14. Summer Fair

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I decide to tell Bailey what happened.
"I'm so sorry, she shouldn't have made you choose." She says.
"It's fine at least I now know how bitchy she is."
"Yeah true." We both laugh.
"You haven't met Seth yet have you?"
"No, but oh my god we have to go on a double date. It would be so much fun!" She says grabbing my arms excitedly.
"Yes! We have to plan it soon."
"How about this Thursday? The summer fair is supposed to open tomorrow."
"I'm free then but I still have to check with Seth."
"I still have to ask John if he's free too. We should call them now."
"Okay." I say pulling out my phone. I walk into another room and call him.

He picks up almost immediately.
"Hey." He says, and I can hear the smile through the screen.
"Hey so Bailey and I want to have a double date with you and her boyfriend John."
"That sounds great, when?"
"Well we were thinking Thursday and at the summer fair."
"Okay yeah I'm all free unless some wolfy thing happens."
"Yeah I know but hopefully nothing will."
"Let's just hope. But yeah Thursday sounds good what time?"
"Uh give me a second." I move the phone away from me. "Bailey what time?" I yell to Bailey.
"Okay." I bring the phone back. "Noon." I say. He chuckles quietly.
"Okay, are we meeting up there or what's going on?"
"I don't know but I'll tell you the details later."
"Okay. I have to go Leahs yelling for me but I'll call you later."
"Okay bye." He hangs up.

———— time skip to Thursday

There's a knock at the door.
"Y/n Seth's here!" Bella yells.
"Okay coming!" I grab my bag and run down.
"Have fun." Bella says.
"I will." I say walking out.

I hug Seth.
"Hey." I say smiling.
"Missed me?" Seth says jokingly. I smile and roll my eyes.
"Come on lover boy." I say joking back. He smiles at me. I grab his hand as we start walking.
"So we're meeting them there?" He asks me.

We continue walking until we get there. There's a bunch of people.
"Y/n!" I hear. I look around.
"Over there." Seth says. I look over in the direction he's looking and sure enough were Bailey and John. We run up to each other.
"Have you guys been waiting long?" John asks us.
"No we just got here." I say.
"Us too." Bailey says.
"Come on." Seth says walking towards the ticket place. We catch up.

"I'll pay for my own ticket." I say.
"No are you sure?" Seth says.
"Yeah it's fine."
"Then I'll pay for mine too." Bailey says. I throw her a thankful look. We all get a wristband that lets us go on as many rides as we want for the day.

"Where do we go first?" I ask.
"Ferris wheel." Bailey says excitedly.
"Yeah I'm down with that." John says. I look over at Seth and he nods while shrugging. (That doesn't make sense.)

We make our way to the Ferris wheel. I sit next to Seth, Bailey sits in front of me, and John sits next to her. Seth grabs on to my hand as wait for others to sit down. It start moving and stoping every once in a while. We stop at the tippy top. I get on my knees to see better.
"Woah." I say peering over the side.
"Is this a good time to mention I'm afraid of heights?" John says.
"You literally said you were down for coming on this." I say.
"I know but I didn't want to seem weak." He says. Bailey grabs his hand.
"It's okay you should've just told us."
"I know I'm sorry."
"It's okay baby." They kiss and seth and I look away awkwardly. After a few seconds they're still kissing. I cough. They pull away. They're both blushing.
"That wasn't awkward at all." I say.
"Not even a little bit." Seth says. We all start laughing.
"Will you be alright?" Seth asks him.
"Yeah the fear isn't that bad just when we just stand up here's it's kinda scary."
"Trust me there are a lot of scarier things." I say.
"Like what?" He asks. My eyes dart to Seth.
"I- Uh well like paranormal things or things that aren't human." I say trying to not give away the whole vampire werewolf thing.
"Those things aren't real." Bailey says. Seth and I share a look.
"You never know." I say.
"They might be lurking around." Seth says. We look at each other again.
"You two have gone crazy haven't you?" John asks.
"As if." I say. We all laugh.

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