12. The Sunset

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Seth lays me down on the couch carefully.
"Seth I'm fine." I say.
"No let me deal with it." He says not really listening to me. He runs over to the kitchen. He comes back holding crackers, juice, water, chips, cookies, and chocolate.
"How much of that are you eating?" Sam asks jokingly. I laugh.
"Really Seth I'm fine." I stand up, but almost immediately I feel all my blood rush and like I'm about to pass out.
"Woah." Seth says laying me back down. "You got really pale."
"Oh no I'm becoming a vampire." I say joking around. He smiles.

He sits down next to me. I move over so my head is laying on his shoulder. I reach down and grab the crackers.
"You should check on Jacob." I tell him.
"Yeah, but will you be okay?"
"Seth, I get it you're supposed to protect me and stuff but yes I'll be okay go check on him." He smiles. He gets up and goes into Jacobs room.

He comes back a few minutes later and sits back down next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder again.
"How is he?" I ask him. He look at me and I can see the worry in his eyes. I sit up straighter and look at him.
"He's doing pretty bad. Like he's in a lot of pain." He says. I look over to Jacob's door. I can't see inside but I can hear his grunts of pain. I look over at Seth and he's looking at the door too. Seth wants to be there with him but he's here with me. He is taking care of me. I can't help but smile as I lay my head on his shoulder again while eating cookies.

He sighs as he relaxes and sits back. He reaches down and grabs a cookie.
"I'm sure Carlisle will come soon." I say. He nods.

A few minutes later Carlisle comes rushing in. He looks at us and he takes a moment to look at me.
"Okay good you've got your color back." He tells me. He then rushes into Jacob's room.

Nobody really knows what's happening since the only people in the room are Carlisle, Jacob, and billy. We can hear that he's in pain. He starts screaming and yelling from the pain. A few of the guys around us decided they couldn't take hearing it and walked outside.
"Hey wanna go outside?" Seth asks me.
"Yeah." I say almost thankful.

We walk outside. We can still hear his yells but they're much quieter. Seth looks at the door then turns around and starts walking to the side. I follow after him.
"Where are we going?" I ask him.
"Just for a bit of a walk." He says smiling. I lace my fingers between his. We walk in silence both enjoying the presence of the other. I look at the scenery. The sun was going down, leaving pinks and purples in the sky. I look over at Seth who's looking out into the sunset. I admire his features. His eyes and hair both dark. He looks over at me with a smile. His smile is the cutest thing ever. I smile at him back.

We sit down in a field of grass. He rubs this thumb on my hand. I move closer to him. He puts an arm around my shoulder. I don't think I could feel any safer. We sit there together both happy and at peace.
"It's really pretty." Seth says.
"I know. I love watching the sunset." I say.

I look over at him and he looks over at me. Our eyes lock. We start leaning in, until the space between us is nothing. I move my hands up to cup his face, as one of his hands is in my hair while the other is at the small of my back. His lips are soft and delicate. They move with ease. We pull away. Both of us now blushing like crazy.
"Wow." I say mostly to myself.
"I've been wanting to kiss you for a while." Seth says looking at his hands.
"Really?" I ask blushing.
"Yeah but I wanted to wait because I didn't want you to feel pressured from being my imprint. Like I wanted you to fall for me not the thought of us being soulmates or whatever." He says, still not looking up. I grab his hands making him look up at me.
"Seth I did fall for you. You're sweet caring personality, your amazing hugs, your adorable smile, and the safety I feel when I'm near you." He smiles.
And I do too.

The sound of a car ruins the moment. It's Bella. We run over. She gets out of the car and goes inside to check up on Jacob, who's still yelling.

(A.n.: wow ok this story is getting more views than I expected. Thank you so much I really appreciate the time you guys take to read and comment! I'm sorry if I ever take to long to update, I'm writing a bunch of other stories and am pretty busy, but I'll try to update every few days. Just remind me

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