38. Forever

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The next day, Seth and I go to the Cullen's as promised.

We all sit together while we talk.

"What did you want to tell me again?" I ask Carlisle.
"Okay so I was thinking. You know how Jacob is now going to be immortal because of Renesme?" He says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Well Seth's a part of of Jacob's pack, since the pack stays together that would mean Seth is immortal too."
"Oh my god." I say looking at Seth.
"That makes sense." Seth says.
"Well Y/n since you're his imprint you'd be importal too." He says.
"Oh my god." Bella says.
"So that means we'll be alive forever." I say mostly to myself while looking at Seth. He smiles and nods.

"I've thought about it for some time now." Carlisle says.
"Thank you." I say to him. He smiles and nods.

After a bit I find myself talking to Bella alone.
"And to think this all happened because dad made me come with on your birthday." I say.
"Yeah." She laughs. "Do you remember how you said, that I should've dated a werewolf because they were less danger?" She says.
"Yes, but if only we knew." I say laughing.

"I'm happy we can live forever together." She says.
"I am too Bells. I am too." I say taking her hand softly.

We stay a while, before deciding to leave.

"What should we do today?" I ask now sitting in the car.
"Let's go to the beach." He says.
"It's still too cold to swim Seth." I say.
"I know but it'll still be fun to just walk around." He says turning to smile at me.

"Okay let's go then." I say.
"Why don't we stop to get some coffee first?" He asks.
"Yes." I say excitedly.

He laughs as he pulls in the parking lot of our local coffee shop.
"Iced?" He asks. I nod.

He walks inside while I stay in the car.

I admire my rings as I wait for him to come back.

He taps on the window. I smile as he gets in.

"One iced coffee for you." He says handing it to me.
"Why thank you." I say.

We both sip our coffee carefully as he continues to drive to the beach.

We pull into the parking lot and walk out.

We walk to the sand.

The sand is wet from the water.

I hold my coffee in one hand and Seth's hand in the other.

We walk to the log and take a seat.

"Y/n." He says.
"Yes?" I ask looking away from the crashing waves to look at him.
"I am incredibly in love with you." He says looking at me.
"I love you so much." I say closing the air between us.

I lay my head on his shoulder turning back to the waves. I notice the sky was now a beautiful mix of pinks and purples.

"Seth?" I say.
"There's no one I'd rather spend the rest of eternity with, other than you." I say.

He smiles tucking a stand of hair behind my ear.
"To forever." He says.
"To forever." I repeat laying my head back on his shoulder.

Everything was finally right. I would be spending the rest of forever with my soulmate. I am able to be with Bella forever. I get to be in Renesme's life forever. It's all perfect.

To forever.

(A.n: okay wow, i'm definetly not crying right now. I can't believe its over. thank you all so much for all the love and support i've been lucky enough to recieve on this story. i love you all so much!!!

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