing.


I can tell that Jacob had been making Bella feel alive again, but she still has the bad dreams, and the pain Edward left was there too.


The bikes are fixed, and we're about to ride them for the first time.
"What would you say if I couldn't fix the bikes?" Jacob says.
"Why, you questioning your skills?" I ask.
"No, but I'm just saying."
"Well I would say, too bad, and find something else to do." Bella says.

I look out the window, and see a group of guys fighting at the side of a cliff. One guy pushes him off. My heart drops. Bella stops the car, and runs to the side of the road.
"They're just joking, they're going cliff diving. It's said to be a huge rush." Jacob says.
"A rush?" Bella says.
"Yeah, but most people would do it lower, but they have to show off."
"So you have some beef with him or something?" Bella says.
"Well they're like this group, and Embry left us to join him."
"Damn." I say.
"He misses school for a few days, then he's hanging out with him. Then Sams always giving me a look like he's waiting for me or something. It's starting to creep me out."
"Just ignore him." Bella says.
"I try."
"You could just fight him." I put out. They laugh.
"Why does everything always result in violence with you?" Bella ask.
"I don't even know."

We drive a bit more until we stop.
"Okay, who's going first?" He asks.
"I kinda may know how to ride a bit." I say since my friends had taught me to ride.
"Okay, let me see." I get on and ride. "It's not your first time is it?" He says.
"No." I sigh. Does he even listen to what I say?

He goes over to Bella, and starts to show her how. Bella then goes on and starts going. She looses control and flies off, she hits her head on a rock.
"Oh god." I say. Jacob and I get on a bike, and ride to her.

Her head is bleeding.
"Let me go again." Bella says.
"No. We're going home." I say.
Jacob takes off his shirt, and gives it to Bella.
"I'm fine." Bella says.
"You're bleeding."
"Oh sorry."
"Sorry for bleeding? It's just blood you're fine." Jacob says.

We get to his house and drop the bikes off, before going home.

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