20. Second Pack

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I'm talking with Bella. A vision enters my mind, its me holding a baby. The baby has Bella's eyes and is beautiful. I can't tell if it's a Edward Jacob or Reneesme. I return to reality smiling.
"What did you see?" She asks.
"The baby." I say.

-------- seth
Jacob tells us about Bella being pregnant. Y/n had already told me, and i didn't see the bad in it, sure Bella might die, but so can any women during pregnancy.
"We have to destroy it before it's born" Sam thinks. There's only one way...
"You mean killing Bella?" I think.
"Her choice effects us all."
"Bella's human. Our protection applies to her." Jacob thinks.
"She's dying anyway!" Leah thinks. Jacob and her start fighting.

Sam growls and makes them stop. I back away in fear.
"We have real enemies to fight tonight." Sam thinks. Tonight.....
"Tonight?" Jacob thinks. I whimper standing by Jacob. I can't do this to Bella or y/n. Sam starts walking towards us.
"You will fight with us, Jake." He thinks. I back up scared. Jacob stays put. He makes Jacob bow down. I'm scared.

Jacob starts to stand up.
"I will not!" He thinks. Did he just break it? "I am the grandson of Ephraim Black! I am the grandson of a chief! I wasn't born to follow you or anyone else!" Jacob thinks. He runs off. I want to follow him.

It's not right. I'm not going to do this to Bella. I'm not going to hurt y/n. I promised it. I run after him leaving the pack. All of their thoughts leave my mind.

I catch up to him and he's at the Cullen's.

———— y/n
Edward walks out with the rest of the vampires. Being curious I follow. Jacob and Seth are there. I smile at him softly and he returns the smile. They tell us about their plan to kill Bella. Chills rush down my spine. I thought they wouldn't do that.

They end up staying guard and I stay with them.
"How is she?" Seth asks me talking about Bella.
"Well, I don't know. Define bad and define good." I say. Seth hugs me tightly.
"It'll be fine." He says.

Leah walks over.
"Go home Leah." Seth says.
"Look neither Seth or I want you here go back to the pack." Jacob says. Wow they're so rude for what?
"Don't you get it? I left and it's not like I want to be here either. Just wanna be there less." It hits me, Sam. I feel bad for her. They seem to understand and don't kick her out.

They tell her the plan which I don't pay attention to.

They stay there and guard. The next day Esme walks out and gives them sandwiches. Seth takes it happily, Jacob takes it gratefully, and Leah completely refuses. Esme walks back in. I walk over and grab the sandwich.
"I'll take it to her." I say.
"Thank you." She says smiling. I nod.

I walk out. Seth jogs over to me smiling. I smile at him.
"Hey Seth." I say.
"This sandwich it good." He says with his mouth full. I smile and laugh.
"Give me a second okay?" I say. He nods still chewing.

I run over to Leah.
"Please eat it." I say. She looks at it and looks away. "It'll be a waste if you don't."
"You eat it." She says.
"I already ate." I lie. I've been too preoccupied with trying to save Bella. She looks at me for a moment.
"I'll eat it." She says grabbing it. "But you eat too." She says knowing I lied. I go to speak. "I won't tell Seth, just make sure you get something." She says. I smile.
"I will." I say. She smiles back.

She looks down for a moment. She then hugs me, I hug her back confused.
"Thank you." She says.
"For?" I ask her.
"For what you've done for Seth. He cares so much for you and I know you care for him too. And he told me about when you found him crying. Thank you." She says. I smile softly.
"I love him that's why I did it." She smiles.

I start walking back. I feel strong yet gentle hands wrap around my waist. I know it's Seth. I turn and look at him. I hug him tightly.
"Are you going back inside?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say turning my head slightly.
"Stay." He says. I smile.
"I can't Seth. Bella. You can come in though." I say. He looks over at Jacob. He nods slowly. Seth looks at me smiling. We walk inside.

I walk over to Bella.
"Hey Seth." She says.
"Hey. How are you?" He asks.
"As well as I look." She says. I feel really bad. I want her to keep the baby, sure, but still. He gives her a sad smile.

After a bit Jacob walks in too. He sits with us. Leah stayed outside cause she can't stand the smell of the vampires.

A vision appears. It's a child. A girl with long bouncy curly hair. Soft skin with light freckles. Bella's eyes. She's in my arms. I open my eyes.
"Reneesme." I say.
"Wait it's a girl?" Bella says.
"Yeah." I say excitedly.
"Was Bella in it?" Edward asks. We all go quiet. I shake my head.
"She was in my arms so I don't know." I say. They all nod. I see the insanity in Edward's eyes.

Carlisle does some scans and he tells us her ribs are broken. I squeeze Seths hand scared. He squeezes my hand twice. We know it's killing her from the inside out. Alice storms off.

We all go kinda quiet. I start thinking. It's part of Edward so, maybe we need to have Bella have blood.

"Jacob had a great idea." Edward says.
"Guys. Blood." I say speaking over him. He looks at me for a moment.
"That's what he was thinking." Edward says.
"Not really it was more of a snarky comment." Jacob says leaning back.
"Of?" Emmett asks.
"Soon it'll be sucking blood like you leaches." He says laughing slightly. I sigh having lost my patience with him.

Carlisle gets some extra blood from the hospital. Edward puts it into a cup. She tries it, and likes it. Chills run through me. She's changing so fast. When she's changed, what will stop her from wanting my blood? I get chills again.
"You cold?" Seth whispers to me. "You have goosebumps." He says. I look at my arms and they're covered in goosebumps.
"Just chills." I say. He sort of understands.

Bella already looks better and she calls dad and tells him some lie about her going to some doctor in Switzerland.

I go to where I'm sleeping and notice I'm running out of clothes. I start to walk down. I see Edward and Bella laughing and talking about Reneesme. It warms my heart.

I walk outside. The three of them are out there.
"I'm going home to grab a few things." I say. They nod. I grab my motorcycle which is still there and get on it. I ride off home.

I get there and Charlie's home.
"Hey dad." I say.
"Hello." He says stressed about Bella.
"I'm just getting more clothes and I'm staying there still." I say taking about the friend's house I'm at. He nods. I run to my room and throw more things into my bag.

I walk back downstairs.
"I'm leaving dad." I say.
"Wait." He says. I stop and turn to look at him. "Just be careful and safe. I don't want any grandchildren or anything." My eyes go wide.
"I- dad Seth and I aren't doing anything. And just so you know we're 15 and not ready for kids. There will be none from me in a while." I say. He sighs. I say bye and leave.

I ride back to the Cullen's.

That night lm laying in the bed unable to sleep. There's a soft knock at the door. I don't sit up.
"Come in." I say. Seth opens the door. "Hey." I say smiling.
"Hey. Edward said you couldn't sleep." He says. I chuckle.
"Him and his mind reading." I say. "Well come on. You're here now." I say.

He smiles and starts walking over. He climbs in next to me. I cuddle up to his chest feeling immediately warm and safe. He wraps his arms around me kissing the top of my head. I just stay there until I fall asleep.

(A.n: sorry for the long update I'm writing so many different stories and it's hard to keep up with all, but I promise I'm trying. Also if you'd like check out my other ones cause more twilight ones are already in the process of being written. Anyways what do you think??

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