33. Dream Visions

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Seth gets me home and I quickly run upstairs into my room. I can't tell if it's the same or not.
"Does anything look different to you?" I ask him.
"I don't know." He says honestly.

I sigh sitting down on my bed.
"I've had a weird feeling all day. Something is watching us." I say.
"But what?" He asks.
"I don't know. I haven't gotten any weird visions."

"Okay look, just go get ready and relax and I'll make food and we can just stay here and go to sleep. Okay?" Seth says.
"Yeah okay." I say.

I grab a pair of clean clothes which consist of his hoodie and a pair of my shorts. I get into the shower.

I get out and I can smell food. I walk downstairs and Seth is serving food. (Whatever you want idc)

"Here you go." He says. I smile.

"Do you mind explaining why I have a half naked guy making food in my kitchen?" Dad says walking in. I laugh.
"We were swimming." I say.
"Did he lose his shirt?" Dad asks jokingly.
"No but mine went missing." I say.
"What?" He asks. I explain what happened.

"That's really weird, if you want I can go look into it." Dad says.
"There's really no need." I say.
"At least have Seth stay over." Dad says.
"Okay." I say.
"Though I'd much rather he puts a shirt on."
"On it." Seth says.

We bring our food upstairs and he throws a hoodie on.

We eat and talk.

When we finish eating he goes and takes a shower. I just lay in bed on my phone.

I hear a noise outside.
"I'm just being paranoid." I whisper to myself.

I hear it again and this time I get up and go to my window. It's dark out. I don't see anything.
"Y/n?" I hear Seth ask.

"Huh?" I say.
"What are you looking at?" He asks.
"I heard something." I say.

"I know you're worried but it's okay come here." He says. I walk over next to him and lay my head on his chest. He puts his arms around me.

Not long after I fall asleep.

I'm walking. I walk up to my house. I'm standing under my window.
"We need to get in." I hear a voice from behind me say.
"Soon." I say in a deep voice that isn't mine.
"How soon?" They ask.
"Any moment now." I say.

I jolt up in bed. Seth sits up too.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks in a groggy voice.

"I got a vision. Someone's coming here, for me." I say.
"What?" He says standing up instantly. "Don't move." He says running to the window.

He looks out.
"Do you see anything?" I ask still sitting on the bed.

I'm scared.

"I'm going to look outside." A pit grows in my stomach.
"Don't leave me here." I say.
"But I need to look."
"If you leave they'll get in." I say scared to be left alone.

"Okay why don't we go get the Cullens?" He says. I nod.

He quickly walks me downstairs and to his car.

He starts driving to their house. I'm looking for someone. Anything. It's too dark to see much.

We get there and we knock. Carlisle opens the door and lets us in. Everyone is talking.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bella asks.
"I got a vision that someone was coming to get me." I say.

"Are you sure it was present time?" Edward asks.
"Would I be here if I wasn't?" I say.

Him and Alice share a look.
"What?" Seth asks noticing.
"I can't see who but someone's following you." Alice says.

————Seths pov
We get to her house. She takes off to her room.
"Does anything look different to you?" She asks looking around frantically.
"I don't know." I really don't.

She sits down.
"I've had a weird feeling all day. Something is watching us."
"But what?" I say. I haven't sensed anything.
"I don't know. I haven't gotten any weird visions."

"Okay look, just go get ready and relax and I'll make food and we can just stay here and go to sleep. Okay?"
"Yeah okay."

She grabs some of my clothes from my drawer in her dresser and goes to shower.

I go downstairs and start to cook.

I start serving when I hear her walk down.

"Here you go." I say giving it to her.

"Do you mind explaining why I have a half naked guy making food in my kitchen?" Charlie says. I look down forgetting I took my shirt off.

"We were swimming."
"Did he lose his shirt?" Charlie asks.
"No but mine went missing." She says.
"What?" He asks confused. She tells him the story.
"That's really weird, if you want I can go look into it." He says.
"There's really no need." She says. I agree.
"At least have Seth stay over." He says. I love when he says that.

"Though I'd much rather he puts a shirt on."
"On it." I say.

We bring the food upstairs and I throw my hoodie on.

When I finish eating I shower.

I get out and see y/n staring out the window.

"Y/n?" I ask
"Huh?" She says
"What are you looking at?"
"I heard something."

"I know you're worried but it's okay come here." She walks over to me and I just hold her.

We both fall asleep.

She jumps up walking me up. I sit up worried.
"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I got a vision. Someone's coming here, for me."
"What? Don't move." I run to the window. I don't see anything. It's dark out. I also don't smell anything weird.

"Do you see anything?"

"I'm going to look outside." I say.
"Don't leave me here."
"But I need to look."
"If you leave they'll get in."

I think.
"Okay why don't we go get the Cullens?" They can help.

We get to the car and I drive. I can tell she's freaking out.

Carlisle let's us in.

I see Jacob. It's been a little bit since I've seen him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bella asks.
"I got a vision that someone was coming to get me."

"Are you sure it was present time?" Edward asks.
"Would I be here if I wasn't?" She says.

I see Alice look over at him. They know something.
"What?" I ask concerned.
"I can't see who but someone's following you." Alice says.

I look over at y/n. I can tell that her heart just dropped. I'm freaking out.

A/n: I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've just been really busy but I'll be updating regularly again

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