10. Their Training

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I decided I wanted to go and watch them train, partly because Seth was going to be there....... but also so I could learn. Edward takes Bella and me there. The rest of the Cullens are there.
"They'll be here soon." Carlisle says. I hear footsteps. We all turn to the trees. It's them, they're in their wolf forms.
"They don't trust us." Edward says.
"At least they came." Carlisle says. I look at the wolves, until my eyes meet with his. I can tell it's Seth, I don't know how but I just can. I smile at him.

"Edward, can you translate?" Carlisle asks.
"Yeah, sure." Edward says.
"Well firstly, I would like to thank you for coming. I know it's a risk, but thank you for taking it. Jasper has experience fighting with newborns."
"They wonder how they differ from us." Edward says.
"They are a great deal stronger than us, since their own human blood remains in their tissue. Our kind is never more physically stronger than in our fist few months of changing." Carlisle says.
"Carlisle is right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could survive against them. The two most important things to remember are, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly, and second never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that, and you will lose." Jasper says. I can't imagine how hard it would be to kill them.

Emmett goes first.
"Don't hold back." Jasper says.
"Not in my nature." He says getting ready to attack. Emmett goes running at him in full speed. Jasper is just pushed back, then Emmett picks him up and throws him. Jasper falls but stands up. They run at each other, then Emmett is on the ground, and Jasper is standing over him.
"Never lose focus." Jasper says.

Then Edward goes against Carlisle. I'm pretty sure Edward will win since he can read thoughts. They run at each other. Carlisle ducks under Edward. They get up and start fighting. I look over to the wolves who are watching them. Edward pushes Carlisle down, and gets up towards Jasper.
"One more thing," Jasper says. Carlisle gets up and pushes Edward down. "Never turn your back on your enemy."

Then it's Rosalie and Jasper. She's a little overconfident, but then Jasper makes her fall.

Then it's Jasper and Alice. Again I believe Alice has a better chance since she can see the future. She dodges all of his moves easily. She then does what looks like flying since it's so fast to his other side. She continues to dodge him, until he grabs her. He goes in to kiss her, but she jumps into the tree, then falls onto his back. Then they kiss.

Jacob walks over to Bella. And then surprisingly Seth walks over to me. I look at him and smile.
"Hey." I say. He looks at me. "It's strange to think that these things are coming to kill Bella. But I think I know who's in charge." I say. He looks at me and moves his head as if saying to continue. "Victoria. I mean, it makes sense. Edward killed her mate, James, so she wants nothing more than to kill Bella. Bella doesn't have any other problems with vampires for them to change a whole coven just to kill her."

I sigh. "It's kinda scary actually, to know that you guys will be fighting while Bella and I sit and do nothing, it makes us feel useless, I guess." He nudges me, and I pet him. "I actually think Bella's going to ask Edward to stay with her, or let her go. And knowing Bella she'll probably want me with them, so I'm "protected"." I say. I close my eyes for a second, while another vision pops into my head, it's Bella, Jacob, Edward, Seth, and I in a tent on a mountain, we're freezing. Jacob is hugging Bella, and Seth is hugging me. I open my eyes. My eyes quickly dart to Alice, but I notice that Edward is looking at me confused. I look back at Seth who nudges me concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just thought of something." I say. The wolves start to leave, and I quickly hug Seth. "Bye Seth." I say. He runs back with the tribe.

I run over to Bella.
"Jasper, are you sure there's nothing I can do?" Bella asks.
"Well, your scent alone, will drive them crazy." He says.
"So then Bella and I should probably walk around before to confuse them?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
"Y/n, no, that's dangerous."
"So is dating a vampire." I say reminding her.
"And you don't think dating a werewolf isn't?" She says.
"First off, Seth and I aren't dating-."
"Yet." She says cutting me off.
"I- whatever. Jasper, I was wondering, how do you know about the newborns?"

"I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings. He takes off his jacket and we can see his bite marks on his arms.
"Those bites are like mine." Bella says.
"Battle scars." He says. "All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns. Still I never lost a fight." He starts to walk away, Bella and I hurry up to catch up with him.
"This happened during the civil war?" I ask.
"I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary, all without having seen any real battle."
"Until?" I ask.
"Till I met a certain immortal. Maria. I was riding back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children when I saw them. I immediately offered them my aid." He says. I try to picture what he's saying.

"Maria was creating an army?" I ask, understanding.
"They were very common in the south. There were constant brutal battles for territory. Maria won them all. She was smart, careful, and she had me. I was her second in command. My ability to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns, an endless occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt. I thought what Maria and I had was love. But I was a puppet. She pulled the strings. I didn't know there was another way till I found Alice. Now, she'd seen me coming, of course." He says.
"You kept me waiting long enough." Alice says walking over to him. Jasper scoffs.
"My apologies, ma'am. I don't know what I'd have become without her." Alice shushes him.
"You never have to be that again." She says. They kiss. Bella and I look at each other awkwardly.

We get home and I go over to Bella.
"Bella, the one who's in charge, it's Victoria." I say.
"What?" She asks.
"It makes sense, she wants to kill you, so she's doing it in the shadows."
"That makes sense." She says.

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